Adams, Richelle and Blair, Erik ORCID:
Impact of time management behaviors on undergraduate engineering students’ performance.
SAGE Open, 9 (1).
pp. 1-11.
ISSN 2158-2440
Adams, Richelle and Blair, Erik ORCID:
The learner-generated podcast: engaging postgraduate engineering students in a mathematics-intensive course.
Research in Post-Compulsory Education, 19 (2).
pp. 132-146.
ISSN 1359-6748
Alseid, Marwan and Rigas, Dimitrios (2010) Three different modes of avatars as virtual lecturers in e-learning interfaces: a comparative usability study. The Open Virtual Reality Journal, 2 (1). pp. 8-17. ISSN 1875-323X
Amusa, Lateef B., Bengesai, Annah V. and Khan, Hafiz T.A. ORCID:
Childhood stunting and subsequent educational outcomes: a marginal structural model analysis from a South African longitudinal study.
Public Health Nutrition, 25 (11).
pp. 3016-3024.
ISSN 1368-9800
Anwar, Aamir, Rehman, Ikram ORCID:, Nasralla, M.M., Bin Althaf Khattak, S. and Khilji, Nasrullah
Emotions Matter: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of the Detection and Classification of Students’ Emotions in STEM during Online Learning.
Education Sciences, 13 (9).
ISSN 2227-7102
Aylesworth-Spink, Shelley (2016) Taking the lead from students. New Vistas, 2 (2). pp. 12-15. ISSN 2056-9688
Barnes, Fiona, Cole, Sue and Nix, Ingrid ORCID:
Supporting and enabling scholarship: developing and sharing
expertise in online learning and teaching.
Journal of Perspectives in Applied Academic Practice, 6 (1).
pp. 66-74.
ISSN 2051-9788
Benson, Vladlena ORCID:
Perceptions of trust and experience: potential barriers to web 2.0-based learning.
International Journal of Knowledge and Learning, 4 (5).
pp. 427-437.
ISSN 1741-1009
Benson, Vladlena ORCID:
Unlocking the potential of wireless learning.
Learning and Teaching in Higher Education, 2.
pp. 42-56.
ISSN 1742-240X
Benson, Vladlena ORCID: and Anderson, Deborah
Towards a strategic approach to the introduction of blended learning: challenges faced and lessons learned.
British Journal Of Educational Technology, 41 (6).
ISSN 0007-1013
Benson, Vladlena ORCID:, Anderson, Deborah and Ooms, Ann
Educator's perceptions, attitudes and practices: blended learning in business and management education.
Research in Learning Technology, 19 (2).
pp. 143-154.
ISSN 2156-7069
Benson, Vladlena ORCID: and Filippaios, Fragkiskos
Collaborative competencies in professional social networking: are students short changed by curriculum in business education?
Computers in Human Behavior, 51 (B).
pp. 1331-1339.
ISSN 0747-5632
Benson, Vladlena ORCID:, Filippaios, Fragkiskos and Morgan, Stephanie
Online social networks: changing the face of business education and career planning.
International Journal of e-Business Management, 4 (1).
pp. 20-33.
Benson, Vladlena ORCID: and Kolsaker, Alsa
Instructor approaches to blended learning: a tale of two business schools.
The International Journal of Management Education, 13 (3).
pp. 316-325.
ISSN 1472-8117
Benson, Vladlena ORCID: and Morgan, Stephanie
Social university challenge: constructing pragmatic graduate competencies for social networking.
British Journal Of Educational Technology, 47 (3).
pp. 465-473.
ISSN 0007-1013
Benson, Vladlena ORCID: and Morgan, Stephanie
Student experience and ubiquitous learning in higher education: impact of wireless and cloud applications.
Creative Education, 4 (8a).
pp. 1-5.
ISSN 2151-4755
Benson, Vladlena ORCID:, Morgan, Stephanie and Filippaios, Fragkiskos
Social career management: social media and employability skills gap.
Computers in Human Behavior, 30.
pp. 519-525.
ISSN 0747-5632
Benson, Vladlena ORCID:, Morgan, Stephanie and Tennakoon, Hemamali
A framework for knowledge management in higher education using social networking.
International Journal of Knowledge Society Research, 3 (2).
pp. 44-54.
ISSN 1947-8429
Benson, Vladlena ORCID:, Saridakis, George and Tennakoon, Hemamali
Purpose of social networking use and victimisation: are there any differences between university students and those not in HE?
Computers in Human Behavior, 51 (B).
pp. 867-872.
ISSN 0747-5632
Best, Wendy, Hughes, Lucy Mari, Masterson, Jackie, Thomas, Michael, Fedor, Anna, Roncoli, Silvia, Fern Pollak, Liory, Shepherd, Donna-Lynn, Howard, David, Shobbrook, Kate and Kapikian, Anna (2018) Intervention for children with word-finding difficulties: a parallel group randomised control trial. International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 20 (7). pp. 708-719. ISSN 1754-9507
Bhattacharyya, Gargi and Murji, Karim ORCID:
Introduction: race critical public scholarship.
Ethnic and Racial Studies, 36 (9).
pp. 1359-1373.
ISSN 0141-9870
Billingsley, B, Simpson, S and Abedin, Manzoorul ORCID:
Why did the Titanic sink? – bridging two disciplines to teach epistemic insight with lower secondary school students.
School Science Review, 101 (376).
pp. 25-29.
Billingsley, Berry, Abedin, Manzoorul ORCID: and Nassaji, Mehdi
Primary school students’ perspectives on questions that bridge science and religion: findings from a survey study in England.
British Educational Research Journal, 46 (1).
pp. 177-204.
ISSN 0141-1926
Birch, Chris J. (2011) Re-thinking the marketing mix for universities: new challenges, new opportunities and new threats. VISTAS: Education, Economy and Community, 1 (1). pp. 8-25. ISSN 2047-7449
Blair, Erik ORCID:
Academic development through the contextualization of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: reflections drawn from the recent history of Trinidad and Tobago.
International Journal for Academic Development, 19 (4).
pp. 330-340.
ISSN 1360-144X
Blair, Erik ORCID:
Balanced reflection as a means of practitioner development in the post-compulsory education and training sector.
Research in Post-Compulsory Education, 16 (2).
pp. 249-261.
ISSN 1359-6748
Blair, Erik ORCID:
Different hefts, different expectations.
Learning and Teaching Update, 39.
pp. 4-6.
Blair, Erik ORCID:
Higher Education Practice in Trinidad and Tobago and the Shadow of Colonialism.
Journal of Eastern Caribbean Studies, 38 (3).
pp. 85-92.
Blair, Erik ORCID:
How does telling the truth help educational action research?
Educational Action Research, 18 (3).
pp. 349-358.
ISSN 0965-0792
Blair, Erik ORCID:
Opening the theory box.
Educationalfutures, 4 (1).
pp. 3-16.
ISSN 1758-2199
Blair, Erik ORCID:
Single-sex schooling in Trinidad and Tobago: a holistic exploration.
Pastoral Care In Education, 31 (2).
pp. 130-141.
Blair, Erik ORCID:
Using the student voice to enhance the teaching of undergraduate courses with high failure rates.
Enhancing the Learner Experience in Higher Education, 5 (1).
pp. 21-37.
ISSN 2041-3122
Blair, Erik ORCID:
The challenge of contextualising the scholarship of teaching and learning.
Teaching & Learning Inquiry, 1 (1).
pp. 127-130.
ISSN 2167-4779
Blair, Erik ORCID:
A further education college as a heterotopia.
Research in Post-Compulsory Education, 14 (1).
pp. 93-101.
ISSN 1359-6748
Blair, Erik ORCID:
A reflexive exploration of two qualitative data coding techniques.
University of Arizona Institutional Repository logo Journal of Methods and Measurement in the Social Sciences, 6 (1).
pp. 14-29.
Blair, Erik ORCID:
The relationship between ‘employability’ and the scholarship of teaching and learning in Caribbean university education.
Caribbean Teaching Scholar, 2 (1).
pp. 69-75.
Blair, Erik ORCID: and Briggs, Georgette
A tribe hidden in plain sight: The ambiguous role of the instructor in a Caribbean university.
Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 41 (3).
pp. 292-305.
ISSN 1360-080X
Blair, Erik ORCID:, Cline, Tony and Wallis, Jill
When do adults entering Higher Education begin to identify themselves as students? The Threshold-of-Induction model.
Studies in Continuing Education, 32 (2).
pp. 133-146.
ISSN 0158-037X
Blair, Erik ORCID: and Deacon, Amy
A holistic approach to fieldwork through balanced reflective practice.
Reflective Practice, 16 (3).
pp. 418-434.
ISSN 1462-3943
Blair, Erik ORCID: and Francis, Lorna
Was it right to abandon the ‘Creative Curriculum’?
Pratical Research for Education, 44.
pp. 26-32.
Blair, Erik ORCID: and Inniss, Kim
Student evaluation questionnaires and the developing world: an examination of the move from a hard copy to online modality.
Studies in Educational Evaluation, 40.
pp. 36-42.
ISSN 0191-491X
Blair, Erik ORCID:, Maharaj, Chris and Primus, Simone
Performance and perception in the flipped classroom.
Education and Information Technologies, 21 (6).
pp. 1465-1482.
Blair, Erik ORCID: and Valdez Noel, Keisha
Improving higher education practice through student evaluation systems: is the student voice being heard?
Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 39 (7).
pp. 879-894.
Blumlein, Daniela (2015) Making the invisible visible. New Vistas, 1 (2). pp. 26-27. ISSN 2056-967X
Borrill, J., Fox, Pauline ORCID:, Flynn, M. and Roger, D.
Students who self-harm: coping style, rumination and alexithymia.
Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 22 (4).
pp. 361-372.
ISSN 0951-5070
Brakespear, Georgia and Cachia, Moira ORCID:
Young adults dealing with loneliness at university.
New Vistas, 7 (1).
pp. 31-36.
ISSN 2056-9688
Briggs, Georgette and Blair, Erik ORCID:
Students’ everyday personal laptop usage in secondary schools in Trinidad and Tobago.
Education and Information Technologies, 21 (3).
pp. 545-558.
ISSN 1360-2357
Brown, Roger (2015) The marketisation of higher education: issues and ironies. New Vistas, 1 (1). pp. 4-9. ISSN 2056-9688
Brown, Roger (2012) The myth of student choice. VISTAS: Education, Economy and Community, 2 (2). pp. 7-20. ISSN 2047-7449
Cachia, Moira ORCID:, Lynam, Siobhan and Stock, Rosemary
Academic success: is it just about the grades?
Higher Education Pedagogies, 3 (1).
pp. 434-439.
ISSN 2375-2696
Cadorin, Lucia, Suter, Nicoletta, Dante, Angelo, Williamson, Swapna Naskar, Devetti, Angie and Palese, Alvisa (2012) Self-directed learning competence assessment within different healthcare professionals and amongst students in Italy. Nurse Education in Practice, 12 (3). pp. 153-158. ISSN 1471-5953
Cadorin, Lucia, Suter, Nicoletta, Saiani, Luisa, Williamson, Swapna Naskar and Palese, Alvisa (2011) Self-rating Scale of Self-directed Learning (SRSSDL): preliminary results from the Italian validation process. Journal of Research in Nursing, 16 (4). pp. 363-373. ISSN 1744-9871
Carless, David and Douglas, Kitrina (2015) Narrating embodied experience: sharing stories of trauma and recovery. Sport Education & Society, 21 (1). pp. 47-61. ISSN 1357-3322
Casanova, Diogo ORCID: and Mitchell, Paul
The ‘Cube’ and the ‘Poppy Flower’: Participatory approaches for designing technology-enhanced learning spaces.
Journal of Learning Spaces, 6 (3).
pp. 1-12.
ISSN 21586195
Casanova, Diogo ORCID: and Price, Linda
Moving towards sustainable policy and practice – a five level framework for online learning sustainability.
Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology, 44 (3).
pp. 1-18.
ISSN 1499-6685
Challen, Kirsty, Harris, Hilary, Kristoffersson, Ulf, Nippert, Irmgard, Schmidtke, Joerg, Ten Kate, Leo P., Benjamin, Caroline, Anionwu, Elizabeth, Plass, Anne-Marie, Julian-Reynier, Claire and Harris, Rodney (2010) General practitioner management of genetic aspects of a cardiac disease: a scenario-based study to anticipate providers' practices. Journal of Community Genetics, 1 (2). pp. 83-90. ISSN 1868-310X
Davey, Philip (2015) The flipped classroom: motivating student nurses to learn independently. Athens Journal of Health, 2 (4). pp. 261-269. ISSN 2241-8229
Devas, Angela (2004) Reflection as confession: discipline in/on the student body. Art Design and Communication in Higher Education, 3 (1). pp. 33-46. ISSN 1474-273X
Dinc, Linda (2022) Variables affecting engagement in online learning. New Vistas, 8 (1). pp. 22-28. ISSN 2056-967X
Douglas, Kitrina (2022) Walking into the unknown: a research journey through abuse, trauma, motherhood, poverty, and the Covid pandemic. Cultural Studies - Critical Methodologies, 22 (4). pp. 378-382. ISSN 1532-7086
Eales-Reynolds, Lesley-Jane ORCID: and Clarke, Colin
Impact of a novel training experience on the development of a customer service culture in a large hospital trust.
International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, 25 (6).
pp. 483-497.
ISSN 0952-6862
Elander, James, Pittam, Gail, Lusher, Joanne, Fox, Pauline ORCID: and Payne, Nicola
Evaluation of an intervention to help students avoid unintentional plagiarism by improving their authorial identity.
Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 35 (2).
pp. 157-171.
ISSN 0260-2938
Elsafty, Ashraf, Elsayad, Hanaa Ibrahim and Shaaban, Ibrahim ORCID:
Educating engineering students in Egypt: recommendations for improvement.
International Journal of Higher Education, 9 (3).
pp. 1-14.
ISSN 1927-6044
Fanghanel, Joelle (2004) Capturing dissonance in university teacher education environments. Studies in Higher Education, 29 (5). pp. 575-590. ISSN 0307-5079
Fanghanel, Joelle (2013) Going public with pedagogical inquiries: SOTL as a methodology for faculty professional development. Teaching and Learning Inquiry, 1 (1). pp. 59-70. ISSN 2167-4779
Fanghanel, Joelle (2012) 'Worldly' pedagogies: preparing students to work and live in a complex and uncertain world. VISTAS: Education, Economy and Community, 2 (2). pp. 21-28. ISSN 2047-7449
Fanghanel, Joelle (2009) The role of ideology in academics' conceptions of their discipline. Teaching in Higher Education, 14 (5). pp. 565-577. ISSN 1356-2517
Fanghanel, Joelle and Cousin, G. (2012) 'Worldly' pedagogy: a way of conceptualizing teaching towards global citizenship. Teaching in Higher Education, 17 (1). pp. 39-50. ISSN 1356-2517
Fanghanel, Joelle and Kreber, C. (2013) Knowing and being in the academy: exploring local approaches for transformative learning. The re-orientation of higher education: Challenging the East-West Dichotomy. ISSN Series: CERC Studies in Comparative Education, Vol. 31
Fanghanel, Joelle and Trowler, Paul (2008) Exploring academic identities and practices in a competitive enhancement context: a UK-based case study. European Journal of Education, 43 (3). pp. 301-313. ISSN 0141-8211
Ferri, Giuliana (2014) Ethical communication and intercultural responsibility: a philosophical perspective. Language and Intercultural Communication, 14 (1). pp. 7-23. ISSN 1470-8477
Fidgeon, Paul (2011) Tourism education and curriculum design: a practitioner perspective. VISTAS: Education, Economy and Community, 1 (2). pp. 22-43. ISSN 2047-7449
Filippaios, Fragkiskos and Benson, Vladlena ORCID:
Students' use of social networking sites.
AngloHigher, 5 (1).
pp. 18-19.
Filippakou, O. and Barnett, Ronald (2006) The legitimisation of quality in higher education. Prospero, 12 (4). pp. 13-19. ISSN 1358-6785
Filippakou, O. and Tapper, T. (2007) Quality assurance in higher education: thinking beyond the English experience. Higher Education Policy, 20. pp. 339-360. ISSN 0952-8733
Forster, Marc ORCID:
Information literacy as a facilitator of ethical practice in the professions.
Journal of Information Literacy, 7 (1).
pp. 18-29.
ISSN 1750-5968
Gamlath, Suresh (2011) The economy, society and financial education. VISTAS: Education, Economy and Community, 1 (1). pp. 26-35. ISSN 2047-7449
Gausdal, Lars (2015) Degrees of choice? New Vistas, 1 (1). pp. 10-14. ISSN 2056-9688
Godwin Pearce, Lilian (2019) Black students in England, 1950-2000: representation, identity and barriers to success. New Vistas, 5 (2). pp. 30-33. ISSN 2056-9688
Greene, Carolynn ORCID:, Canning, Deebs, Wilson, Jennie
ORCID:, Bak, Aggie, Tingle, Alison, Tsiami, Amalia
ORCID: and Loveday, Heather
I-hydrate training intervention for staff working in a care home setting: an observational study.
Nurse Education Today, 68.
pp. 61-65.
ISSN 0260-6917
Görzig, Anke ORCID:, Bedrosova, Marie and Machackova, Hana
Do stereotypes of mental and developmental disorders predict bystander intentions in cyberbullying? An application of the stereotype content model.
International Journal of Developmental Science, 13 (3-4).
pp. 83-95.
ISSN 2192-001X
Hafford-Letchfield, Trish, Pezzella, Alfonso, Cole, Laura ORCID: and Manning, Rebecca
Transgender students in post-compulsory education: a systematic review.
International Journal of Educational Research, 86.
pp. 1-12.
ISSN 0883-0355
Hale, Daniel R., Patalay, Praveetha, Fitzgerald-Yau, Natasha, Hargreaves, Dougal S., Bond, Lyndal, Görzig, Anke ORCID:, Wolpert, Miranda, Stansfeld, Stephen A. and Viner, Russell M.
School-level variation in health outcomes in adolescence: analysis of three longitudinal studies in England.
Prevention Science, 15 (4).
pp. 600-610.
ISSN 1389-4986
Hameed, Umer and Mimirinis, Mike ORCID:
How does digital reflective practice in textile design education relate to creativity?
Reflective Practice, 24 (3).
pp. 1-14.
ISSN 1462-3943
Henry, William Anthony (2020) Schooling, education, and the reproduction of inequality: understanding black and minority ethnic attitudes to learning in two London schools. Race Ethnicity and Education. ISSN 1361-3324
Herianto, Herianto, Sofroniou, Anastasia, Fitrah, M., Rosana, D. and Marinding, Y. (2024) Quantifying the Relationship Between Self-Efficacy and Mathematical Creativity: A Meta-Analysis. Education Sciences, 14 (11). p. 1251.
Hine, Ben ORCID: and Northeast, Tony
Using feed-forward strategies in higher education. The terrifying novel assignment: using feed-forward to improve students' ability and confidence on assignments that test new skills.
New Vistas, 2 (1).
pp. 28-33.
ISSN 2056-9688
Hoggins, Kirsty and Görzig, Anke ORCID:
The portrayal of Olympic athletes defies traditional gender stereotypes: A content analysis of the 2018 Winter Olympics news outlets.
New Vistas, 4 (2).
pp. 38-43.
Huet, Isabel ORCID: and Casanova, Diogo
Exploring the professional development of online and distance doctoral supervisors.
Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 58 (4).
pp. 430-440.
ISSN 1470-3297
Hughes, Bronach (2017) Building friendships, creating confidence. New Vistas, 3 (1). pp. 12-17. ISSN 2056-9688
Hughes-Roberts, Thomas and Kani-Zabihi, Elahe (2014) On-line privacy behavior: using user interfaces for salient factors. Journal of Computer and Communications, 2 (4). p. 220. ISSN 2327-5219
Idowu, Bernadine (2023) A personal reflection upon navigating into a senior academic role. Frontiers in Sociology.
Irwin-Rogers, Keir and Harding, Simon (2018) Challenging the orthodoxy on pupil gang involvement: when two social fields collide. British Educational Research Journal, 44 (3). pp. 463-479. ISSN 0141-1926
Jayman, Michelle ORCID:
Hints and tips: the practicalities of collecting data in secondary schools.
PSYPAG Quarterly, 92.
pp. 20-23.
ISSN 1746-6016
Jayman, Michelle ORCID:
An exploratory case study of a food education program in the United Kingdom: Chefs Adopt a School.
The Journal of Child Nutrition and Management, 43 (1).
Jayman, Michelle ORCID:, Fox, Pauline
ORCID:, Ohl, Maddie
ORCID: and Hughes, Bronach
Beyond evidence-based interventions: implementing an integrated approach to promoting pupil mental wellbeing in schools with pyramid club.
Education and Health, 35 (4).
pp. 70-74.
ISSN 0265-1602
Jayman, Michelle ORCID:, Ohl, Maddie
ORCID: and Fox, Pauline
Improving wellbeing for pupils in early secondary education with Pyramid Club: a qualitative study investigating behaviour change drivers.
The Psychology of Education Review, 43 (2).
ISSN 1463-9807
Jayman, Michelle ORCID:, Ohl, Maddie
ORCID:, Hughes, Bronach and Fox, Pauline
Improving socio‐emotional health for pupils in early secondary education with Pyramid: A school‐based, early intervention model.
British Journal of Educational Psychology, 89 (1).
pp. 111-130.
ISSN 0007-0998
Jayman, Michelle ORCID: and Ventouris, Annita
Book of beasties: championing mental health in schools.
New Vistas, 6 (1).
pp. 10-15.
ISSN 2056-9688
Jayman, Michelle ORCID: and Ventouris, Annita
Dealing children a helping hand with Book of Beasties: the mental wellness card game.
Educational and Child Psychology, 37 (4).
ISSN 0267-1611
John, Peter (2006) Lesson planning and the student teacher: re-thinking the dominant model. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 38 (4). pp. 483-498. ISSN 0022-0272
John, Peter (2005) The sacred and the profane: subject subculture, pedagogical practice and teachers' perceptions of the classroom uses of ICT. Educational Review, 57 (4). pp. 471-490. ISSN 0013-1911
John, Peter (2002) The teacher educator's experience: case studies of practical professional knowledge. Teaching and Teaching Education, 18 (3). pp. 323-341. ISSN 0742051X
John, Peter and Baggott, La Belle L. (2004) Devices and desires: subject subcultures, pedagogical identity and the challenge of information and communications technology. Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 13 (3). pp. 307-326. ISSN 1475-939X
Jones, Julie (2016) Impact of peer assessment on student understanding of the assessment process and criteria. British Journal of Midwifery, 24 (7). pp. 484-488. ISSN 0969-4900
Karimi, Hengameh Sarah (2021) Researching school leadership in the time of Covid-19. New Vistas, 7 (1). pp. 14-17. ISSN 2056-9688
Khan, Hafiz T.A. ORCID:
Role of Bangabandhu in expanding higher education and Bangladesh today.
Journal of Economic Development, Environment and People, 10 (1).
pp. 6-10.
ISSN 2285-3642
Law, Anna and Stock, Rosemary (2017) Learning approach and its relationship to type of media use and frequency of media-multitasking. Active Learning in Higher Education, 20 (2). pp. 127-138. ISSN 1469-7874
Lawrence, Nicola and Cahill, Sharon (2014) The impact of dynamic assessment: an exploration of the views of children, parents and teachers. British Journal of Special Education, 41 (2). pp. 191-211. ISSN 0952-3383
Lelis, Catarina ORCID:
It’s Milestone, not Limescale! Milestoned group supervision as an approach to descale postgraduate projects.
New Vistas, 6 (1).
pp. 26-31.
ISSN 2056-9688
Lingard, Matt (2005) Introducing computer-assisted assessment: considerations for the new practitioner. Investigations in University Teaching and Learning, 2 (2). pp. 69-75. ISSN 1740-5106
Littlejohn, Allison, Margaryan, Anoush ORCID:, Vojt, Gabriele and Lukic, Dane
Learning From Incidents Questionnaire (LFIQ): the validation of an instrument designed to measure the quality of learning from incidents in organisations.
Safety Science, 99.
pp. 80-93.
ISSN 0925-7535
Littlejohn, Allison, Milligan, Colin, Fontana, Rosa Pia and Margaryan, Anoush ORCID:
Professional learning through everyday work: how finance professionals self-regulate their learning.
Vocations and Learning, 9 (2).
pp. 207-226.
ISSN 1874-785X
Lopez-Querol, Susana, Sanchez-Cambronero, Santos, Rivas, Ana and Garmendia, Maddi (2015) Improving civil engineering education: transportation geotechnics taught through project based learning methodologies. Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice, 141 (1). ISSN 1052-3928
Loughlin, Michael ORCID:
Equipping students to identify misinformation: science, health and epistemic insight.
School Science Review: SSR In Depth.
Lykartsis, Athanasios, Bahadori-Jahromi, Ali ORCID: and Mylona, Anastasia
Investigating risk of overheating for school buildings under extreme hot weather conditions.
Advances in Energy Research, 5 (4).
pp. 277-287.
ISSN 2287-6316
Lynam, Siobhan and Cachia, Moira ORCID:
Students' perceptions of the role of assessments at higher education.
Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 43 (2).
pp. 223-234.
ISSN 0260-2938
Lynam, Siobhan, Cachia, Moira ORCID: and Stock, Rosemary
An evaluation of the factors that influence academic success as defined by engaged students.
Educational Review.
ISSN 0013-1911
Lynch, Catherine, Hahn, Mathew and Bogue, Rebecca (2016) Rehearsing for life: applied theatre - a worthwhile pedogogical addition to those working and training in health and social care? The practitioner's perspective. Nurse Education Today, 51. pp. 112-113. ISSN 0260-6917
Macfarlane, Bruce (2002) Dealing with Dave's dilemma's: exploring the ethics of pedagogic practice. Teaching in Higher Education, 7 (2). pp. 167-178. ISSN 1356-2517
Macfarlane, Bruce (2005) The disengaged academic: the retreat from citizenship. Higher Education Quarterly, 59 (4). pp. 296-312. ISSN 1468-2273
Madar, Poonam (2018) Assessing the student: the PechaKucha approach. New Vistas, 3 (2). pp. 4-10. ISSN 2056-9688
Magne, Viktoria ORCID:
Replication research in the domain of perceived L2
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Language Teaching.
Magne, Viktoria ORCID:
Students’ attitudes towards accents of English.
New Vistas, 5 (1).
pp. 32-37.
ISSN 2056-9688
(In Press)
Magne, Viktoria ORCID: and Ferri, Giuliana
Student perceptions of diverse accents of English in a multilingual London post-1992
Critical Inquiry in Language Studies.
pp. 1-17.
ISSN 1542-7587
Magne, Viktoria ORCID:, Mace, Rebecca and Vince, Sharon
Using reflection to increase student engagement with feedback.
New Vistas, 9 (1).
ISSN 2056-967X
Magne, Viktoria ORCID:, Suzuki, Shungo, Suzukida, Yui, Ilkan, Meltem, Tran, Mai and Saito, Kazuya
Exploring the dynamic nature of second language listeners’ perceived fluency: a mixed‐methods approach.
TESOL Quarterly, 53 (4).
pp. 1139-1150.
ISSN 0039-8322
Magne, Viktoria ORCID:, Suzukida, Yui and Cardoso, Walcir
Linguistic correlates of second language users’
attitudes to Arabic and Chinese varieties of
English: a verbal guise study.
Maharaj, Chris, Blair, Erik ORCID: and Chin Yuen Kee, sarah
The motivation to study: an analysis of the factors that motivate undergraduate engineering students.
Journal of Further and Higher Education, 42 (1).
pp. 24-35.
ISSN 0309-877X
Margaryan, Anoush ORCID:
Comparing crowdworkers’ and conventional knowledge workers’ self-regulated learning strategies in the workplace.
Human Computation: A Transdisciplinary Journal, 6 (1).
pp. 83-97.
ISSN 2330-8001
Margaryan, Anoush ORCID:
Workplace learning in crowdwork: comparing microworkers’ and online freelancers’ practices.
Journal of Workplace Learning, 31 (4).
pp. 250-273.
ISSN 1366-5626
Margaryan, Anoush ORCID:, Littlejohn, Allison and Lukic, Dane
The development and evaluation of a Learning from Incidents toolkit.
Policy and Practice in Health and Safety, 16 (1).
pp. 57-70.
ISSN 1477-3996
Mimirinis, Mike ORCID:
Qualitative differences in academics’ conceptions of e-assessment.
Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 44 (2).
pp. 233-248.
ISSN 0260-2938
Mimirinis, Mike ORCID:
Variability in university students' use of technology: an 'approaches to learning' perspective.
Journal of Interactive Learning Research, 27 (4).
ISSN 1093-023X
Mimirinis, Mike ORCID:
What do undergraduate students understand by excellent teaching?
Higher Education Research and Development.
ISSN 0729-4360
Mimirinis, Mike ORCID:, Ventouris, Annita and Wright, Elina
Variation in Black students’ conceptions of academic support.
British Educational Research Journal (00).
pp. 1-19.
ISSN 0141-1926
Mimirinis, Mike ORCID: and Wright, Elina
Meaning and structure in Black students’ ways of experiencing academic achievement.
Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment.
ISSN 1091-1359
Mitchell, Aby (2017) Assessing the value of practice-based leg ulcer education to inform recommendations for change in practice. British Journal of Community Nursing, 22 (Sup12). S28-S34. ISSN 1462-4753
Mohamed, Misrah, Ab Rashid, Radzuwan and Alqaryouti, Marwan Harb (2022) Conceptualizing the complexity of reflective practice in education. Frontiers in Psychology, 13.
Murji, Karim ORCID:
Sociology and the teaching of ethnic and racial studies.
Ethnic and Racial Studies, 26 (3).
pp. 503-510.
ISSN 0141-9870
Murji, Karim ORCID: and Solomos, John
Rejoinder: race scholarship and the future.
Ethnic and Racial Studies, 39 (3).
pp. 405-413.
ISSN 0141-9870
Murphy, Anthony ORCID: and England, Dawn
The student experience of student-to-teacher feedback.
New Vistas, 3 (2).
pp. 12-17.
ISSN 2056-9688
Myers, Pamela (2017) From creative practitioner to academic: navigation, transformation and identity. New Vistas, 3 (1). pp. 40-45. ISSN 2056-9688
Noakes, Hayley J, May, Steve, Van der Sluis, Hendrik ORCID: and Gay, Jane
Speaking the same language: the influence of mentor-protégé demographics and perceived similarities on student engagement in a peer learning programme.
Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning, 15 (2).
pp. 56-78.
ISSN 1466-6529
Ohl, Maddie ORCID:, Fox, Pauline
ORCID: and Mitchell, Kathryn
The Pyramid Club elementary school-based intervention: testing the Circle Time technique to elicit children’s service satisfaction.
Journal of Educational and Developmental Psychology, 3 (2).
ISSN 1927-0526
Ohl, Maddie ORCID:, Mitchell, Kathryn, Cassidy, Tony and Fox, Pauline
The Pyramid Club primary school-based intervention: evaluating the impact on children's social-emotional health.
Child and Adolescent Mental Health, 13 (3).
pp. 115-121.
ISSN 1475-357X
Ojong, C. and Manyande, Anne ORCID:
Ethnic minority women's experiences in British primary and secondary schools and its impact on academic attainment in later years.
VISTAS: Education, Economy and Community, 3.
pp. 37-55.
ISSN 2047-7449
Olden, Tony (2007) Somali opposition to government education: R.E. Ellison and the Berbera School Affair, 1938-1940. History of Education, 37 (1). pp. 71-90. ISSN 0046-760X
Olden, Tony and Bokre, Desta Arefaine (2006) Elementary education in Eritrea: how mother tongue education policy affects pupils and their access to education. Alexandria, 18 (2). pp. 81-95. ISSN 0955-7490
Olsen, Dennis and Weerawardane, Dinusha (2022) Editor's note. New Vistas, 8 (1). p. 1. ISSN 2056-967X
Outhwaite, Deborah and Ferri, Giuliana (2017) Critical reflections on modern elite formation and social differentiation in the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme in England. Oxford Review of Education, 43 (4). pp. 402-416. ISSN 0305-4985
Padhra, Anil ORCID: and Tolouei, Elham
Embedding Climate Change Education into Higher Education Programmes.
Nature Climate Change, 13.
pp. 1154-1157.
ISSN 1758-6798
Pereira, Andreia, Lelis, Catarina ORCID: and Mealha, Oscar
Impacto do Synectics nas competências criativas de estudantes a frequentar o 2º ciclo do ensino superior.
Indagatio Didactica, 6 (4).
pp. 112-131.
ISSN 1647-3582
Pimlott, Zeller ORCID: and Tikasingh, Tricia
Student perceptions of working collaboratively during undergraduate study to produce a knowledge repository based on wiki technology.
Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 58 (4).
pp. 419-429.
ISSN 1470-3297
Pittam, Gail, Elander, James, Lusher, Joanne, Fox, Pauline ORCID: and Payne, Nicola
Student beliefs and attitudes about authorial identity in academic writing.
Studies in Higher Education, 34 (2).
pp. 153-170.
ISSN 0307-5079
Raffety, Rose (2015) Work-based research in primary leadership education. New Vistas, 1 (1). pp. 20-23. ISSN 2056-9688
Rahman, Twyeafur, Franssen, Loe and Khan, Hafiz T.A. ORCID:
The impact of after-school programme on student achievement: empirical evidence from the ASA education programme in Bangladesh.
The European Journal of Development Research, 32.
pp. 612-626.
ISSN 0957-8811
Rashid, Shaista and Rigas, Dimitrios (2010) An empirical two-group study into electronic note-taking. The Open Virtual Reality Journal, 2 (1). pp. 1-7. ISSN 1875-323X
Richardson, Althea and Blair, Erik ORCID:
Understanding practical engagement: perspectives of undergraduate civil engineering students who actively engage with laboratory practicals.
The Caribbean Teaching Scholar, 5 (1).
pp. 47-59.
ISSN 2222-8713
Rigas, Dimitrios and Alharbi, Abdulrhman (2011) An investigation on the role of multimodal metaphors in e-feedback interfaces. Interactive Technology and Smart Education, 8 (4). pp. 263-270. ISSN 1741-5659
Rizzuto, Joseph and Chauhan, Indira ORCID:
Learning at work.
RICS Building Surveying Journal.
pp. 24-25.
ISSN 1750-1032
Robertson, Chanelle, Stock, Rosemary and Görzig, Anke ORCID:
Are societal perceptions of butch and feminine lesbians changing?
New Vistas, 5 (2).
pp. 24-29.
ISSN 2056-9688
Robinson, Nicola and Lewith, George (2011) The RCCM 2009 survey: mapping doctoral and postdoctoral CAM research in the United Kingdom. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2011. p. 457480. ISSN 1741-427X
Saito, Kazuya, Macmillan, Konstantinos, Kroeger, Sascha, Magne, Viktoria ORCID:, Takizawa, Kotaro, Kachlicka, Magdalena and Tierney, Adam
Roles of domain-general auditory processing in spoken second language vocabulary attainment in adulthood.
Applied Psycholinguistics.
ISSN 0142-7164
Saito, Kazuya, Macmillan, Konstantinos, Mai, Tran, Suzukida, Yui, Sun, Hui, Magne, Viktoria ORCID:, Ilkan, Meltem and Murakami, Akira
Developing, analyzing and sharing multivariate datasets: individual differences in L2 learning revisited.
Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, 40.
pp. 9-25.
ISSN 0267-1905
Saito, Kazuya, Tran, Mai, Suzukida, Yui, Sun, Hui, Magne, Viktoria ORCID: and Ilkan, Meltem
How do L2 listeners perceive the comprehensibility of foreign-accented speech? Roles of L1 profiles, L2 proficiency, age, experience, familiarity and metacognition.
Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 41 (5).
pp. 1133-1149.
ISSN 0272-2631
Sipiyaruk, Kawin, Gallagher, J.E., Hatzipanagos, Stylianos ORCID: and Reynolds, P.A.
A rapid review of serious games: from healthcare education to dental education.
European Journal Of Dental Education, 22 (4).
pp. 243-257.
ISSN 1396-5883
(In Press)
Smith, Peter K., López-Castro, Leticia, Robinson, Susanne and Görzig, Anke ORCID:
Consistency of gender differences in bullying in cross-cultural surveys.
Aggression and Violent Behavior, 45.
pp. 33-40.
ISSN 1359-1789
Sofroniou, Anastasia and Poutos, Konstantinos (2016) Investigating the effectiveness of group work in mathematics. Education Sciences, 6 (3). p. 30. ISSN 2227-7102
Sofroniou, Anastasia, Premnath, Bhairavi and Poutos, Konstantinos (2020) Capturing student satisfaction: a case study on the National Student Survey results to identify the needs of students in STEM related courses for a better learning experience. Education Sciences, 10 (12). e378.
Spagnolo, Simone (2019) Interdisciplinarity in the performing arts: contemporary perspectives. Studies in Theatre and Performance. pp. 1-2. ISSN 1468-2761
Steinbach, Marilyn and Magne, Viktoria ORCID:
Square-headed frogs and world citizens: attitudes and identities of ESL teacher candidates in Québec.
Journal of Language, Identity, and Education, 13 (5).
pp. 319-334.
ISSN 1534-8458
Stern, Tina (2015) Mindful learning. New Vistas, 1 (1). pp. 16-19. ISSN 2056-9688
Stock, Rosemary and Law, Anna (2015) Media use, learning approaches and achievement. New Vistas, 1 (2). pp. 40-43. ISSN 2056-967X
Stock, Rosemary, Lynam, Siobhan and Cachia, Moira ORCID:
Academic success: the role of mental toughness in predicting and creating success.
Higher Education Pedagogies, 3 (1).
pp. 429-433.
ISSN 2375-2696
Strong, Jeremy ORCID:
How to make a 'Colourful World'.
New Vistas, 6 (1).
pp. 16-19.
ISSN 2056-9688
Stuart, Mary, Lido, Catherine and Morgan, Jessica (2011) Personal stories: how students' social and cultural life histories interact with the field of higher education. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 30 (4). pp. 489-508. ISSN 0260-1370
Stuart, Mary, Lido, Catherine, Morgan, Jessica, Solomon, Lucy and May, Steve (2011) The impact of engagement with extracurricular activities on the student experience and graduate outcomes for widening participation populations. Active Learning in Higher Education, 12 (3). pp. 203-215. ISSN 1469-7874
Testa, Alberto ORCID:
Experiences of online learning: an evaluation of first-year sport sciences university students' attitudes towards the use of U-Link.
International Education Studies, 4 (4).
pp. 13-21.
ISSN 1913-9020
Theonas, G., Hobbs, D. and Rigas, Dimitrios (2008) Employing virtual lecturers' facial expressions in virtual educational environments. International Journal of Virtual Reality, 7 (1). pp. 31-44. ISSN 1081-1451
Thomas, Yvonne, Seedhouse, David, Peutherer, Vanessa and Loughlin, Michael ORCID:
An empirical investigation into the role of values in occupational therapy decision-making.
British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 82 (6).
pp. 357-366.
ISSN 0308-0226
Tiniakou, Evangelia, Hirschler, Tim, Endedijk, Maaike and Margaryan, Anoush ORCID:
Becoming self-regulated: patterns of parenting in the lives of professionals who are highly self-regulated learners.
Journal of Self-regulation and Regulation, 4.
pp. 6-42.
ISSN 2365-8959
Ubha, Neerose and Cahill, Sharon (2014) Building secure attachments for primary school children: a mixed methods study. Educational Psychology in Practice, 30 (3). pp. 272-292. ISSN 0266-7363
Van der Sluis, Hendrik ORCID:, Burden, Penny and Huet, Isabel
Retrospection and reflection: the emerging influence of an institutional professional recognition scheme on professional development and academic practice in a UK university.
Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 54 (2).
pp. 126-134.
ISSN 1470-3297
Van der Sluis, Hendrik ORCID:, Burden, Penny and Huet, Isabel
The evaluation of an institutional UKPSF recognition scheme.
Educational Developments, 17 (1).
pp. 5-9.
ISSN 1469-3267
Van der Sluis, Hendrik ORCID:, May, Steve, Locke, Lorraine and Hill, Michael
Flexible academic support to enhance student retention and success.
Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning, 15 (2).
pp. 79-95.
ISSN 1466-6529
Vrikki, Maria, Brindley, Sue, Abedin, Manzoorul ORCID: and Riga, Fran
Exploring dialogic space: a case study of a religious education classroom.
Language and Education, 33 (5).
pp. 469-485.
ISSN 0950-0782
Wachs, Sebastian, Costello, Matthew, Wright, Michelle, Flora, Katerina, Daskalou, Vassiliki, Maziridou, Evdoxia, Kwon, Yeji, Na, Eun-Yeong, Sittichai, Ruthaychonnee, Biswal, Ramakrishna, Singh, Ritu, Almendros, Carmen, Gámez-Guadix, Manuel, Görzig, Anke ORCID: and Sung Hong, Jun
“DNT LET ’EM H8 U!”: Applying the routine activity framework to understand cyberhate victimization among adolescents across eight countries.
Computers and Education, 160.
p. 104026.
ISSN 0360-1315
Wachs, Sebastian, Gámez Guadix, Manual, Wright, Michelle F., Görzig, Anke ORCID: and Schubarth, Wilfried
How do adolescents cope with cyberhate? Psychometric properties and socio-demographic differences of a coping with cyberhate scale.
Computers in Human Behavior, 104.
ISSN 0747-5632
Wachs, Sebastian, Michelsen, Anna, Wright, Michelle F, Gámez-Guadix, Manuel, Almendros, Carmen, Kwon, Yeji, Yang, Soeun, Sittichai, Ruthaychonnee, Singh, Ritu, Biswal, Ramakrishna, Görzig, Anke ORCID: and Yanagida, Takuya
A routine activity approach to understand cybergrooming victimization among adolescents from six countries.
Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 23 (4).
pp. 218-224.
ISSN 2152-2715
Wilkinson, James and Olason, Carlotta (2012) Preparing for work and inquiry via a CLEAR approach: Combined Learning for Employability And Research. VISTAS: Education, Economy and Community, 2 (1). pp. 29-48. ISSN 2047-7449
Williamson, Swapna Naskar (2007) Development of a self-rating scale of self-directed learning. Nurse Researcher, 14 (2). pp. 66-83. ISSN 1351-5578
Williamson, Swapna Naskar, Burley, Denise, Graham, Deena and Kaushal, Shalini (2009) The role of universities in the globalisation of education. Journal of the World Universities Forum, 2 (3). pp. 77-90. ISSN 1835-2030
Williamson, Swapna Naskar, Burley, Denise, Graham, Deena and Kaushal, Shalini (2009) The role of universities in the globalisation of education. Journal of the World Universities Forum, 2 (3). pp. 77-90. ISSN 1835-2030
Zafeiriou, Dimitrios and Manyande, Anne ORCID:
The prevalence of cyber bullying in higher education in the UK.
VISTAS: Education, Economy and Community, 2 (2).
pp. 41-53.
ISSN 2047-7449
van Deursen, A.J.A.M., Görzig, Anke ORCID:, van Delzen, M., Perik, H.T.M. and Stegeman, A.G.
Primary school children's internet skills: a report on performance tests of operational, formal, information, and strategic internet skills.
International Journal of Communication, 8.
pp. 1343-1365.
ISSN 1932-8036
Allibone, Lorraine, May, Steve and Van der Sluis, Hendrik ORCID:
The impact of academic skills centres on retention, progression and attainment and improving student confidence.
Compendium of effective practice in higher education: Volume 2.
UNSPECIFIED, Birmingham, U.K., pp. 95-98.
ISBN 9781854494474
Benson, Vladlena ORCID: and Avery, Barry
Embedding Web 2.0 strategies in learning and teaching.
Web 2.0: The Business Model.
Springer, New York, USA, pp. 237-248.
ISBN 9780387858951
Benson, Vladlena ORCID: and Filippaios, Fragkiskos
Effects of digital footprint on career management: evidence from social media in business education.
Knowledge Management, Information Systems, E-Learning, and Sustainability Research: Third World Summit on the Knowledge Society, WSKS 2010, Corfu, Greece, September 22-24, 2010. Proceedings, Part I.
Communications in Computer and Information Science, 111.
Springer, Berlin, Germany, pp. 480-486.
ISBN 9783642163173
Benson, Vladlena ORCID:, Filippaios, Fragkiskos and Morgan, Stephanie
Applications of social networking in students' life cycle.
Cutting-Edge Social Media Approaches to Business Education: Teaching with LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Second Life, and Blogs (PB).
Information Age Publishing, Greenwich, UK, pp. 73-93.
ISBN 9781617351167
Benson, Vladlena ORCID: and Morgan, Stephanie
Justifying the ROI of social media investment in education.
Social Media and Networking: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications.
Information Science Reference, Hershey, USA, pp. 491-503.
ISBN 9781466686144
Benson, Vladlena ORCID: and Morgan, Stephanie
Measuring the social impact: how social media affects higher education institutions.
Implications of Social Media Use in Personal and Professional Settings.
IGI Global, Hershey, USA, pp. 174-191.
ISBN 9781466674011
Billingsley, Berry, Abedin, Manzoorul ORCID:, Chappell, Keith and Hatcher, Chris
Developing a cross-curricular session about evolution for initial teacher education: findings from a small-scale study with pre-service primary school teachers.
Evolution Education Re-considered: Understanding what works.
Springer, Cham, London, pp. 41-57.
ISBN 9783030146979
Blair, Erik ORCID:
Contextualizing the new teaching environment.
Academics’ International Teaching Journeys.
Bloomsbury Academic.
ISBN 9781474289795
Fanghanel, Joelle (2009) Leadership organisationnel: le rôle des cadres intermédiaires. In: Innover dans l'enseignement supérieur. Presses Universitaires de France, Paris.
Ferri, Giuliana (2016) Intercultural competence and the promise of understanding. In: Intercultural Competence in Education: Alternative Approaches for Different Times. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, UK, pp. 97-120. ISBN 9781137587336
Forster, Marc ORCID:
How is Information Literacy experienced in the workplace?
Information Literacy in the Workplace.
Facet Publishing, London, UK, pp. 11-28.
ISBN 9781783301324
Forster, Marc ORCID:
Information Literacy and the personal dimension: team players, empowered clients and career development.
Information Literacy in the Workplace.
Facet Publishing, London, UK, pp. 29-40.
ISBN 9781783301324
Forster, Marc ORCID:
Information Literacy and the workplace: new concepts, new perspectives?
Information Literacy in the Workplace.
Facet Publishing, London, UK, pp. 1-9.
ISBN 9781783301324
Forster, Marc ORCID:
Information Literacy's role in workplace competence, 'best practice' and the ethics of professional obligation.
Information Literacy in the Workplace.
Facet Publishing, London, UK, pp. 85-96.
ISBN 9781783301324
Forster, Marc ORCID:
The 'Workplace Experience Framework' and evidence-based Information Literacy education.
Information Literacy in the Workplace.
Facet Publishing, London, UK, pp. 149-164.
ISBN 9781783301324
Fregona, Charl and Sadza, Agata (2016) Blended learning case study. In: Enhancing Teaching Practice in Higher Education. Sage, London, UK, pp. 91-105. ISBN 9781446202845
Georgiou, Alexandra (2022) Conducting multilingual classroom research with refugee children in Cyprus: critically reflecting on methodological decisions. In: The Politics of Researching Multilingually. Researching Multilingually, 6. Multilingual Matters, Bristol, UK, pp. 111-130. ISBN 9781800410152
Giousmpasoglou, Charalampos ORCID:
Academic governance.
The SAGE Encyclopedia of Online Education.
Sage, pp. 7-14.
ISBN 9781483318356
Giousmpasoglou, Charalampos ORCID:, Marinakou, Evangelia and Paliktzoglou, Vasileios
Economic crisis and higher education in Greece.
Impact of Economic Crisis on Education and the Next-Generation Workforce.
IGI Global, Hershey, USA, pp. 120-148.
ISBN 9781466694552
Gonzo, Faithfull (2023) The Impact of Digital Learning Technology on Higher Education Students’ Mental Health. In: Perspectives on Enhancing Learning Experience Through Digital Strategy in Higher Education. IGI Global, Pennsylvania, USA. ISBN 1668482827
Gonzo, Martin and Gonzo, Faithfull ORCID:
A Comparative Analysis of Leaders' Perception of Provision and Support for Students With Disabilities in Higher Education.
Creating Positive and Inclusive Change in Educational Environments.
IGI Global Scientific Publishing.
ISBN 9798369357828
Görzig, Anke ORCID: and Holloway, Donell
Internet use.
The Encyclopedia of Child and Adolescent Development.
Wiley Blackwell.
ISBN 9781119161899
Görzig, Anke ORCID:, Wachs, Sebastian and Wright, Michelle
Cultural factors.
Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of Bullying.
(In Press)
Henry, William Anthony and Back, Les (2021) Reggae culture as local knowledge: mapping the beats on southeast London streets. In: Narratives from beyond the UK Reggae Bassline: The System is Sound. Palgrave Studies in the History of Subcultures and Popular Music. Palgrave, UK, pp. 29-57. ISBN 9783030551605
Jayman, Michelle ORCID:
Harnessing the "unique voice" of the child for programme evaluation and development in education research in the United Kingdom: methodological and ethical challenges.
Researching within the educational margins: Strategies for communicating and articulating voices.
Palgrave Studies in Education Research Methods.
Palgrave MacMillan, Springer, Australia, pp. 45-61.
ISBN 9783030488444
Jayman, Michelle ORCID:, Ohl, Maddie
ORCID:, Hughes, Bronach and Fox, Pauline
Improving the socio-emotional health of young people in early secondary education: preliminary findings from a study of the Pyramid intervention project.
Resilience and Health in a Fast-Changing World.
Jagiellonian University Press, pp. 109-120.
ISBN 9788323340263
Jayman, Michelle ORCID: and Rix, Kate
Schools-based research: hints and tips for successful data collection in schools.
A Guide for Psychology Postgraduates: Surviving Postgraduate Study.
British Psychological Society, pp. 18-22.
Marinakou, Evangelia and Giousmpasoglou, Charalampos ORCID:
M-learning in the Middle East: the case of Bahrain.
Assessing the Role of Mobile Technologies and Distance Learning in Higher Education.
IGI Global, Hershey, USA, pp. 176-199.
ISBN 9781466673168
Rege Colet, Nicole and Fanghanel, Joelle (2015) Faire de la recherche appliquée sur ses enseignements. In: La pédagogie de l'enseignement supérieur: repères théoriques et applications pratiques. Exploration, 2 (167). Peter Lang, Bern, Switzerland, pp. 221-234. ISBN 9783035194012
Smith, Peter K., Görzig, Anke and Robinson, Susanne (2019) Cyberbullying in schools: Cross-cultural issues. In: Cyberbullying in Schools, Workplaces, and Romantic Relationships: The Many Lenses and Perspectives of Electronic Mistreatment. Routledge/Taylor-Francis., Abingdon, Oxon, UK. ISBN 9781315110554
Van der Sluis, Hendrik ORCID:
From technical toy to pedagogical tool: improving staff development sessions on learning technologies using action research.
Compendium of action research reports: eJUMP 2.0: implementing e-learning 2.0 in everyday learning processes in higher and vocational education.
E-OPE, Tallinn, Estonia, pp. 46-60.
Abdelnour-Nocera, Jose ORCID:, Clemmensen, Torkil and Guimaraes, Tatiane
Learning HCI across institutions, disciplines and countries: a field study of cognitive styles in analytical and creative tasks.
In: INTERACT 2017 - The 16th IFIP TC.13 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 25-29 Sep 2017, Mumbai, India.
Abedin, Manzoorul ORCID:
Best practices, opportunities and key challenges in school leadership development in Morocco – a case study.
In: ICSEI (International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement) Conference., 7 January 2020, Marrakech, Morocco.
Abedin, Manzoorul ORCID:
School leadership development in Kenya – a case study perspective from the non-governmental provision.
In: WISE (World Innovation Summit for Education) Conference, Qatar Foundation, Doha, Qatar, 20 November 2019, Doha, Qatar.
Abedin, Manzoorul ORCID:
Socially-responsible university in times of crisis – a comparison of case studies.
In: BERA Annual Conference 2021, 13-16 Sep 2021, London.
Allibone, Lorraine, May, Steve and Van der Sluis, Hendrik ORCID:
Preparing masters students to teach in higher education: a new route to enhanced employability?
In: The Student Journey, Staff and Educational Development Association Spring Teaching Learning and Assessment Conference, 17 - 18 May 2012, Chester, U.K..
Bak, Aggie, Curtis, Hannah, Ohl, Maddie ORCID:, Loveday, Heather
ORCID:, Lynam, Siobhan and Minette, Ramona
The role of resilience in retention: a report of preliminary findings from a prospective study with nursing and midwifery students.
In: Royal College of Nursing Education, 15-16 March 2016, Telford, United Kingdom.
Barra, Pedro, Usman, Salman and Van der Sluis, Hendrik ORCID:
Is your work to my standard? Using technology for peer and self-assessment.
In: What Works? Student Retention and Success, 28-29 Mar 2012, York, U.K..
Benson, Vladlena ORCID:
Is the digital generation ready for Web 2.0-based learning?
In: First World Summit on the Knowledge Society, WSKS 2008, 24-26 Sep 2008, Athens, Greece.
Benson, Vladlena ORCID:
Public and private dichotomy: social networking in higher education.
In: Business & Economics Society International Conference, 11-14 Jan 2011, St. Thomas, Virgin Islands, USA.
Benson, Vladlena ORCID:, Filippaios, Fragkiskos and Morgan, Stephanie
Evaluating student expectations: social networks in career development.
In: Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE) Annual Conference 2009: Challenging Higher Education: knowledge, policy and practice, 8-10 Dec 2009, Newport, UK.
Benson, Vladlena ORCID:, Frumkin, Lara A. and Murphy, Alan
Designing multimedia for differences: e-lecturer, e-tutor, and e-student perspectives.
In: 3rd International Conference on Information Technology and Applications, 04-07 Jul 2005, Sydney, Australia.
Benson, Vladlena ORCID: and Gopee, Shafiiq M.
From electronic to mobile learning: how to make the most of existing e-Learning materials in wireless environment.
In: International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems, 07 - 10 Aug 2006, Setubal, Portugal.
Benson, Vladlena ORCID: and Morgan, Stephanie
Social higher education: how effective is it?
In: The 8th International Conference on e-Learning (ICEL) 2013, 27-28 Jun 2013, Cape Town, South Africa.
Benson, Vladlena ORCID: and Morgan, Stephanie
Social university challenge: developing pragmatic skills for social networking in future managers.
In: British Academy of Management (BAM) Conference 2015: The Value of Pluralism in Advancing Management Research, Education and Practice, 8-10 Sep 2015, Portsmouth, UK.
Benson, Vladlena ORCID: and Morgan, Stephanie
Student employability: can I get a job through social networking?
In: 2013 International Higher Education Teaching and Learning Association (HETL) Conference: Exploring Spaces for Learning, 13-15 Jan 2013, Orlando, Florida, USA.
Benson, Vladlena ORCID: and Morgan, Stephanie
Student experience: issues of wireless access and cloud deployment in higher education.
In: 9th International Joint Conference on e-Business and Telecommunications (ICETE 2012), 24-27 Jul 2012, Rome, Italy.
Benson, Vladlena ORCID: and Morgan, Stephanie
Understanding learners' positions towards social technology adoption in pedagogy.
In: Emerging Technologies and Authentic Learning in Higher Vocational Education Conference 2015, 31 Aug - 03 Sep 2015, Cape Town, South Africa.
Benson, Vladlena ORCID:, Morgan, Stephanie and Filippaios, Fragkiskos
Social media and student lifecycle: impact on career success.
In: Emerging Issues in Business and Law, 22 Jun 2010, Kingston upon Thames, UK.
Benson, Vladlena ORCID:, Morgan, Stephanie and Tennakoon, Hemamali
Social networking in higher education: a knowledge convergence platform.
In: 4th World Summit on the Knowledge Society, WSKS 2011, 21-23 Sep 2011, Mykonos, Greece.
Blumlein, Daniela (2016) Making the invisible visible: supporting nursing students with hidden disabilities in clinical practice. In: RCN International Education Conference, 15-16 Mar 2016, Telford, United kingdom. (Unpublished)
Blumlein, Daniela and Smith, Amelia (2016) Supporting students with dyslexia. In: UWL Learning and Teaching Conference 2016, 28 Jun 2016, London, UK. (Unpublished)
Brewe, Kristin (2016) Hold a mirror up to nature: peer-driven diversity education. In: UWL Teaching and Learning Conference 2016, 28 Jun 2016, London, UK. (Unpublished)
Brooke, Joanne and Rudman, Karen (2016) Dementia education and training through simulation: development and evaluation of scenarios for the acute hospital setting. In: 31st International Conference of Alzheimer's Disease International, 22-24 Apr 2016, Budapest, Hungary. (Unpublished)
Cachia, Moira ORCID: and Lynam, Siobhan
Student feedback on assessment design for learning success: Findings from a qualitative study.
In: Festival of Learning and Teaching (6th July 2023) hosted in Ealing, London, 6-7 Jul 2023, Ealing, London.
Cachia, Moira ORCID:
Understanding theoretical application through concrete experiences.
In: UWL Teaching and Learning Conference 2014, 24 Jun 2014, London, UK.
Cachia, Moira ORCID:, Lynam, Siobhan, Stock, Rosemary, Fern Pollak, Liory, Usher, Lee and Hunt, Frances
Factors facilitating academic success: a student perspective.
In: UWL Teaching and Learning Conference 2016, 28 June 2016, London, UK.
Cachia, Moira ORCID:, Lynam, Siobhan, Stock, Rosemary, Fern Pollak, Liory, Usher, Lee and Hunt, Frances
What do university students understand by academic success? What factors contribute to its attainment?
In: Higher Education Academy STEM Conference 2017, 01-02 Feb 2017, Manchester, UK.
Casanova, Diogo ORCID:
Innovation as a response to new challenges in learning with technology.
In: III Congresso Internacional de Políticas Públicas, Gestão e Práxis Educacional, 28-31 May 2019, Vitória da Conquista, Brazil.
Casanova, Diogo ORCID:
Scholarship of learning and teaching - what role for learning technologies?
In: Teacher' Talks: Innovation, 30 Jan 2019, Leiria, Portugal.
Casanova, Diogo ORCID: and Bentley, Sally
Designing space to enhance teaching and learning.
In: University of Bedfordshire Annual Conference, 11 Jul 2019, Luton.
Cordeiro, Joao ORCID:, Gomes, Jose Alberto and Goncalves, Miguel
Promoting awareness for the acoustic phenomenon: a survey of pedagogical practices and research projects developed at EA/CITAR.
In: Invisible Places Sounding Cities - Sound, Urbanism and Sense of Place, 18 - 20 July 2014, Viseu, Portugal.
Fernandes, Janice (2024) The Doctoral Research Journey - challenges and opportunities. In: One day online international conference. Anandibai Raorane Arts, Commerce and Science College, 29 Dec 2024, Sindhudurg, India.
Forster, Marc ORCID:
Information Literacy development: making students partners in learning in the classroom and workplace.
In: UWL Teaching and Learning Conference 2016, 27 June 2016, London, UK.
Forster, Marc ORCID: and Omar, Davina
Information literacy and making the most of feedback.
In: Festival of Learning and Teaching, 3 July 2019, Ealing, London.
Giousmpasoglou, Charalampos ORCID: and Marinakou, Evangelia
The future is here: m-learning in higher education.
In: 4th International Conference on e-Learning, 7-9 May 2013, Manama, Bahrain.
Görzig, Anke ORCID:
A socio-ecological perspective of adolescents’ risk and resilience online.
In: Research Twilight Series - University of West London, 24.9.2019, London, UK.
Görzig, Anke ORCID: and Palmer, Sally
Do mental illness stereotypes predict bystander behaviour in cyber-bullying? An application of the stereotype content model.
In: 23rd Workshop Aggression - Discrimination, Radicalization, and Aggression., November 1st-3rd, 2018, Berlin, Germany.
Görzig, Anke ORCID:, Wachs, Sebastian and Wright, Michelle
Cyberhate and cyberbullying: joint propensity and reciprocal amplification.
In: International Society of Political Psychology, 12-15 July 2019, Lisbon, Portugal.
Görzig, Anke ORCID:, Wachs, Sebastian and Wright, Michelle
Cyberhate and cyberbullying: joint propensity and reciprocal amplification. Full panel: victims and perpetrators of hate speech.
In: Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology, 12-15 July 2019, Lisbon.
Henson, David (2022) Are you positioning yourself - insider or outsider? In: Postgraduate Seminar, 5 March 2022, Dublin. (Unpublished)
Henson, David (2021) Can dialogic interaction influence the quality and reality of learning as students prepare for a performance task? In: Postgraduate Conference in Education, 30 Sep 2021, Oxford. (Submitted)
Henson, David (2017) When the teaching stops and the learning begins: the importance of dialogue within the learning environment. In: LCM Education Conference, 1 Oct 2017, London. (Submitted)
Henson, David (2016) The phenomenon of 'interruption' a destructive or positive act of communication within the learning environment. In: UNSPECIFIED, 23 Apr 2016, Oxford, UK. (Unpublished)
Hodder, Amanda and Lynam, Siobhan (2016) Definitely kinder to myself: a study of university students' experience of mindfulness meditation. In: UWL Teaching and Learning Conference 2016, 28 June 2016, London, UK. (Unpublished)
Huet, I., Van der Sluis, Hendrik ORCID: and May, S.
Staff-student partnerships in pedagogic research : the benefits for students' development of research competencies.
In: 9th Annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, 14-16 Nov 2016, Seville, Spain.
Huet, Isabel ORCID:
Round table discussion about the research conducted in the CIDTFF (Research Centre on Didactics and Technology in the Education of Trainers).
In: II Forum CIDTFF, 1 July 2019, University of Aveiro, Portugal.
Hunt, Frances, Fern Pollak, Liory, Stock, Rosemary, Usher, Lee, Lynam, Siobhan and Cachia, Moira ORCID:
The role of mental toughness and affect in academic success within a higher education setting.
In: UWL Teaching and Learning Conference 2014, 24 June 2014, London, UK.
Jayman, Michelle ORCID:, Fox, Pauline
ORCID:, Ohl, Maddie
ORCID: and Hughes, Bronach
Improving socio-emotional health and school performance for pupils in early secondary education with Pyramid: a school-based, early intervention model.
In: 12th International Conference on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology, 17-19 July 2017, University of Roehampton, London, UK.
Jayman, Michelle ORCID:, Ohl, Maddie
ORCID:, Hughes, Bronach and Fox, Pauline
Improving the socio-emotional health of young people in early secondary education: preliminary findings from a study of the Pyramid intervention project.
In: BPS Psychology of Education Section Conference, 07-09 Nov 2014, Milton Keynes, UK.
Jayman, Michelle ORCID:, Ohl, Maddie
ORCID:, Hughes, Bronach and Fox, Pauline
Improving the socio-emotional health of young people in early secondary education: preliminary findings from a study of the Pyramid intervention project.
In: Health & Mental Resilience: An Interdisciplinary Approach, 26-27 Sep 2014, Krakow, Poland.
Jayman, Michelle ORCID:
Beyond PhD survival guides: reflections on finding 'joy in the journey'.
In: UWL Doctoral Students' Conference, 24 May 2017, London, UK.
Jayman, Michelle (2019) 'Transforming children and young people's mental health provision': exploring the pivotal role of schools and colleges in promoting and supporting mental wellbeing. In: BERA Annual Conference 2019, 10-12 September 2019, Manchester. (Unpublished)
Jayman, Michelle ORCID:
The impact Pyramid Club has on socio-emotional health and school performance for pupils in early secondary education:
a mixed methods evaluation study.
In: BERA Annual Conference 2018, 11-13 September, Northumbria University, Newcastle.
Jayman, Michelle ORCID: and Hughes, Bronach
Evaluating impact of the Pyramid socio-emotional intervention: the unique contribution and challenges of research in educational settings.
In: UWL Research Conference 2017, 30 June 2017, London, UK.
Jayman, Michelle ORCID: and Lynam, Siobhan
Stay calm and e-educate: exploring HE staff experiences of online teaching and learning in the wake of Covid-19.
In: Stay calm and e-educate: Exploring HE staff experiences of online teaching and learning in the wake of Covid-19, 18th February 2018, Online.
Jayman, Michelle ORCID:, Ohl, Maddie
ORCID:, Fox, Pauline
ORCID: and Hughes, Bronach
Improving wellbeing for pupils in early secondary education with Pyramid Club: an early intervention model.
In: BPS Psychology of Education Conference, 14-15 September 2018, Wolfson College, University of Oxford.
Jayman, Michelle ORCID:, Ohl, Maddie
ORCID:, Hughes, Bronach and Fox, Pauline
Evaluating the impact of the Pyramid intervention on the emotional health and school performance of students in early secondary education.
In: 10th International Child & Adolescent Psychopathology Conference, 20-22 July 2015, London, UK.
Jayman, Michelle ORCID:, Ohl, Maddie
ORCID:, Hughes, Bronach and Fox, Pauline
Improving the socio-emotional health of young people in early secondary education: a pilot study of the Pyramid intervention project.
In: BPS Developmental Section Annual Conference, 03-05 Sep 2014, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Jayman, Michelle ORCID:, Ohl, Maddie
ORCID:, Hughes, Bronach and Fox, Pauline
Improving the socio-emotional health of young people in early secondary education: preliminary findings from a study of the Pyramid intervention project.
In: 4th European Conference on Child and Adolescent Mental health in Educational Settings, 05-06 Feb 2015, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Jayman, Michelle ORCID:, Ohl, Maddie
ORCID:, Hughes, Bronach and Fox, Pauline
The Pyramid Project at the University of West London.
In: Seminar Series: The School of Education and Continuing Studies, 18 Nov 2015, Portsmouth, UK.
Jayman, Michelle ORCID:, Rose, Anthea and Glazzard, Jonathan
Children’s mental health is ‘everyone’s business’: Making sense of roles, responsibilities and boundaries for schools.
In: Curriculum for Wellbeing Forum, 14 March 2020, Online.
Jayman, Michelle and Ventouris, Annita (2019) Book of beasties: the mental wellness card game – a pilot study. In: Researching Education and Mental Health: Where are we now?, 12 July 2019, UWL, St Mary's Road, London. (Unpublished)
Jayman, Michelle ORCID: and Ventouris, Annita
Dealing children a helping hand with ‘Book of Beasties’: The Mental Wellness card game.
In: BERA Student and Teacher Wellbeing Conference, 27 July 2020, Online.
Kanuga, Ingrid (2012) Improving results and student experience through the application of the BLPAS (Blended Learning Phased Assessment Strategy) framework to a cohort of 200 level 5 students. In: PebbleBash 2012, 20-21 June 2012, Shifnal, UK.
Kanuga, Ingrid (2015) The winter of the summer child presentation. In: Doctoral Research Student Workshop in Social Education, Oct 2015, University of Readng, UK. (Unpublished)
Kanuga, Ingrid, Dossa, Nadia, Farine, Noel and Holley, Regina (2011) Learning teaching and assessment strategy for graduate level international student. In: UWL Teaching and Learning Conference 2011, 28 June 2011, London, UK. (Unpublished)
Kanuga, Ingrid and Visram, Zabin (2017) Knowledge retention: a discussion on the link between assessment strategies, learning approaches and long term knowledge retention. In: UWL Teaching and Learning Conference 2017, 29 June 2017, London, UK. (Unpublished)
Kanuga, Ingrid and Visram, Zabin (2011) Preparing international students for assessments. In: The Third Assessment in Higher Education Conference, July 2011, Carlisle, UK. (Unpublished)
Kanuga, Ingrid and Visram, Zabin (2017) Shared leadership: what are your thoughts? In: UALL Work & Learning Network Annual Conference 2017, 23 June 2017, London, UK. (Unpublished)
Kanuga, Ingrid and Visram, Zabin (2011) Using a web-based platform to enhance employability skills of the global citizen student: introducing the Blended Learning Phased Assessment Employability Strategy (BLPASES) framework. In: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education AACE Conference, June 2011, Lisbon, Portugal.
Kanuga, Ingrid and Visram, Zabin (2013) The international student perspective on different methods of feedback. In: UWL Teaching and Learning Conference 2013, 25 June 2013, London, UK. (Unpublished)
Kanuga, Ingrid, Visram, Zabin and Pendre, Rakesh (2014) An interactive staff development workshop on engaging international students with different methods of feedback. In: RAISE Reseraching, advancing and Inspiring Student Engagement, 11-12 Sep 2014, Manchester, UK. (Unpublished)
Krol, Edyta (2024) Breaking down barriers: Making the curriculum more inclusive. Our commitment to inclusivity - A case study of reading lists for computing and engineering at UWL Library. In: Breaking down barriers: Making the curriculum more inclusive, 14 Feb 2024, London.
Lafarge, Caroline ORCID:
Is there a perfect recipe for a successful PhD? Why self-development, relationships and grit matter.
In: University of West London Doctoral Conference, 25 May 2016, Brentford, UK.
Linsey, Tim and Van der Sluis, Hendrik ORCID:
Data analytics and learning technologies: what is possible and can it inform practice?
In: Educational Research Forum, 15 Jun 2012, Kingston upon Thames, U.K..
Loughlin, Michael ORCID:
Epistemic Insight: assisting health professionals and the public in resisting misinformation.
In: CCCU Professoriate Committee, 17th May 2021, Canterbury, UK.
Lynam, Siobhan and Cachia, Moira ORCID:
An evaluation of the role of assessments at Higher Education on student learning.
In: Higher Education Academy STEM Conference 2017, 01-02 Feb 2017, Manchester, UK.
Lynam, Siobhan and Cachia, Moira ORCID:
A qualitative study of students' experience of assessments in higher education.
In: UWL Teaching and Learning Conference 2015, 29 June 2015, London, UK.
Magne, Viktoria ORCID: and Cardoso, Walcir
Attitudes towards L2 speech by L2 users: a verbal guise study.
In: EUROSLA, 30 Aug - 02 Sep 2017, Reading, UK.
Margaryan, Anoush ORCID:
Understanding crowdworkers’ learning practices.
In: The Internet, policy, and politics: Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford, 22-23 September 2016, Oxford.
Marinakou, Evangelia and Giousmpasoglou, Charalampos ORCID:
M-learning in higher education in Bahrain: the educators' view.
In: 6th e-Learning Excellence in the Middle East Conference, 03-05 March 2014, Dubai, UAE.
Marinakou, Evangelia, Giousmpasoglou, Charalampos ORCID: and Paliktzoglou, Vasileios
The brain drain phenomenon in higher education in Greece: attitudes and opinions on the decision to immigrate.
In: 3rd Annual International Conference on Humanities & Arts in a Global World, 3-6 January 2016, Athens, Greece.
May, Steven, Van der Sluis, Hendrik ORCID: and Forland, Heather
The impact of pre-entry English test results on postgraduate success.
In: The Impact of Higher Education: Addressing the challenges of the 21st century, 27 - 31 Aug 2013, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
Milani, Raffaella Margherita ORCID:
Use of digital technology (Ipads, tablets. mobile phone, video-games and robots) in children: an overview of risks and benefits.
In: Counseling and Support for Decent Work, Equity and Inclusion: Passwords for the Present and the Future, 05-07 Oct 2017, Padua, Italy.
Morgan, Stephanie and Benson, Vladlena ORCID:
Barriers to the adoption of social technologies in higher education.
In: Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE) Annual Research Conference 2014: Inspiring future generations; embracing plurality and difference in higher education, 10-12 Dec 2014, Newport, UK.
Morgan, Stephanie and Benson, Vladlena ORCID:
Use of VLE apps in business education: challenges and emerging issues.
In: Business & Economics Society International Conference, 6-9 Jul 2013, Monte Carlo, Monaco.
Northeast, Tony (2015) Feedforward: addressing the issue of ineffective feedback. In: UWL Teaching and Learning Conference 2015, 29 June 2015, London, UK. (Unpublished)
Ooms, Ann and Van der Sluis, Hendrik ORCID:
Improving assessment and feedback practices in a technology-enhanced teaching and learning environment: an overview of the literature.
In: Higher Education Academy seminar, 19th May 2010, Kingston-Upon-Thames, U.K..
Ressin, Malte ORCID:
Choice of a visual programming language in a level 3 introductory computing course.
In: UWL Teaching and Learning Conference 2017, 29 Jun 2017, London, UK.
Rizzuto, Joseph and Balodimou, Efcharis ORCID:
Implementation of project-based learning in structural design and architectural modules to achieve improved graduate employability.
In: Expert Academy Festival of Learning and Teaching, 19 Jul 2022, Ealing, London.
Rizzuto, Joseph and Balodimou, Efcharis ORCID:
Understanding feedback and feed-forward: insights drawn from project-based learning.
In: Festival of Learning and Teaching, 3 July 2019, Ealing, London.
Roberts, Stephen (2012) VISTAS Interdisciplinary Colloquium on Emerging Research on Education, Economy and Community. In: VISTAS Interdisciplinary Colloquium on Emerging Research on Education, Economy and Community, 8th June 2012, University of West London.
Sholl, Robert (2014) "How do you like your counterpoint, sir?": music pedagogy beyond therapy. In: EUROMAC 2014, 17-20 Sep 2014, Leuven, Belgium. (Unpublished)
Smith, Peter K., Görzig, Anke ORCID: and Robinson, Susanne
Cyberbullying in schools: cross-cultural issues. Invited symposium: studies of bullying in different cultures.
In: 18th European Conference on Developmental Psychology, 1 Sep 2017, Utrecht, Netherlands.
Smith, Peter K., Robinson, Susanne and Görzig, Anke ORCID:
How do cultural values relate to prevalence and nature of bullying victimization?
In: 19th European Conference on Developmental Psychology, 29 Aug - 01 Sep 2019, Athens, Greece.
(In Press)
Stock, Rosemary, Hunt, Frances, Cachia, Moira ORCID:, Lynam, Siobhan, Usher, Lee and Fern Pollak, Liory
Mental toughness and moods as predictors of academic success.
In: Higher Education Academy STEM Conference 2017, 01-02 Feb 2017, Manchester, UK.
Stock, Rosemary, Hunt, Frances, Fern Pollak, Liory, Lynam, Siobhan, Cachia, Moira ORCID: and Usher, Lee
Gender differences in predictors of academic success: mental toughness and affect.
In: UWL Teaching and Learning Conference 2015, 29 June 2015, London, UK.
Stock, Rosemary, Lynam, Siobhan and Cachia, Moira ORCID:
A quantitative study of the relationship between feedback orientation and students’ motivation to learn.
In: Festival of Learning & Teaching 2019 UWL, 3rd July 2019, London, England.
Testa, Alberto ORCID:
Revolution from the right? Neo-Fascism in the 21st century Italian football stadia and society.
In: Proceedings of the 4th EASS Conference of the European Association for the Sociology of Sport, 31 May - 3 June 2007, Münster, Germany.
Thomas, Jane ORCID:
Lecturer as employer: busting the myths.
In: UWL Teaching and Learning Conference 2017, 29 June 2017, London, UK.
Thomas, Jane ORCID: and Grainger, Carrie
Preventing plagiarism: creating a digital resource for plagiarism prevention.
In: Festival of Teaching & Learning, 27th June 2018, London.
Thomas, Madsen ORCID:
Student engagement in online delivery of mathematics and statistics modules.
In: Festival of Learning and Teaching, 08 Jul 2021, London.
Tischler, Victoria ORCID:
Transdisciplinarity: the future of research?
In: UWL Doctoral Students' Conference, 24 May 2017, London, UK.
Townshend, Julia, Northeast, Tony and Worrell, Marcia (2015) Feedforward: turning feedback around. In: UWL Teaching and Learning Conference 2015, 29 June 2015, London, UK. (Unpublished)
Van der Sluis, Hendrik ORCID:
Tag to track? Analytics to measure the impact of educational policies.
In: HEIR2014: From Research to Action, 08-09 Sep 2014, Oxford, U.K..
Van der Sluis, Hendrik ORCID:
A different installation of online assessment environment and the consequence for its use.
In: 4th Plymouth e-Learning Conference 2009, 23 - 24 Apr 2009, Plymouth, U.K..
Van der Sluis, Hendrik ORCID:
A different installation of online assessment environment and the consequence for its use.
In: 4th Plymouth e-Learning Conference 2009, 23 - 24 Apr 2009, Plymouth, U.K..
Van der Sluis, Hendrik ORCID:, Burden, Penny and Huet, Isabel
The value of professional development schemes based on the UKPSF for improving teaching and learning in HE.
In: 37th Annual EAIR Forum Krems 2015: From Here to There: Positioning Higher Education Institutions, 30 Aug - 02 Sep 2015, Krems, Austria.
Van der Sluis, Hendrik ORCID:, Burden, Penny and Huet, Isabel
The value of professional development schemes for improving learning and teaching in UK higher education.
In: 20th Annual SEDA Conference: Scholarship and Educational Development: The Importance of Using an Evidence Base for Learning and Teaching, 19-20 Nov 2015, Cardiff, U.K..
Van der Sluis, Hendrik ORCID: and Linsey, Timothy
Assessing e-book readers for academic practices.
In: ALT-C 2012: a confrontation with reality, 11-13 Sep 2012, Manchester, U.K..
Van der Sluis, Hendrik ORCID: and Loughlin, Colin
The pen is mightier with the words.
In: ALT-C 2012: a confrontation with reality, 11-13 Sep 2012, Manchester, U.K..
Ventouris, Annita (2020) Book of beasties, the mental wellness cards game. In: UCLY (Université Catholique de Lyon) International Research Week, 13-14 Jan 2020, Lyon, France. (Unpublished)
Ventouris, Annita (2020) Developing resilience in Higher Education students: what is the role of the lecturer? In: UCLY (Université Catholique de Lyon) International Research Week, 13-14 Jan 2020, Lyon, France. (Unpublished)
Visram, Zabin (2015) A workshop exploring how cultural norms and values impact the multicultural groupwork assessment process. In: UWL Teaching and Learning Conference 2015, 29 June 2015, London, UK. (Unpublished)
Visram, Zabin and Baker, Susanne (2011) The Mentor Scheme at University of West London. In: The Third Assessment in Higher Education Conference, July 2011, Carlisle, UK.
Visram, Zabin and Kanuga, Ingrid (2014) How will tourism and hospitality education have to change in 5, 10 and 15 years' time for the global citizen student? In: 32nd EuroChrie Dubai 2014 Conference, 06-09 Oct 2014, Dubai.
Visram, Zabin and Kanuga, Ingrid (2016) A workshop exploring how a 'capability set of competencies for being intercultural' can be infused within the teaching and deliver of the multicultural groupwork assessment process. In: UWL Teaching and Learning Conference 2016, 28 Jun 2016, London, UK. (Unpublished)
Visram, Zabin and Kanuga, Ingrid (2017) A workshop exploring how intercultural competences can be incorporated within the curriculum. In: UALL Work and Learning Network Annual Conference, 23 June 2017, London, UK. (Unpublished)
Visram, Zabin, Kanuga, Ingrid and Pendre, Rakesh (2014) Evaluating staff and student partnerships to provide opportunities for students to engage within the community and develop their confidence. In: RAISE Reseraching, Advancing and Inspiring Student Engagement, 11-12 Sep 2014, Manchester, UK. (Unpublished)
Williamson, Swapna Naskar (2014) Students' engagement in learning using the Self-Rating Scale of Self-Directed Learning. In: UWL Teaching and Learning Conference 2014, 24 Jun 2014, London, UK. (Unpublished)
Williamson, Swapna Naskar (2005) The development of a self-rating scale of self-directedness in learning (SRSSDL) for students of higher education. In: What a Difference a Pedagogy Makes: Researching Lifelong Learning and Teaching, 24-26 Jun 2005, Stirling, UK. (Unpublished)
Williamson, Swapna Naskar, Forbes-Burford, Janice and Minette, Ramona (2016) Embedding employability into the health and social care curriculum: perceptions of the stakeholders. In: Inspire to Succeed: Transforming Teaching and Learning in Health and Social Care, 24-25 Feb 2016, Glasgow, UK. (Unpublished)
Williamson, Swapna Naskar, Minette, Ramona, Forbes-Burford, Janice and Paulsen-Becejac, Laila (2016) Engaging stakeholders in the development of graduate employability skills in healthcare: working together to achieve success. In: Higher Education Academy Fellow-led Workshop, 12 July 2016, Brentford, UK. (Unpublished)
Williamson, Swapna Naskar and Paulsen-Becejac, Laila (2016) The impact of peer learning within a group of international masters students. In: UWL Teaching and Learning Conference 2016, 28 June 2016, London, UK. (Unpublished)
Woodfield, Steve, May, Steve and Van der Sluis, Hendrik ORCID:
Lifelong Learning Network (LLN) progression agreements: an effective and sustainable approach for promoting the social mobility of vocational students?
In: What can Higher Education Contribute to Improving Social Mobility in the UK?, 26-27 Mar 2013, Manchester, U.K..
Benson, Vladlena ORCID: and Morgan, Stephanie, eds.
Cutting-edge technologies and social media use in higher education.
IGI Global, Hershey, USA.
ISBN 9781466651746
Benson, Vladlena ORCID: and Morgan, Stephanie, eds.
Implications of social media use in personal and professional settings.
IGI Global, Hershey, USA.
ISBN 9781466674011
Eales-Reynolds, Lesley-Jane ORCID: and Westwood, Olwyn
Teaching excellence in higher education: lessons from the TEF.
Kindle direct publishing, USA.
ISBN 978-1-64316-843-2; 9781980759379
Fanghanel, Joelle (2011) Being an academic. Routledge, Abingdon, UK. ISBN 9780415573702
Ferri, Giuliana (2018) Intercultural communication - current challenges and future directions. Pivot. Palgrave MacMillan. ISBN 978-3-319-73918-2
Henson, David and Pickering, Kenneth (2018) Myujikeol wokeubuk. (Musical Theatre Workbook). Musical Theatre Workbooks, 1. Theatre and Man Press, Korea, pp. 1-150.
Ismail, Abdul (2012) Improving the effectiveness of teacher-selection interviews: Headteachers' perspectives. Lambert Academic Publishing. ISBN 978-3659275807
Jayman, Michelle ORCID:, Glazzard, Jonathan and Rose, Anthea
Researching education & mental health: from ‘where
are we now?’ to ‘what next?’.
BERA Bites (6).
John, Peter and Fanghanel, Joelle (2016) Dimensions of marketisation in higher education. Routledge, London, UK. ISBN 9781138845138
Macfarlane, Bruce (2004) Teaching with integrity: the ethics of higher education practice. Routledge, Abingdon, UK. ISBN 9780415335096
Macfarlane, Bruce (2007) The academic citizen: the virtue of service in university life. Routledge, Abingdon, UK. ISBN 9780415357593
Murji, Karim ORCID: and Bhattacharyya, Gargi
Race critical public scholarship.
This book was originally published as a special issue of Ethnic and Racial Studies.
Routledge, Abingdon.
ISBN 9780415745840
Pickering, Kenneth and Henson, David (2021) A teacher's guide to musical theatre. Musical Theatre Guide. Bloomsbury Publishing, Methuen Drama, London. ISBN 9781350213937
Watson, Danielle and Blair, Erik ORCID:
Reimagining graduate supervision in developing contexts: a focus on regional universities.
ISBN 9781138295315
Edwards, Ceris (2021) Teachers’ mood and emotions from the perspective of 9- to 11-year-olds: an exploration into the understanding of communication of teachers’ feelings in primary schools. Doctoral thesis, University of West London.
Jayman, Michelle ORCID:
Evaluating the impact of a school-based intervention on the socio-emotional well-being and school performance of pupils in early secondary education.
Doctoral thesis, University of West London.
Lawal, Muili ORCID:
Examining policy implementation for type 2 diabetes: exploring barriers and enablers associated with uptake of structured patient education.
Doctoral thesis, University of West London.
Lingard, Matt (2007) Why don’t all lecturers make use of VLEs?: what can the so-called “laggards” tell us? Masters thesis, Institute of Education, University of London.
Mariampillai, John K. (2014) Collaborative provision within UK higher education: perceptions of stakeholders of UK and Sri Lankan private colleges offering university degrees in business and management. Doctoral thesis, University of West London.
Mbeteh, Alfred (2019) Development of a competency framework for entrepreneurship education programmes in Sierra Leone. Doctoral thesis, University of West London.
Mcharazo, Alli (1999) Distance Learning in the African Context: The learning resource requirements of the students at the Open University of Tanzania, and the extent to which they are met. Doctoral thesis, Thames Valley University.
Pipe, Liz (2018) The role of gesture and non-verbal communication in popular music performance, and its application to curriculum and pedagogy. Doctoral thesis, University of West London.
Singh, Naushaba (2016) A phenomenological exploration of the holistic experiences of Bangladeshi MBA students at a UK university. Doctoral thesis, University of West London.
Austin, Ann and Abdelnour-Nocera, Jose ORCID:
Comparing the cognitive profile of the HCI professional and the HCI educator.
Project Report.
Fanghanel, Joelle, Potter, Jacqueline, Pritchard, Jane and Wisker, Gina (2016) Defining and supporting the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL): a sector-wide study. (Executive summary). Project Report. Higher Education Academy, York.
Fanghanel, Joelle, Pritchard, Jane, Potter, Jacqueline and Wisker, Gina (2016) Defining and supporting the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL): a sector-wide study. (Literature review). Other. Higher Education Academy, York, UK.
Forbes-Burford, Janice, Oughton, Rachel, Chaggar, Gurpreet and Loveday, Heather ORCID:
The primary care nurse education and mentorship pilot
report to health education North West London.
Project Report.
Health Education England - North West London.
Forster, Marc ORCID:
Academic information literacies: finding and using information in research, teaching and academic professional development at the University of West London.
Project Report.
University of West London, London, UK.
Görzig, Anke ORCID:
Does young people’s tendency to experience risks reach across the online/offline divide?
UK Safer Internet Centre.
Görzig, Anke ORCID: and Machackova, Hana
Cyberbullying from a socio-ecological perspective: a contemporary synthesis of findings from EU Kids Online.
Working Paper.
Media@LSE, London.
Kanuga, Ingrid (2014) In the pursuit of "truth", objectivity is considered as fundamental, or is it? Working Paper. UNSPECIFIED, University of Reading. (Unpublished)
Kanuga, Ingrid (2015) The Academic: a profession with ethics and care for the digital age student. Working Paper. Kanuga, Ingrid, University of Reading. (Submitted)
Kanuga, Ingrid (2015) Qualitative content analysis: an experimental study. Working Paper. Kanuga, Ingrid, Reading. (Unpublished)
Kanuga, Ingrid (2014) Shared leadership: individual reflections. Working Paper. UNSPECIFIED, University of Reading. (Unpublished)
Kanuga, Ingrid (2015) The winter of the summer child. Working Paper. Kanuga, Ingrid, University of Reading. (Unpublished)
May, Steve, Van der Sluis, Hendrik ORCID: and Woodfield, Steve
Promoting social mobility by creating pathways to the professions and vocational careers: the role of progression agreements. A literature synthesis of the widening access, student retention and success national programmes archive.
Project Report.
HEA Academy, York, U.K..
Smith, Peter K., Görzig, Anke ORCID: and Robinson, Susanne
Issues of cross-cultural variations in cyber bullying across Europe and beyond.
Working Paper.
London School of Economics and Political Sciences.
Stuart, Mary, Lido, Catherine and Morgan, Jessica (2009) The impact of social identity and cultural capital on different ethnic student groups at university. Project Report. Economic and Social Research Council.
Stuart, Mary, Lido, Catherine, Morgan, S., Solomon, Lucy and Akroyd, K. (2008) Widening participation to postgraduate study: decisions, deterrents, and creating success (HEA Published Report). Project Report. Higher Education Academy.
Visram, Zabin (2015) Evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of qualitative research methods. A study focusing on content analysis. Discussion Paper. Visram, Z. (Unpublished)
Visram, Zabin (2014) In the pursuit of "truth", objectivity is considered as fundamental. Project Report. UNSPECIFIED, University of Reading. (Unpublished)
Visram, Zabin (2014) Multicultural leadership: the challenges and tensions experienced. Discussion Paper. .. (Unpublished)
Blair, Erik ORCID:
Everyday reflective practice.
UNSPECIFIED, London School of Economics - Education Blog.
Blair, Erik ORCID:
Hearing the student voice: Finding value in feedback.
UNSPECIFIED, London School of Economics - Education Blog.
Blair, Erik ORCID:
How researchers might find the ‘truth’ and what they can do with it.
UNSPECIFIED, Practical Research for Education.
Blair, Erik ORCID:
Mapping the teaching environment.
UNSPECIFIED, London School of Economics - Education Blog.
Blair, Erik ORCID:
Proportionate reflective practice.
UNSPECIFIED, London School of Economics - Education Blog.
Blair, Erik ORCID:
The breadth of assessment.
UNSPECIFIED, London School of Economics - Education Blog.
Blair, Erik ORCID:
The three part seminar: theatre, skeletons and meta-analyses.
UNSPECIFIED, London School of Economics - Education Blog.
Cachia, Moira ORCID: and Lynam, Siobhan
What do university students think of their assessments?
University of West London, London UK.
Henry, William Anthony (2016) On education and schooling. Sage Publications, UK.
Jayman, Michelle ORCID: and Glazzard, Jonathan
Spotlight on mental health and education: SIG hosts inaugural conference.
British Educational Research Association, UK.
Jayman, Michelle ORCID:, Glazzard, Jonathan and Rose, Anthea
Editorial: Researching education and mental health: from ‘Where are we now?’ to ‘What next?’.
British Educational Research Association.
Jayman, Michelle ORCID: and Ventouris, Jayman
Championing mental health in schools with Book of Beasties: the mental wellness card game.
British Educational Research Association.
Pan, Yu-Chun ORCID:
Not just for kids: using LEGO for creative problem-solving. Your University: The Magazine for UWL Alumni and Friends.
University of West London, London, UK.
Saeed, Nagham ORCID: and Mohamedali, Fehmida
Use of “Feed-Forward” to improve students’ engagement and achievement.
Jayman, Michelle ORCID:
Teaching, Learning and Wellbeing during Covid: Reflections from HE Professionals.
Al-Adilee, Maythem Kamal Abbas, Saeed, Nagham ORCID: and El-Yassin, Hedef
Human and technology - forum session.
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Pott, Francis ORCID:, Brown, Roger and Mitchell, Kathryn
[Professorial lecture series 2011-2012 - highlights].