Alnahed, Sumaya (2021) The BBC and Covid-19 The politicisation of a pandemic? In: Power, Media and the Covid-19 Pandemic. Routledge, London. ISBN 9781003147299
Alnahed, Sumaya (2018) Breaking the language barrier? Comparing TV news frames across texts in different languages. Media, War and Conflict, 11 (4). pp. 407-420. ISSN 1750-6352
Alnahed, Sumaya (2015) Covering Libya: a framing analysis of Al Jazeera and BBC coverage of the 2011 Libyan Uprising and NATO intervention. Middle East Critique, 24 (3). pp. 251-267. ISSN 1943-6149
Alnahed, Sumaya (2018) Covering the vote: UK coverage of Brexit, Jeremy Corbyn, and the 2017 General Election. New Vistas, 3 (2). pp. 18-23. ISSN 2056-9688
Alnahed, Sumaya (2016) Framing the Libyan uprising: a comparison between Al Jazeera Arabic’s and BBC Arabic’s coverage of the 2011 uprising and ensuing NATO intervention. Journal of Arab and Muslim Media Research, 9 (1). pp. 119-137. ISSN 1751-9411
Amir Shahkarami, Sayed Najmedin (2013) The pre-production phase in the making of Iranian full-length animated films 1979-2012. Doctoral thesis, University of West London.
Athanasopoulou, Katerina (2004) Body remember. [Video]
Athanasopoulou, Katerina (2003) I sing the body electric. [Video]
Athanasopoulou, Katerina (2005) Sweet salt. [Video]
Athanasopoulou, Katerina (2004) The clipper. [Video]
Audissino, Emilio (2013) Archival research and film music: the case of the Boston Pops Orchestra. Journal of Film Music, 6 (2). pp. 147-163. ISSN 1087-7142
Audissino, Emilio (2014) Bicycles, airplanes and Peter Pans: flying scenes in Steven Spielberg's films. CINEJ Cinema Journal, 3 (2). pp. 104-120. ISSN 2158-8724
Audissino, Emilio (2015) Due note di credibilita. John Williams e Lo squalo [Two notes of credibility. John Williams and Jaws]. Cinergie (7). pp. 36-44. ISSN 2280-9481
Audissino, Emilio (2012) Italian "doppiaggio". Dubbing in Italy: some notes and (in)famous examples. Italian Americana, 30 (1). pp. 22-32. ISSN 0096-8846
Audissino, Emilio (2011) John Williams, Star Wars and the canonization of Hollywood film music. In: Il Canone Cinematografico/The Film Canon. Forum, Udine, Italy, pp. 273-278. ISBN 9788884206633
Audissino, Emilio (2012) John Williams, The Boston Pops Orchestra and film music in concert. In: Cinema, critique des images. Campanotto, Udine, Italy, pp. 230-235. ISBN 88-456-1288-6
Audissino, Emilio (2015) The 'Ancrage' effect of film on music in film-music concert pieces. In: Listening Cinematically, 25-26 June 2015, Royal Holloway, University of London. (Unpublished)
Audissino, Emilio (2015) Archival research and the study of the concert presentations of film music. In: Audio-Visual Archives Conference, 17-19 July 2015, London, UK. (Unpublished)
Audissino, Emilio (2014) Building an emotive framework: the macro-emotive function of film music. In: Music for Audio-Visual Media Conference, 4-6 Sep 2014, Leeds, UK. (Unpublished)
Audissino, Emilio (2014) Creative energy without creative industry: Mario Bava. In: 9th NECS (European Network for Cinema and Media Studies) Conference, 19-21 June 2014, Milan, Italy. (Unpublished)
Audissino, Emilio (2014) Dubbing as a formal interference: reflections and examples. In: Media and Translation: An Interdisciplinary Approach. Bloomsbury Academic, New York, USA, pp. 97-118. ISBN 9781623566463
Audissino, Emilio (2014) Film dubbing as adaptation and (forced?) assimilation. In: The Humanities 7th Annual Postgraduate Conference, 31 Mar 2014, Southampton, UK. (Unpublished)
Audissino, Emilio (2014) Film music and multimedia: an immersive experience and a throwback to the past. In: Jahrbuch Immersiver Medien 2014: Sounds, Music & Soundscapes. Schüren Verlag, Marburg, Germany, pp. 46-56. ISBN 9783894728960
Audissino, Emilio (2016) Film music in concert: the case of the Boston Pops Orchestra. In: Society for American Music 42nd annual conference, 9-16 March 2016, Boston, MA USA. (Unpublished)
Audissino, Emilio (2014) Golden Age 2.0: John Williams and the revival of the symphonic film score. In: Film in Concert: Film Scores and Their Relation to Classical Concert Music. VWH Verlag, Glücksstadt, Germany, pp. 109-124. ISBN 9783864880605
Audissino, Emilio (2016) Gottfried Huppertz's metropolis: the acme of 'cinema music'. In: Today’s Sounds for Yesterday’s Films: Making Music for Silent Cinema. Palgrave Studies in Audio-Visual Culture. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, UK, pp. 45-63. ISBN 9781137466358
Audissino, Emilio (2013) Hollywood film music and ethnic diversity. In: Multicultural America: A Multimedia Encyclopedia. SAGE, Thousand Oaks, US, pp. 1101-1103. ISBN 978-145-221-683-6
Audissino, Emilio (2013) Il cinema è la morte al lavoro [Cinema is death at work]. In: Immagini della morte [Images of Death], 19 April 2013, University of Pisa, Italy. (Unpublished)
Audissino, Emilio (2009) Il cinema, l'automobile e la morte al lavoro [Cinema, cars and death at work]. In: 10th International Conference 'Da Ulisse a... Il viaggio in auto: mito e attualità' [From Ulysses To... Car Travelling: Myth and Contemporaneity], 01-03 Oct 2009, University of Genoa, Imperia, Italy.
Audissino, Emilio (2011) Il cinema: arte e mercificazione. Il caso delle colonne sonore 'pop' [Cinema: art and commodity. The case of the 'pop' soundtracks]. In: International Doctoral Summer School 'Arts and Media 2', 06-10 Jun 2011, San Servolo (Venice), Italy. (Unpublished)
Audissino, Emilio (2017) John Williams and contemporary film music. In: Contemporary Film Music: Investigating Cinema Narratives and Composition. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, UK, pp. 221-236. ISBN 9781137573742
Audissino, Emilio (2014) John Williams's film music. 'Jaws,' 'Star Wars,' 'Raiders of the Lost Ark,' and the return of the classical Hollywood music style. University of Wisconsin Press, Madison WI, USA. ISBN 9780299297343
Audissino, Emilio (2010) John Williams, Star wars, and the canonization of Hollywood film music. In: 17th International Film Studies Conference 'Film Forum', 16-18 Mar 2010, University of Udine, Italy.
Audissino, Emilio (2010) John Williams, The Boston Pops Orchestra and film music in concert. In: 12th International Doctoral Summer School 'Cinema and Contemporary Art 3', 28 Jun - 09 Jul 2010, Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris 3, Paris, France.
Audissino, Emilio (2010) L'infanzia nel cinema di Steven Spielberg [Childhood in Steven Spielberg's cinema]. Ennepilibri, Imperia, Italy. ISBN 9788879082952
Audissino, Emilio (2013) Motion picture. In: Multicultural America. A Multimedia Encyclopedia. SAGE, Thousand Oaks, CA, pp. 1492-1496. ISBN 978-145-221-683-6
Audissino, Emilio (2014) Orchestrating a prejudice: European misunderstanding of the use of orchestrators in Hollywood. In: MaMI (Music and the Moving Image) Conference, 30 May - 01 Jun 2014, New York, USA. (Unpublished)
Audissino, Emilio (2014) Overruling a romantic prejudice: forms and formats of film music in concert programs. In: Film in Concert: Film Scores and Their Relation to Classical Concert Music. VWH Verlag, Glücksstadt, Germany, pp. 25-44. ISBN 9783864880605
Audissino, Emilio (2014) When the score tells more: music and connotations in Raiders of the Lost Ark. In: 20th SERCIA Conference, 'Movies and Music: National and Transnational Approaches', 18-20 Sep 2014, Nijmegen, Netherlands. (Unpublished)
Audissino, Emilio (2013) The aesthetic cost of marketing. The economical motivation of pop songs in films. In: Pratiques et esthétiques. Le coût et la gratuité. L'Harmattan, Paris, France, pp. 41-46. ISBN 978-2-336-29175-8
Audissino, Emilio (2010) The meaning of flight in Steven Spielberg's films. In: 11th International Conference 'Da Ulisse a... Il viaggio aereo tra fantasia e realtà [From Ulysses To... Air Travelling between Fantasy and Reality], 7-9 October 2010, University of Genoa, Imperia, Italy.
Audissino, Emilio (2011) Émigrés and Hollywood film music: the cases of Max Steiner's Casablanca and Erich Wolfgang Korngold's The Adventures of Robin Hood. In: 12th International Conference 'Da Ulisse a... In viaggio verso le terre felici.' [From Ulysses To... Journeys to the Lands of Happiness], 06-08 Oct 2011, Imperia, Italy. (Unpublished)
Audissino, Emilio (2011) Émigrés and the political connotations of Hollywood music: two case studies. In: Doctoral workshop 'Migrazioni e Migranti' [Migrations and Migrants], 30 June 2011, Pisa, Italy. (Unpublished)
Ayisi, Florence and Brylla, Catalin ORCID:
See me, know me – cultural expressions of Cameroonian women.
Stimulus Respond, Africa.
pp. 36-43.
ISSN 1746-8086
Ayisi, Florence and Brylla, Catalin ORCID:
Documentary practice and the resistance to cultural norms.
In: Football and Communities of Resistance Conference, 12 Jun 2014, Manchester, UK.
Ayisi, Florence and Brylla, Catalin ORCID:
Zanzibar soccer dreams.
Ayisi, Florence and Brylla, Catalin ORCID:
A cognitive-hermeneutical approach to audience reception of 'Sisters in Law'.
In: Women and Film in Africa Conference: Overcoming Social Barriers, 19-20 Nov 2011, London, UK.
Aylesworth-Spink, Shelley (2016) Protecting the herd: an analysis of public relations responses to the 2015 measles outbreak originating at Disneyland and Disney California Adventure Park. Case Studies in Strategic Communication, 5 (10). pp. 191-219. ISSN 2167-1974
Aylesworth-Spink, Shelley (2016) Taking the lead from students. New Vistas, 2 (2). pp. 12-15. ISSN 2056-9688
Aylesworth-Spink, Shelley (2015) Falling in line: news media and public health response during the 2009 H1N1 outbreak in Canada. Doctoral thesis, Queen's University, Canada.
Bakalka, Laura and Lelis, Catarina ORCID:
Informing personal branding through self-assessed handwriting analysis: proposal of a supportive online platform.
Visible Language, 52 (3).
pp. 9-29.
ISSN 0022-2224
Barbosa, Alvaro and Cordeiro, Joao ORCID:
The influence of perceptual attack times in networked music performance.
In: Audio Engineering Society 44th International Conference - Audio Networking, 18 - 20 November 2011, Sand Diego, USA.
Bennett, Peter (2016) Going away. New Vistas, 2 (2). ISSN 2056-9688
Bennett, Peter (2016) Going away: a photographic representation of the coast as a remembered place of childhood experience. New Vistas, 2 (2). pp. 6-11. ISSN 2056-9688
Bennett, Peter (2017) Cartographies. In: Urban Encounters 2017: Cartographies (Tate Gallery), 10-11 Nov 2017, London, UK. (Unpublished)
Bennett, Peter (2018) Cities of light. In: Cities of Light Conference (University of Paris V - Sorbonne), 4-6 May 2018, Paris, France. (Unpublished)
Bennett, Peter (2017) Exploring photography and the urban environment. In: Urban Photography: Making, Researching, Teaching (Photographers' Gallery), 13 Nov 2017, London, UK. (Unpublished)
Bennett, Peter (2016) Robert Frank’s later work: stories of displacement/ layers of time and place. In: UWL Staff Symposium 2016, 18 May 2016, London, UK. (Unpublished)
Bennett, Peter (2016) A construction of place in time. In: Urban Encounters Conference 2016 (Tate/Goldsmiths), 3-5 November 2016, London, UK. (Unpublished)
Bennett, Peter (2018) An ideal for living. [Artefact] (Unpublished)
Bennett, Peter (2017) An image of urban redevelopment. In: UWL Staff Research Symposium 2017, 3 May 2017, London, UK. (Unpublished)
Blake, Charles (2018) Orpheus and the vanishing note. Angelaki, 23 (3). pp. 178-193. ISSN 1469-2899
Brewe, Kristin (2016) Advertising online in the Age of Reputation. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)
Brewe, Kristin (2016) Hold a mirror up to nature: peer-driven diversity education. In: UWL Teaching and Learning Conference 2016, 28 Jun 2016, London, UK. (Unpublished)
Brylla, Catalin ORCID:
Bypassing the supercrip trope in documentary representations of blind visual artists.
Disability Studies Quarterly, 38 (3).
ISSN 1041-5718
Brylla, Catalin ORCID:
How are film endings shaped by their socio-historical context? Part 1.
Image and Narrative, 4 (2).
ISSN 1780-678X
Brylla, Catalin ORCID:
How are film endings shaped by their socio-historical context? Part 2.
Image and Narrative, 5 (1).
ISSN 1780-678X
Brylla, Catalin ORCID:
Performativity on the margin: Pornography: The Musical (2003).
Film Studies, 18 (1).
ISSN 1469-0314
Brylla, Catalin ORCID:
The benefits of content analysis for filmmakers.
Studies in Australasian Cinema, 12 (2-3).
pp. 150-161.
ISSN 1750-3175
Brylla, Catalin ORCID: and Ayisi, Florence
The politics of representation and audience reception: alternatives visions of Africa.
Research in African Literatures, 44 (2).
pp. 125-141.
ISSN 0034-5210
Brylla, Catalin ORCID: and Kramer, Mette
A pragmatic framework for the cognitive study of documentary.
Projections: The Journal for Movies and Mind, 12 (2).
pp. 159-180.
ISSN 1934-9688
Brylla, Catalin ORCID:
Blindness and the everyday: a documentary perspective.
In: Ordinary/Everyday/Quotidian Conference, 26-27 Sep 2013, University of York, UK.
Brylla, Catalin ORCID:
Clashing Agencies – A Seeing Filmmaker Filming a Blind Painter.
In: MeCCSA conference, January 2018, London.
Brylla, Catalin ORCID:
Cognitive innovation in documentary film practice.
In: Off the Lip: Transdisciplinary Approaches to Cognitive Innovation, 7-11 Sept 2015, Plymouth, UK.
Brylla, Catalin ORCID:
Conceptualising practice-as-research in media through cross‐disciplinary approaches to audience reception.
In: Theorising Practice, Practicing Theory, 23 Apr 2013, University of Roehampton, UK.
Brylla, Catalin ORCID:
Critical practice-led research in documentary.
In: Creative Practice-Research Workshop, 7 July 2017, Bournemouth University, UK.
Brylla, Catalin ORCID:
'Documentary and (Dis)ability' symposium, University of Surrey, United Kingdom, 20 September 2013.
Discussion Paper.
Taylor & Francis.
Brylla, Catalin ORCID:
Documentary and Disability.
In: Visible Evidence Conference, August 2017, Buenos Aires.
Brylla, Catalin ORCID:
Documentary film practice and the alterity of the disabled individual.
In: Disability and Disciplines: The International Conference on Educational, Cultural, and Disability Studies, 01-02 July 2015, Liverpool, UK.
Brylla, Catalin ORCID:
Focusing on the ordinary: alternative visions of disability.
In: Rethinking Disability on Screen, 14 May 2015, York, UK.
Brylla, Catalin ORCID:
Introduction: Intersecting documentary and cognitive theory.
Cognitive Theory and Documentary Film.
Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, Switzerland.
ISBN 9783319903316
Brylla, Catalin ORCID:
June’s Patchwork.
Brylla, Catalin ORCID:
Mediating subjectivity through materiality in documentary practice.
Conditions of Mediation: Phenomenological Perspectives on Media.
Peter Lang, Oxford, UK, pp. 223-236.
ISBN 9781433137297
Brylla, Catalin ORCID:
Pornography: The Musical – performativity on the margin.
In: Sex and the Cinema Conference, 10-11 Dec 2016, Kent University, UK.
Brylla, Catalin ORCID:
Spectatorship and alternative portrayals of blindness.
Documentary and Disability.
Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, UK, pp. 61-77.
ISBN 9781137598943
Brylla, Catalin ORCID:
The Terry Fragments.
Brylla, Catalin ORCID:
Undoing blindness stereotypes through embodied experience in documentary.
In: Embodied Methodologies – Practice Based Conference, 04-05 Nov 2016, Royal Holloway, UK.
Brylla, Catalin ORCID:
The bricolage of documentary and disability.
In: UWL Research Conference 2017, 30 June 2017, London, UK.
Brylla, Catalin ORCID:
A cognitive framework of documentary spectatorship.
In: Film-Philosophy Conference, 3-6 July 2017, Lancaster University, UK.
Brylla, Catalin ORCID:
The documentary film "praxis" of cognitive film theory.
In: Society for Cognitive Studies of the Moving Images (SCSMI) Conference, 17-20 Sept 2015, London, UK.
Brylla, Catalin ORCID:
The domestication of disability stereotypes through film.
In: Domestic Imaginaries: Homes in Film, Literature and Popular Culture Symposium, 21 Jan 2014, Nottingham, UK.
Brylla, Catalin ORCID:
An ethnophenomenographic approach to subjectivity.
In: Directions and Connections across Anthropology, 24 Jun 2014, London, UK.
Brylla, Catalin ORCID:
The paratext in "Dexter".
In: Television Narratives Symposium, 28 May 2011, University of York, UK.
Brylla, Catalin ORCID:
The representation of blindness in media.
In: Documentary and (Dis)ability Symposium, 20 Sep 2013, University of Surrey, UK.
Brylla, Catalin ORCID:
A social cognition approach to stereotyping in documentary.
Cognitive Theory and Documentary Film.
Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 263-279.
ISBN 9783319903323
Brylla, Catalin ORCID:
A touch of colour.
Brylla, Catalin ORCID: and Ayisi, Florence
Development through trans-national filmmaking.
In: Evidence-Based International Development Day, 23 May 2013, Llandrindod Wells, UK.
Brylla, Catalin ORCID: and Ayisi, Florence
Zanzibar community impact study.
Brylla, Catalin ORCID: and Hughes, Helen
Documentary and disability.
Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, UK.
ISBN 9781137598936
Brylla, Catalin ORCID: and Hughes, Helen
Introduction: The bricolage of documentary and disability.
Documentary and Disability.
Palgrave Macmillan, Oxford, UK, pp. 1-10.
ISBN 978-1-137-59893-6
Brylla, Catalin ORCID: and Kramer, Mette
Cognitive film studies and four approaches to documentary film.
In: Society for Cognitive Studies of the Moving Images (SCSMI) Conference, 11-14 June 2017, Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland.
Brylla, Catalin ORCID: and Kramer, Mette
Cognitive theory and documentary film.
Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, UK.
ISBN 9783319903316
Burgess, Zoe (2024) ‘Taken by my wife’ – Challenging the Amateur/professional binary in Wessex Film and Sound Archive’s (WFSA) Early Films (1895-1922). Open Screens, 6 (3).
Cant, Callum (2020) “We are a service class”: a workers’ inquiry into the class composition of service commodity production during the unreal interregnum. Doctoral thesis, University of West London.
Cartmell, Deborah, Strong, Jeremy ORCID: and Whelehan, Imelda
A brief history of the Association of Adaptation Studies.
Where is Adaptation? Mapping Cultures, Texts and Contexts.
John Benjamins Publishing Company.
ISBN 9789027201492
Caston, Emily ORCID:
Conservation and curation: theoretical and practical issues in the making of a national collection of British music videos 1966–2016.
Alphaville: Journal of Film and Screen Media (19).
pp. 160-177.
Caston, Emily ORCID:
How long is a good story? Compressed narratives in British screen advertising since 1955.
Alphaville (25).
Caston, Emily ORCID:
Interview: Carrie Sutton.
Alphaville: Journal of Film and Screen Media (19).
pp. 203-210.
Caston, Emily ORCID:
Interview: Kris P. Taylor.
Alphaville: Journal of Film and Screen Media (19).
pp. 195-202.
Caston, Emily ORCID:
Interview: Sophie Muller.
Alphaville: Journal of Film and Screen Media (19).
pp. 211-218.
Caston, Emily ORCID:
Introduction: hidden screen industries – British music video and absent bodies.
Journal of British Cinema and Television, 16 (4).
pp. 484-491.
ISSN 1743-4521
Caston, Emily ORCID:
The pioneers get shot: music video, independent production and cultural hierarchy in Britain.
Journal of British Cinema and Television, 16 (4).
pp. 545-570.
ISSN 1743-4521
Caston, Emily ORCID: and Smith, Justin
Dancing and dreaming: “Fifty years of British music video” in Havana.
Alphaville: Journal of Film and Screen Media (19).
pp. 184-194.
Caston, Emily ORCID:
Dancing and dreaming: 50 years of British music video in Havana.
Colson, Richard (2001) Mindtracker. [Show/Exhibition]
Colson, Richard (2005) Richard Colson: 2 man exhibition of paintings at the New Grafton Gallery, London. [Show/Exhibition]
Colson, Richard (2006) Westminster and the Thames. [Show/Exhibition]
Colson, Richard (2007) The fundamentals of digital art. AVA Publishing, Lausanne, Switzerland. ISBN 9782940439928
Cordeiro, Joao ORCID:
FuXi: a fish-driven instrument for real-time music performance.
In: Proceeding INTER-FACE: 2nd International Conference on Live Interfaces 2014, 22-23 November 2014, Lisbon, Portugal.
Cordeiro, Joao ORCID:
pDaniM: a case study around interactive processes for expressive music generation in the computer animation production pipeline.
In: Proceedings of ARTECH 2008, 4th International Conference on Digital Arts, 7-8 November 2008, Oporto, Portugal.
Cordeiro, Joao ORCID: and Barbosa, Alvaro
Monitoring temporal personal information regarding soundscapes and movement, as a way to enhance social interactions.
In: 8th International Workshop on Haptic and Audio Interaction Design 2013, 18-19 April 2013, Daejeon, Korea.
Cordeiro, Joao ORCID:, Barbosa, Alvaro, Martins, Luis Gustavo and Gomes, Jose Alberto
The foundation of soundscape lab in Macau.
In: Tecniacustica 2014 - EUROPEAN SYMPOSIUM ON SMART CITIES AND ENVIRONMENTAL ACOUSTICS, 29 - 31 October 2014, Murcia, Spain.
Cordeiro, Joao ORCID:, Gomes, Jose Alberto and Goncalves, Miguel
Promoting awareness for the acoustic phenomenon: a survey of pedagogical practices and research projects developed at EA/CITAR.
In: Invisible Places Sounding Cities - Sound, Urbanism and Sense of Place, 18 - 20 July 2014, Viseu, Portugal.
Crewe, Jon ORCID:
Creative writing as a research methodology.
New Vistas, 7 (2).
pp. 26-30.
ISSN 2056-967X
Crewe, Jon ORCID:
‘Last night, locked in…’: narrative fiction and embedded filmmaking as a response to, and a reflection on the existential impact of domestic confinement during the COVID-19 lockdowns.
Screenworks: The peer-reviewed online publication of practice research in screen media, 12 (1).
ISSN 2514-3123
Crewe, Jonathon ORCID:
Another London, another point of view: the use of defamiliarisation to elicit empathy in the reader for the white working-class protagonist in another London and their ‘real-world’ equivalents.
New Writing: The International Journal for the Practice and Theory of Creative Writing, 17 (3).
pp. 272-283.
ISSN 1479-0726
Crewe, Jonathon ORCID:
[Arts Related non-text Outputs]
Crewe, Jonathon (2019) Under the Radar. [Arts Related non-text Outputs]
Crewe, Jonathon (2022) Under the Radar accompanied by 3 after-show panel discussions. [Arts Related non-text Outputs]
Crewe, Jonathon (2023) Under the Radar: A potential framework for community engagement with cultural artefacts. In: Knowledge Exchange Conference, 29 Mar 2023, London.
Crewe, Jonathon ORCID:
The construction of (white) working-class identity in narrative literary texts and its contribution to socio-cultural and politico-financial inequality.
Journal for Cultural Research, 25 (3).
pp. 237-251.
ISSN 1479-7585
Crewe, Jonathon ORCID:, Nicholls, Marcus and Olsen, Dennis
The impact of gender on the representation of characters aged over 50 in British films between 2021-22.
[Arts Related non-text Outputs]
(In Press)
Crewe, Jonathon (2016) Entangled accompanied by an interview with Professor Jim Al-Khalili. In: Entangled accompanied by an interview with Professor Jim Al-Khalili, 16-17 November 2016, London, UK.
Crewe, Jonathon ORCID:
Surrey new writers festival: writing for film and television.
In: Surrey New Writers Festival 2018, 2 Jun 2018, Guildford.
Crewe, Jonathon (2016) Toy Soldier. [Performance]
Crewe, Jonathon (2014) Toy Soldier accompanied by a panel discussion. In: Toy Soldier and Panel Discussion, 21-22 July 2014, London, UK.
Crewe, Jonathon (2017) Visual storytelling: writing for television, film and the stage. In: Surrey New Writers Festival 2017, 6 May 2017, Guildford, UK. (Unpublished)
Daly, Fergus and Dowd, Garin ORCID:
Leos Carax.
French Film Directors.
Manchester University Press, Manchester, UK.
ISBN 9780719063152
Davis, Paul (2007) Intentional computing. [Show/Exhibition]
Davis, Paul (2005) Utopia. [Show/Exhibition]
Davis, Paul and Arcangel, Cory (2006) BEIGE collective: Naptime and Rudy's cakewalk. [Show/Exhibition]
Devas, Angela (2006) Class in the classroom: media students, pedagogy and Legally Blonde. Media International Australia, 120 (1). pp. 168-180. ISSN 1329-878X
Devas, Angela (2005) How to be a hero: space, place and masculinity in The 39 Steps (Hitchcock, UK, 1935). Journal of Gender Studies, 14 (1). pp. 45-54. ISSN 1465-3869
Devas, Angela (2002) Murder, mass culture and the feminine: a view from the 4.50 from Paddington. Feminist Media Studies, 2 (2). pp. 251-265. ISSN 1468-0777
Dowd, Garin ORCID:
"All out": the dismantling of the face in Murphy.
The Journal of Beckett Studies, 16 (1-2).
pp. 64-84.
ISSN 0309-5207
Dowd, Garin ORCID:
And the ship sails on.
Radical Philosophy (184).
pp. 46-49.
ISSN 0300-211x
Dowd, Garin ORCID:
Cinephilia falls to Earth: thinking the image after Daney.
In: Changer, échanger: Serge Daney. Workshop 1 of Serge Daney and Queer Cinephilia (AHRC network), 27-28 Sept 2018, Paris (INHA).
Dowd, Garin ORCID:
Cinephilia falls to earth: thinking the image after Daney.
Serge Daney and Queer Cinephilia.
Configurations of Film Series.
Meson Press, Luneberg, Germany, pp. 119-146.
ISBN 9783957960184 print 978357960191 online open access
Dowd, Garin ORCID:
"Glisser dans le vide": Blanchot, Thomas l'obscur and the space of literature.
Angelaki, 4 (3).
pp. 153-169.
ISSN 0969-725X
Dowd, Garin ORCID:
Karaoke Beckett, or Jeremy Irons, mimicry and travesty in Ohio impromptu on film.
Samuel Beckett Today/Aujourd'hui, 13 (1).
pp. 169-182.
ISSN 0927-3131
Dowd, Garin ORCID:
Of Amphibolies and Amphibiologies.
Angelaki: Journal of the Theoretical Humanities, 30 (1).
pp. 92-109.
ISSN 0969-725X
Dowd, Garin ORCID:
"Our day will come": Histoire de Marie et Julien in the light of Les filles du feu.
Australian Journal of French Studies, 47 (2).
pp. 171-183.
ISSN 0004-9468
Dowd, Garin ORCID:
Paris and its doubles: Deleuze/Rivette.
Deleuze Studies, 3 (2).
pp. 185-206.
ISSN 1750-2241
Dowd, Garin ORCID:
Pedagogies of the image between Daney and Deleuze.
New Review of Film and Television Studies, 8 (1).
pp. 41-56.
ISSN 1740-0309
Dowd, Garin ORCID:
Prolegomena to a critique of excavatory reason: reply to Matthew Feldman.
Samuel Beckett Today/Aujourd'hui, 20.
pp. 375-388.
ISSN 0927-3131
Dowd, Garin ORCID:
Regimes of language and light in J. S. Le Fanu's 'Green Tea'.
Textual Practice, 33 (7).
pp. 1155-1178.
ISSN 0950-236X
Dowd, Garin ORCID:
Shot/reverse shot.
Radical Philosophy (180).
pp. 55-58.
ISSN 0300-211X
Dowd, Garin ORCID:
Tools of thought.
Radical Philosophy (152).
pp. 63-64.
ISSN 0300-211X
Dowd, Garin ORCID:
Watt's ways: addenda, borders and courses.
Samuel Beckett Today/Aujourd'hui, 19.
pp. 75-85.
ISSN 9789062023932
Dowd, Garin ORCID:
The proxemics of 'Neither'.
Samuel Beckett Today/Aujourd'hui, 24.
pp. 367-378.
ISSN 0927-3131
Dowd, Garin ORCID:
Abstract machines: Samuel Beckett and philosophy after Deleuze and Guattari.
Faux titre.
Editions Rodopi, Amsterdam and New York.
ISBN 9789042022065
Dowd, Garin ORCID:
Addressing Beckett's holes.
In: Corresponding with Beckett: Epistolarity in Literary Research, June 1-2 2018, London, UK (Senate House).
Dowd, Garin ORCID:
Apprenticeship, Philosophy, and the 'secret Pressures of the Work of Art' in Deleuze, Beckett, Proust and Ruiz; or Remaking the Recherche.
Beckett's Proust/Deleuze's Proust.
Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, UK, pp. 89-103.
ISBN 9780230201415
Dowd, Garin ORCID:
Beckett l'épistolier ou "l'homme-à-la-bêche": The Letters of Samuel Beckett, vol. 2, "1941-1956".
La Violence dans l'œuvre de Samuel Beckett entre langage et corps.
Samuel Beckett.
Lettres modernes Minard, Paris, France, pp. 349-371.
ISBN 9782812450235
Dowd, Garin ORCID:
Beckettian pain, in the flesh: singularity, community and 'the work'.
Samuel Beckett and Pain.
Faux titre (372).
Rodopi, Amsterdam and New York, pp. 67-91.
ISBN 9789042035232
Dowd, Garin ORCID:
Deathly constructions/Beckett's thanatographies.
In: Beckett and Death, 3 Dec 2006, University of Northampton, UK.
Dowd, Garin ORCID:
Dislocations: framing and agency between cinema and architecture.
In: University of Salford, School of Arts and Media, 09 Dec 2015, Manchester, UK.
Dowd, Garin ORCID:
Felix Guattari's 'Cracks in the text' revisited.
In: Schizocultures: Cracks in the Street, 17 May 2014, London, England.
Dowd, Garin ORCID:
France: 1928-1939.
Samuel Beckett in context.
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 76-86.
ISBN 9781107017030
Dowd, Garin ORCID:
From Murphy’s "microcosmopolitans" to Castro’s "micro-mensajes": metropolitan, national and ontological dislocations - with screening of Castro and interview with the director.
In: London Beckett Seminar, 9 Dec 2016, London, England.
Dowd, Garin ORCID:
Image and representation in Bergson.
Understanding Bergson, understanding modernism.
Understanding philosophy, understanding modernism.
Bloomsbury, London and New York, pp. 25-26.
ISBN 9781441172211
Dowd, Garin ORCID:
Is critique et clinique schizoanalytic?: schizoanalysis and Deleuze’s critical and clinical project.
Deleuze and the Schizoanalysis of Literature.
Schizoanalytic Applications.
Bloomsbury Academic, London, UK, pp. 119-136.
ISBN 9781472529633
Dowd, Garin ORCID:
Legislations: the politics of deconstruction, By Geoffrey Bennington [Book review].
Taylor & Francis.
Dowd, Garin ORCID:
Ohio impromptu, genre and Beckett on film.
Genre Matters: Essays in Theory and Criticism.
Intellect Books, Bristol, UK, pp. 69-84.
ISBN 9781841501079
Dowd, Garin ORCID:
Philosophy's broken mirror: genre theory and the strange place of poetry and the poem from Plato to Badiou.
Genre Trajectories: Identifying, Mapping, Projecting.
Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, UK, pp. 11-28.
ISBN 9781137505477
Dowd, Garin ORCID:
Re-play: Conducts of time x 4 (interstitial pedagogies).
In: The Future, Nov 2011, David Roberts Art Foundation.
Dowd, Garin ORCID:
Serge Daney: film, theory and philosophy.
Film, Theory and Philosophy: The Key Thinkers.
Acumen Press, London, UK, pp. 122-133.
ISBN 9781844651856
Dowd, Garin ORCID:
Species of spaces in the cinema of Philippe Garrel.
In: Philippe Garrel, le temps incorporé/Embodied Time Université Paris 8 Nanterre (Institut d’ études avancées de Paris), 29-30 Nov 2018, Paris, France.
Dowd, Garin ORCID:
'Stellar separation' or 'Abstract machine': Badiou and Deleuze on Beckett.
Beckett re-membered: after the centenary.
Cambridge Scholars, Newcastle Upon-Tyne, pp. 89-105.
ISBN 978-1-4438-3500-8
Dowd, Garin ORCID:
The captive.
In: Urban Encounters 2017: Cartographies, 10-11 Nov 2017, London, UK.
Dowd, Garin ORCID:
The movement-image, the time-image and the paradoxes of literary and other modernisms.
Understanding Deleuze, Understanding Modernism.
Understanding Philosophy, Understanding Modernism.
Bloomsbury Academic, London & New York, pp. 90-109.
ISBN 9781623563493
Dowd, Garin ORCID:
The problem of the any-space-whatever between Deleuze's Cinema and Beckett's prose.
Beckett and Deleuze.
Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke UK, pp. 152-168.
ISBN 9781137481139
Dowd, Garin ORCID: and Rulyova, Natalia
Genre trajectories: identifying, mapping, projecting.
Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, UK, pp. 1-10.
ISBN 9781137505477
del Rio, Isabel (2024) Translation as Interlingual Adaptation: Writing a Speculative Novel in English and Spanish through Creative Practice-Led Research. Doctoral thesis, University of West London.
Evans, Andrew (2003) Secrets of performing confidence. A & C Black. ISBN 9780713662887
Evans, Andrew (2001) This virtual life: escapism and simulation in our media world. Fusion Press, London, UK. ISBN 1901250598
Fales, Ludovica (2015) Immersed into our clothes. Are wearable technologies a potential gateway to extra-virtual immersion? Cinergie. Il Cinema e le altre arti., 8. pp. 89-98. ISSN 2280-9481
Fales, Ludovica (2014) Real time memories of a revolution: the '18 Days in Egypt' interactive platform as instant archive. In: Cinema and Art as Archive: Form, Medium, Memory. Cinema and Contemporary Art (1). Mimesis International, Sesto San Giovanni (MI), pp. 245-264. ISBN 9788857523552
Fales, Ludovica (2018) Tahrir Square: a space extended to the people watching it. In: Body Images in the Post-Cinematic Scenario: The Digitization of the Body. Post-Cinema & Digital Cultures. Mimesis International, Sesto San Giovanni (MI), Italy. ISBN 9788869771095
Fleetwood-Smith, Rebecka, Tischler, Victoria and Robson, Deirdre ORCID:
Aesthetics and dementia: exploring the role of everyday aesthetics in dementia care settings.
Design for Health, 6 (1).
pp. 91-113.
ISSN 2473-5132
Fox, A and Mitu, B (2015) BBC News: creating audience in the digital era. International Journal of Digital Television, 7 (1). pp. 65-82. ISSN 2040-4182
Fox, Andy (2019) Interactive television? A retrospective analysis of why red button content failed. Journal of Digital Media & Policy, 10 (2). pp. 203-215. ISSN 2040-4182
Fox, Andy (2016) The media event as enhanced news story: how user-generated content determines the news agenda. In: Global perspectives on media events in contemporary society. IGI Global, USA. ISBN 9781466699670
Garcia, Manuel and Cordeiro, Joao ORCID:
A survey on graphic communication and publishing practices in the Portuguese independent music scene.
In: KISMIF Conference 2014, 8-11 Julho 2014, Oporto, Portugal.
Gardiner, Jeremy (2007) Along the Dorset coast. [Show/Exhibition]
Gardiner, Jeremy (2007) Arvor - Cornish coast. [Show/Exhibition]
Gardiner, Jeremy (2003) Purbeck light years. [Show/Exhibition]
Giuliani, Alice (2024) The Post-Cinematic, the Posthuman, and the Weird: Critical Conjunctions and Aesthetic Tendencies in 21st-Century Film. Doctoral thesis, University of West London.
Gotby, Alva (2019) They call it love: wages for housework and emotional reproduction. Doctoral thesis, University of West London.
Guzman, Bernardo Meza and Lelis, Catarina ORCID:
Brand authenticity: the moral duty on communicating moral values.
BrandTrends, Journal of Strategic Communication and Branding, 13 (13).
pp. 42-52.
ISSN 2237-8529
Hagger, Alastair (2022) Turpin: the notorious – practice as research PhD in creative writing. Doctoral thesis, University of West London.
Hammond, Philip, Alnahed, Sumaya and McCormack, Tara (2019) Advocacy journalism, the politics of humanitarian intervention and the Syrian war. In: Reporting Human Rights, Conflicts and Peacebuilding: Critical and Global Perspectives. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 31-48. ISBN 9783030107185
Harrison, Roopinder (2018) Interview with Peter Mead, Chairman Omnicom Europe, Abbott Mead Vickers BBDO. [Video]
Henderson, Jo (2022) Let the people speak – The Community Programmes Unit 1972–2002. Critical Studies in Television: The International Journal of Television Studies. p. 174960202110630. ISSN 1749-6020
Henderson, Jo (2013) Whatever happened to Vera? View, 2 (4). pp. 45-50. ISSN 2213-0969
Henderson, Jo (2022) You, me, the BBC and the license fee. New Vistas, 8 (1). pp. 29-35. ISSN 2056-967X
Henning, Michelle ORCID:
Holes: colonialism and negative space in modernist photography.
In: The Left Conference - Photography and Film Criticism, 16-18 Nov 2017, Lisbon, Portugal.
Henning, Michelle ORCID:
Holes: colonialism and negative space in modernist photography.
Wrong Wrong (12).
Henning, Michelle ORCID:
Image flow: photography on tap.
In: Photographies: Critical Issues in Photography Today International Conference, 18-19 May 2017, London, UK.
Henning, Michelle ORCID:
Image flow: photography on tap.
Photographies, 11 (2-3).
ISSN 1754-0763
Henning, Michelle ORCID:
Living life in pictures: isotype as modernist cultural practice.
New Formations (70).
ISSN 0950-2378
Henning, Michelle ORCID:
Of tennis courts and fireplaces: Neurath's internment on the Isle of Man and his politics of design.
In: Politics, Democratic Education and Empowerment: The Case of Otto Neurath (1992-1945) Universität Wien / Institute Vienna Circle Symposium, 28 May 2015, Vienna, Austria.
Henning, Michelle ORCID:
Of tennis courts and fireplaces: Neurath's internment on the Isle of Man and his politics of design.
Neurath Reconsidered: New Sources and Perspectives.
Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science, 336.
Springer, pp. 413-434.
ISBN 9783030021283
Henning, Michelle ORCID:
Unfixing the photographic image.
New Vistas, 2 (2).
pp. 28-32.
ISSN 2056-9688
Henning, Michelle ORCID:
The floating face: Garbo, photography and death masks.
Photographies, 10 (2).
pp. 157-178.
ISSN 1754-0763
Henning, Michelle ORCID:
The worlding of light and air: Dufaycolor and Selochrome in the 1930s.
Visual Culture in Britain, 21 (2).
pp. 177-198.
ISSN 1471-4787
Henning, Michelle and Mikuriya, Theresa ORCID:
Light sensitive material: an introduction.
Photographies, 14 (3).
pp. 381-394.
ISSN 1754-0763
Henning, Michelle ORCID:
From a world in a box to a world without borders: art museums, media technologies and cosmopolitanism.
In: Invited public lecture at the Museum Sztuki in Łódź, Poland, as part of their Universal Museum series, 21 Nov 2013, Łódź, Poland.
Henning, Michelle ORCID:
Ilford photographic manufacturers: industry, innovation and sensory experience.
In: Visiting Talk at De Montfort University Photographic History Research Centre, 5 Feb 2018, Leicester, UK.
Henning, Michelle ORCID:
Making the cut: museums and media archaeology.
Shifting Layers. New Perspectives in Media Archaeology Across Digital Media and Audiovisual Arts.
Mimesis International.
ISBN 9788869770258
Henning, Michelle ORCID:
Museum media.
The International Handbooks of Museum Studies, 3.
Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, UK.
ISBN 9781405198509
Henning, Michelle ORCID:
Museums, media and cultural theory.
Open University Press, Maidenhead, UK.
ISBN 9780335214198
Henning, Michelle ORCID:
Otto Neurath.
Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology.
Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, UK.
ISBN 9781405124331
Henning, Michelle ORCID:
Photography Sets The Image Free: Inaugural Professorial Lecture.
In: Public Lecture Series, University of West London, 7 March 2018, London, UK.
Henning, Michelle ORCID:
Photography: the unfettered image.
Routledge, London, UK.
ISBN 9781138782556
Henning, Michelle ORCID:
We are here but where are you?
In: Urban Encounters 2017: Cartographies, 10-11 Nov 2017, London, UK.
Henning, Michelle ORCID:
With and without walls: photographic reproduction and the art museum.
Museum Media.
The International Handbooks of Museum Studies, 3.
Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, UK, pp. 577-602.
ISBN 9781118829059
Henning, Michelle ORCID: and Hyder, Rehan
Bristol: urban space and underground music cultures.
Ten Cities: Public Sphere, Urban Space.
Spector, Goethe Institute, Leipzig, Germany.
(In Press)
Henning, Michelle ORCID: and Hyder, Rehan
Locating the 'Bristol sound': archiving music as everyday life.
Sites of Popular Music Heritage: Memories, Histories, Places.
Routledge, London, UK, pp. 97-111.
ISBN 9780415824507
Hester, Helen ORCID:
After the future: n hypotheses of post-cyber feminism.
The Kathy Rae Huffman Archive Catalogue.
Hester, Helen ORCID:
Anti-work architecture: domestic labour, speculative design, and automated plenty.
Open Philosophy.
Hester, Helen ORCID:
Care under capitalism: the crisis of “women's work”.
IPPR Progressive Review, 24 (4).
ISSN 2573-2331
Hester, Helen ORCID:
'Desiderio in search of a master': desire and the quest for recognition.
Forum: Postgraduate Journal of Culture and the Arts (6).
ISSN 1749-9771
Hester, Helen ORCID:
Dirty books: pornography, censorship, and the naked word.
Litro Magazine (25).
Hester, Helen ORCID:
Echoing flesh: the 'voluminous body' in heterosexual hard core.
Sexualities, 8 (1).
pp. 945-961.
ISSN 1363-4607
Hester, Helen ORCID:
Exchanging bodily fluids: transubstantiations in contemporary pornography.
Interalia: A Journal of Queer Studies (9).
pp. 127-145.
ISSN 1689-6637
Hester, Helen ORCID:
Family matters: in the bubble of the nuclear household.
Architectural Review.
Hester, Helen ORCID:
No new pleasures: notes on Larry Clark's 'Impaled'.
One+One: Filmmakers’ Journal (10).
pp. 21-26.
Hester, Helen ORCID:
Our Own Devices: Reproducing with Technologies.
Burning Down the House: Rethinking Family.
Hatje Cantz Verlag.
ISBN 9783775758420
Hester, Helen ORCID:
Promethean labors and domestic realism.
e-flux Architecture.
Hester, Helen ORCID:
(Re)producing futures without reproductive futurity: xenofeminist ecologies.
The Laboratory Planet, 5.
pp. 10-11.
Hester, Helen ORCID:
Rethinking transgression: disgust, affect, and sexuality in Charlotte Roche's 'Wetlands'.
Journal of Lesbian Studies, 17 (3-4).
pp. 240-252.
ISSN 1089-4160
Hester, Helen ORCID:
Sapience + care: reason and responsibility in posthuman politics.
Angelaki: Journal of Theoretical Humanities, 24 (1).
pp. 67-80.
ISSN 0969-725X
Hester, Helen (2024) Sight Beyond Site: From Knowing Your Place to Placing Your Knowing. In: Practices of Imagination, Placings of Imaginaries. De Gruyter. (In Press)
Hester, Helen ORCID:
Space Agency: Automation, Autonomy, and Acid Astronautics.
Kulturwissenschaftliche Zeitschrift (KWZ), 2023 (4).
Hester, Helen ORCID:
Synthetic genders and the limits of micropolitics.
...ment, 6.
Hester, Helen ORCID:
Technically female: women, machines, and hyperemployment.
Salvage (3).
Hester, Helen ORCID:
Technology becomes her.
New Vistas, 3 (1).
pp. 46-50.
ISSN 2056-9688
Hester, Helen ORCID:
Towards a theory of thing-women.
Living in the Future, 4.
Hester, Helen ORCID:
Why women deserve a four-day week.
International Politics and Society.
Hester, Helen ORCID:
The art of the exploit: gender hacking and political agency.
Paragraph, 46 (1).
ISSN 0264-8334
Hester, Helen ORCID:, Jones, Bethan and Taylor-Harman, Sarah
Giffing a fuck: non-narrative pleasures in participatory porn cultures and female fandom.
Porn Studies, 2 (4).
pp. 356-366.
ISSN 2326-8743
Hester, Helen ORCID: and Srnicek, Nick
After work: a history of the home and the fight for free time.
Verso, London.
ISBN 9781786633071
Hester, Helen ORCID: and Srnicek, Nick
Love’s labours lost: post-work and social reproduction.
Electra (10).
Hester, Helen ORCID: and Walters, Caroline
Theorizing fat sex.
Sexualities, 8 (1).
ISSN 1363-4607
Hester, Helen ORCID:
Beyond explicit: pornography and the displacement of sex.
State University of New York Press, New York, USA.
ISBN 9781438449616
Hester, Helen ORCID:
Gender is a workplace technology.
On Care.
Ma Bibliothèque, London.
(In Press)
Hester, Helen ORCID:
Material hegemony now: domestic realism and financial capitalism.
A New Society.
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montreal.
(In Press)
Hester, Helen ORCID:
Perverting the explicit: Catherine Breillat’s visual vocabulary of desire.
Tainted Love: Screening Sexual Perversities.
I.B. Tauris, London, UK.
Hester, Helen ORCID:
Rise of the robot teenagers; or, are millennials human?
New Society: The Donaufestival Reader.
NÖ Festival und Kino GmbH, Donaufestival, Krems, Austria, pp. 120-135.
ISBN 9783950474008
Hester, Helen ORCID:
Self-Assembly: Be What You Aren’t.
Hester, Helen ORCID:
Sexing the cyborg: technology, adaptation, and prosthetic gender.
Insufficient Armour.
NERO, Milan.
(In Press)
Hester, Helen ORCID:
Spectacular sex: in/visible pleasures and practices in visual media.
Sites of the Non-eventual.
Artwin Gallery, Moscow.
(In Press)
Hester, Helen ORCID:
Vampire, cannibal, iconoclast: displacing genitality and desecrating genre.
Iconoclasm: The Making and Breaking of Images.
McGill-Queen's University Press, Montreal.
ISBN 9780773557369
Hester, Helen ORCID:
Who is Laboria Cuboniks?
Ovartaci & The Art of Madness.
Museum Ovartaci and Kunsthal Charlottenborg, pp. 245-248.
ISBN 9788779451087
Hester, Helen ORCID:
Theory Redux.
Polity, Cambridge, UK.
ISBN 9781509520626
Hester, Helen ORCID:
Posthuman Glossary.
Bloomsbury, London, UK, pp. 459-462.
ISBN 9781350030244
Hester, Helen ORCID: and Srnicek, Nick
The crisis of social reproduction and the end of work.
The Age of Perplexity: Rethinking the World We Knew.
Random House (for BBVA).
Hester, Helen ORCID: and Stardust, Zahra
Sex work in a post-work imaginary: on abolitionism, careerism and respectability.
New Feminist Studies: Twenty-first-century Critical Interventions.
Cambridge University Press.
(In Press)
Hillman, John ORCID:
Becoming George.
Transformations: Journal of Media, Culture & Technology (37).
ISSN 1444-3775
Hudson, Carol (2014) The power of possessions. [Show/Exhibition]
Hudson, Carol (2016) The power of possessions: an investigation into the ontology of personal possessions in the context of death and bereavement through the practice of still-life photography. Doctoral thesis, University of West London.
Hughes, Helen and Brylla, Catalin ORCID:
Symposium organisation: Documentary and (Dis)ability symposium.
UNSPECIFIED, University of Surrey.
Leigh, D. (2006) John Foxx: Cathedral oceans. [Video]
Lelis, Catarina ORCID:
It’s Milestone, not Limescale! Milestoned group supervision as an approach to descale postgraduate projects.
New Vistas, 6 (1).
pp. 26-31.
ISSN 2056-9688
Lelis, Catarina ORCID:
Like a chameleon: the polychromatic virtue of dynamic brands.
Journal of Product & Brand Management, 28 (4).
pp. 445-461.
ISSN 1061-0421
Lelis, Catarina ORCID:
Participation ahead: perceptions of Masters degree students on reciprocal peer learning activities.
Journal of Learning Design, 10 (2).
pp. 14-24.
ISSN 1832-8342
Lelis, Catarina ORCID:
Smart brands and identities: building friendly bridges between design and smartness.
Interaction Design & Architecture(s) Journal (IxD&A), 47.
pp. 191-214.
ISSN 1826-9745
Lelis, Catarina ORCID:, Leitao, Sandra, Mealha, Oscar and Dunning, Ben
Typography: the constant vector of dynamic logos.
Visual Communication.
ISSN 1470-3572
Lelis, Catarina ORCID: and Mealha, Oscar
BEODE — Brand Experience Oriented Design Environments.
BrandTrends, Journal of Strategic Communication and Branding, 4 (6).
pp. 6-18.
ISSN 2237-8529
Lelis, Catarina ORCID: and Mealha, Oscar
Heuristic for brand artefacts co-design: a computer-mediated proposal.
CoDesign, 11 (2).
pp. 83-98.
ISSN 1571-0882
Lelis, Catarina ORCID:
Framing organisational knowledge through the brand.
Handbook of Research on Knowledge Management for Contemporary Business Environments.
IGI Global.
ISBN 9781522537250
Lelis, Catarina ORCID: and Kreutz, Elizete
The HOW behind the story: a framework for the design of brand narrative.
Design, Visual Communication and Branding.
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle, UK.
Lido, Catherine and Brown, Rupert (2006) The effects of the media priming positive and negative asylum-seeker stereotypes. Project Report. Economic and Social Research Council.
Lohneis, Paul (2023) 'Darling Men, Lover Boys and Rogues:' Connie Sachs, Molly Doran and the Precarity of of Institutional Memory in John le Carré's Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy and Mick Herron's Dead Lions. In: Sexuality and Gender in Fictions of Espionage: Spying Undercover(s). Bloomsbury, London. ISBN 9781350271371
Long, Philip (2014) I believe in the power of punk. [Artefact]
Loureiro, Gabriela (2021) Embodiment, emotions and collective struggle: hashtag feminism as digital consciousness-raising in Brazil. Doctoral thesis, University of West London.
Mahmood, Aamir, Pechoˇciaková, Miroslava, Noman, Muhammad Tayyab, Wacławek, Stanisław, Gheibi, Mohammad, Behzadian, Kourosh ORCID: and Militký, Jiˇrí
Preparation of Green Sustainable Cement Paste Mixture Based
on Inorganic Additives: An Experimental and Modelling Approach.
Buildings, 14 (7).
Mikuriya, Junko Theresa ORCID:
"The Darkroom of the Soul".
PhotoResearcher (41).
Mikuriya, Junko Theresa ORCID:
From photophania to photagogia: a journey in the history of light.
In: International Day of Light Symposium, 16 May 2018, Chelsea College of Art, University of the Arts London.
Mikuriya, Theresa ORCID:
Becoming Plant: a supplement to Roger Caillois' compendium of 'le fantastique naturel'.
Antennae: The Journal of Nature in Visual Culture (53).
pp. 100-111.
ISSN 1756-9575
Mikuriya, Junko Theresa ORCID:
Three entries in the history of light.
In: Cities of Light: Paris, 4 May 2018, University of Paris Sorbonne, Paris, France.
Mikuriya, Junko Theresa ORCID:
A history of light: the idea of photography.
Bloomsbury Academic, London, UK.
ISBN 9781474254175
Mikuriya, Theresa ORCID:
"As beautiful as the chance encounter of a sewing machine and an umbrella": how to teach surrealism through photography.
In: Urban Photography: Making, Researching, Teaching (Photographers' Gallery), 13 Nov 2017, London, UK.
Mikuriya, Theresa ORCID:
On thoughtography.
In: Visual Noise: Wandering Artifacts and Aberrant Images International Conference, 17 June 2016, Berlin, Germany.
Milne, Mike (2016) The transformation of television sport: new methods, new rules. Palgrave Global Media Policy and Business. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, UK. ISBN 978113755104
Mineiro, Joano Pimparel, Almeida, Ana Margarida and Lelis, Catarina ORCID:
Cartazes urbanos acessíveis a pessoas cegas: proposta de um modelo de design para todos, baseado numa solução mobile.
InfoDesign, 12 (1).
pp. 143-156.
ISSN 1808-5377
Myers, Pamela (2015) Cannes Lions 2015: the judges verdicts. Campaign Magazine.
Myers, Pamela (2015) From bladder stones to brand sound. New Vistas, 1 (2). pp. 22-25. ISSN 2056-967X
Myers, Pamela (2017) From creative practitioner to academic: navigation, transformation and identity. New Vistas, 3 (1). pp. 40-45. ISSN 2056-9688
Myers, Pamela (2014) How a painful operation inspired the 18th century equivalent of a horror movie soundtrack. The Conversation.
Myers, Pamela (2015) In conversation with The Radio Advertising Bureau, 'Secrets of the casting couch'. In: Cannes Festival of Creativity 2015, 21-27 June 2015, Cannes, France. (Unpublished)
Myers, Pamela (2015) Radio and television programme development, innovation and production in the UK. In: Radio & Television Programme Development, Innovation and Production in the UK, July 2015, London, UK. (Unpublished)
Myers, Pamela (2014) Sounds like Christmas: why advertisers are all ears this year. The Conversation.
Nardelli, Matilde ORCID:
Blow-Up and the Plurality of Photography.
Antonioni: Centenary Essays.
Bloomsbury, British Film Institute, London, pp. 185-205.
Nardelli, Matilde ORCID:
Desert/Oasis: interruption and continuation.
Prospect VI, VI.
Nardelli, Matilde ORCID:
End(ur)ing Photography.
Photographies, 5 (2).
pp. 159-177.
Nardelli, Matilde ORCID:
Leafing through Cinema.
Framing Film: Cinema and the Visual Arts.
Intellect, Bristol, pp. 129-145.
ISBN 9781841505077
Nardelli, Matilde ORCID:
Like a mass image: Federico Fellini’s Le Tentazioni del Dottor Antonio, advertising and mimicry.
Italian Studies.
ISSN 0075-1634
Nardelli, Matilde ORCID:
Moving Pictures: Cinema and Its Obsolescence in Contemporary Art.
Journal of Visual Culture, 8.
Nardelli, Matilde ORCID:
No end to the end: the desert as eschatology in late modernity.
Tate Papers (22).
ISSN 1753-9854
Nardelli, Matilde ORCID:
Outside Television: Fellini on Exposure and Attention in the Age of Abundance.
Screen, 65 (1).
pp. 25-46.
ISSN 0036-9543
Nardelli, Matilde ORCID:
Some reflections on Antonioni, sound and the silence of La notte.
The Soundtrack, 3 (1).
Nardelli, Matilde ORCID:
Timothy Barker (2018) against transmission: media philosophy and the engineering of time.
Film-Philosophy, 24 (1).
pp. 75-77.
ISSN 1466-4615
Nardelli, Matilde ORCID:
Antonioni and the aesthetics of impurity: remaking the image in the 1960s.
Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, UK.
ISBN 9781474444040
Nardelli, Matilde ORCID:
Cinema as (in)visible object: looking, making and re-making.
Theorizing Cinema Through Contemporary Art: Expanding Cinema.
Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam.
ISBN 9789462989467
Nardelli, Matilde ORCID:
Light and liminal: Marinella Pirelli’s expanded cinema.
Experimental and Independent Italian Cinema Legacies and Transformations into the Twenty-First Century.
Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, Edinburgh.
ISBN 9781474474047
Nardelli, Matilde (2015) Munari cinematico. In: Munari politecnico. Fare dell'arte con qualunque mezzo. Nomos, Varese, Italy. ISBN 978-88-98249-37-4
Nardelli, Matilde (2017) The small, the large and the moving: Bruno Munari and cinema. In: Bruno Munari: The Lightness of Art. Italian Modernities Series. Peter Lang, Oxford, UK, pp. 253-291. ISBN 9783034319379
Nardelli, Matilde, Antonello, Pierpaolo and Zanoletti, Margherita (2017) Bruno Munari: the lightness of art. Italian Modernitie Series. Peter Lang, Oxford, UK. ISBN 9781787079915
Nardelli, Matilde, Antonello, Pierpaolo and Zanoletti, Margherita (2012) Introduction: Bruno Munari's lightness. In: Bruno Munari: The Lightness of Art. Peter Lang, Oxford, UK, pp. 1-24. ISBN 9781787079915
Nicholls, Marcus (2022) Adapting bestsellers: fantasy, franchise and the afterlife of storyworlds. Adaptation, 15 (1). pp. 142-144. ISSN 1755-0637
Nicholls, Marcus (2018) Examining adaptation studies in and through the Decadent aesthetics of J. - K. Huysmans’ À Rebours. Doctoral thesis, University of West London.
Nicholls, Marcus (2021) The adaptive afterlife of texts: entropy and generative decay. Adaptation, 14 (3). pp. 313-334. ISSN 1755-0637
Olsen, Dennis (2024) Consuming royalty: promotional narratives and the British royal family. M/C Journal, 27 (1).
Olsen, Dennis (2021) Editor's note. New Vistas, 7 (2). ISSN 2056-967X
Olsen, Dennis (2024) Rewriting the myth of invisibility: The presentation of older adults in Australian advertising. In: Diversity in der Wirtschaftskommunikation. Europäische Kulturen in der Wirtschaftskommunikation, 36. Springer Nature. ISBN 978-3-658-43198-3
Olsen, Dennis (2021) The impact of camera angles in learning videos on the perception of teaching excellence and emotional connectedness of students in the creative industries. Compass: Journal of Learning and Teaching, 14 (1). pp. 110-120. ISSN 2044-0081
Olsen, Dennis (2023) The portrayal of successful ageing in British prime-time TV advertisements: a concern for the healthcare sector? Studies in Media and Communication, 11 (4). p. 31. ISSN 2325-8071
Olsen, Dennis (2022) The promotional window into society: advertising as indicator and influencer of socio-cultural trends. New Vistas, 8 (1). pp. 47-52. ISSN 2056-967X
Olsen, Dennis, Brennan, Daniel and Osula, Joy (2024) Towards a Socially Conscious Start-up Brand: EDI in Entrepreneurial Branding. In: Proceedings of the 19th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship, ECIE 2024, 26-27 Sep 2024, Paris, France.
Olsen, Dennis, Crewe, Jon ORCID: and Nicholls, Marcus
Screening older age: The representation of older adults in British cinema between 2010 and 2022.
Project Report.
UNSPECIFIED, Centre for Ageing Better.
Olsen, Dennis and Scott, Charlotte (2021) Different stories. New Vistas, 7 (2). pp. 31-35. ISSN 2056-967X
Olsen, Dennis and Scott, Charlotte (2021) Golden years, wise mentors, and old fools: an updated typology of older characters in British TV advertising. The Journal of Aging and Social Change, 11 (2). pp. 83-94. ISSN 2576-5310
Olsen, Dennis and Strong, Jeremy ORCID:
The Joy of Guests: a podcast journey. An interview with Jeremy Strong.
New Vistas, 9 (1).
pp. 18-21.
ISSN 2056-967X
Olsen, Dennis and Weerawardane, Dinusha (2022) Editor's note. New Vistas, 8 (1). p. 1. ISSN 2056-967X
Olsen, Dennis A., Crewe, Jonathon and Nicholls, Marcus (2023) Screening older age. Project Report. UNSPECIFIED.
Olsen, Dennis (2018) Commentary on CAP's regulatory statement: gender stereotypes in advertising. UNSPECIFIED, London, UK. (Unpublished)
Olsen, Dennis (2019) How it all began: a history of scholarship on the representation of older adults in German advertising. In: Proceedings of the 19th Biennial Conference on Historical Analysis and Research in Marketing (CHARM), 16-19 May 2019, Ottawa, Canada.
Otrebski, Dennis (2015) Greying societies. New Vistas, 1 (2). pp. 4-9. ISSN 2056-967X
Otrebski, Dennis (2016) On the fringe of society? New Vistas, 2 (2). pp. 16-21. ISSN 2056-9688
Parham, John (2006) Academic values: why environmentalists loathe the media. Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment, 13 (1). pp. 113-133. ISSN 1076-0962
Parham, John (2003) Green Man Hopkins: Gerard Manley Hopkins and Victorian ecological criticism. Nineteenth-Century Contexts, 25 (3). pp. 257-276. ISSN 0890-5495
Parham, John (2002) The environmental tradition in English literature. Ashgate, Farnham, UK, pp. 1-238. ISBN 9780754603023
Parnell Johnson, Sukey (2018) Hagging the image: challenging the role of photographic images in contemporary narratives of ageing femaleness in Anglo American culture. Doctoral thesis, University of West London.
Paun, Radu and Olsen, Dennis (2022) Video content consumption during the pandemic: developing an innovative SVOD aggregator and communal viewing experience for the UK market. In: AMI Conference 2022, 19 May 2022, Cardiff, Wales.
Pereira, Andreia, Lelis, Catarina ORCID: and Mealha, Oscar
Impacto do Synectics nas competências criativas de estudantes a frequentar o 2º ciclo do ensino superior.
Indagatio Didactica, 6 (4).
pp. 112-131.
ISSN 1647-3582
Ramos, Fernando, Mealha, Oscar and Lelis, Catarina ORCID:
Information and communication in a networked infosphere: a review of concepts and application in social branding.
Icono 14, 13 (1).
pp. 9-29.
ISSN 1697-8293
Robson, Deirdre ORCID:
Gender and the market for modern art in the United States.
New Vistas, 8 (1).
pp. 41-46.
ISSN 2056-967X
Robson, Deirdre ORCID:
Industry: art angel? Pepsi-Cola's "Portrait of America" art annual as an early instance of corporate art sponsorship.
Journal Of American Culture, 38 (4).
pp. 329-342.
ISSN 1542-734X
Robson, Deirdre ORCID:
A law of "unintended" consequences? United States federal taxation and the market for modern art in the United States.
Journal of Art Market Studies, 3 (1).
pp. 1-16.
Robson, Deirdre ORCID:
En/gendering the modern: MoMA and the making the market for modern art a "man's world".
In: Visible Hands: Markets and the Marking of American Art, 22 January 2016, London, UK.
Robson, Deirdre ORCID:
The law of unintended consequences? US federal taxation and the market for modern art in the United States.
In: Art Markets and Politics: State Control and Trade in Global Perspective, 11-Nov-2016, Berlin, Germany.
Schechner, Alan (2003) Jesus. [Show/Exhibition]
Schechner, Alan (2002) Self-portrait at Buchenwald: it's the real thing. [Show/Exhibition]
Schechner, Alan (2004) Six million. [Show/Exhibition]
Schechner, Alan (2005) The legacy of abused children / Dialogue of equals. [Show/Exhibition]
Selvam, Rejina M. and Lelis, Catarina ORCID:
Employees as advertisers: on the effects of internal advertising using a flexible online brand center platform.
Tripodos, 43.
pp. 119-133.
ISSN 1138-3305
Srnicek, Nick and Hester, Helen ORCID:
At Home with Platform Capitalism.
Platform Capitalism and the Crisis of Social Reproduction.
Westfälisches Dampfboot, Rosa-Luxemburg Foundation, Münster.
(In Press)
Stevenson, Lesley (2006) The subaltern speaks out. Art History, 29 (3). pp. 521-526. ISSN 0141-6790
Stevenson, Lesley (2007) A view from below: a still life at the Salon des Refusés. Burlington Magazine, 149 (1250). pp. 320-322. ISSN 0007-6287
Stevenson, Lesley (2014) The window in photographs [Review]. History of Photography, 38 (3). pp. 321-322. ISSN 0308-7298
Stevenson, Lesley (2007) In search of the past: the case of still life. In: Inspiring Impressionism: The Impressionists and the Art of the Past. Yale University Press, Denver, USA, pp. 183-203. ISBN 9780300131321
Stevenson, Lesley, Dowd, Garin ORCID: and Strong, Jeremy
Genre matters: essays in theory and criticism.
Intellect Books, Bristol, UK.
ISBN 1841501077
Strong, Jeremy ORCID:
Adapting Pagnol and Provence.
French Literature on Screen.
Manchester University Press, Manchester, UK.
ISBN 9781784995171
Strong, Jeremy ORCID:
Character adaptations: recurrence and return.
Adaptation, 14 (1).
pp. 109-135.
ISSN 1755-0637
Strong, Jeremy ORCID:
Continuation and Desperation in Contemporary Multi-Season Television Drama.
Adaptation, 17 (2).
pp. 191-211.
ISSN 1755-0637
Strong, Jeremy ORCID:
Crews, squads, sevens, elevens and dozens: the team film genre.
Kinema: a Journal of Audio-Visual Media, 26.
pp. 39-54.
ISSN 1192-6252
Strong, Jeremy ORCID:
How to make a 'Colourful World'.
New Vistas, 6 (1).
pp. 16-19.
ISSN 2056-9688
Strong, Jeremy ORCID:
Adaptation, 12 (2).
pp. 67-68.
ISSN 1755-0637
Strong, Jeremy ORCID:
James Bond: international man of gastronomy.
Journal of European Popular Culture, 4 (2).
pp. 155-172.
ISSN 2040-6134
Strong, Jeremy ORCID:
Killing the pig.
The Victorian, 3 (3).
pp. 1-18.
ISSN 2309-091X
Strong, Jeremy ORCID:
Reconstructing the rose or how joining the dots (generally) makes the picture.
Literature/Film Quarterly, 39 (4).
pp. 297-305.
ISSN 0090-4260
Strong, Jeremy ORCID:
Straight to the source? Where adaptations, artworks, historical films, and novels connect.
Adaptation, 12 (2).
pp. 165-184.
ISSN 1755-0645
Strong, Jeremy ORCID:
Team films in adaptation: remembered stories and forgotten books.
Adaptation, 1 (1).
pp. 44-57.
ISSN 1755-0637
Strong, Jeremy ORCID:
Tess, Jude, and the Problem of Adapting Hardy.
Literature/Film Quarterly, 34 (3).
pp. 195-203.
ISSN 0090-4260
Strong, Jeremy ORCID:
Time, tide and narrative: adapting chronology in Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World.
Coriolis: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Maritime Studies, 5 (2).
pp. 1-19.
ISSN 2163-8381
Strong, Jeremy ORCID:
The 'Wandering Jew': history, fiction and adaptation.
New Vistas, 1 (1).
pp. 24-31.
ISSN 2056-9688
Strong, Jeremy ORCID:
What's in a snack?
New Vistas, 2 (1).
pp. 26-27.
ISSN 2056-9688
Strong, Jeremy ORCID:
The language of bodybuilding.
Paragraph, 26 (1-2).
pp. 163-175.
ISSN 0264-8334
Strong, Jeremy ORCID:
The modern offal eaters.
Gastronomica, 6 (2).
pp. 30-39.
ISSN 1529-3262
Strong, Jeremy ORCID: and Bowerman, Sue
"Audio, Empathy and Neurodiversity". An Interview with Professor Jeremy Strong.
New Vistas, 10 (1).
Strong, Jeremy ORCID: and Hendry, Natasha
‘A re-imagined Music Curriculum’: Jeremy Strong interviews PhD candidate Natasha Hendry.
New Vistas, 10 (1).
Strong, Jeremy ORCID:
Adapting Pagnol and Provence.
Intercultural Screen Adaptation: British and Global Case Studies.
Edinburgh University Press, pp. 11-25.
ISBN 9781474452038
Strong, Jeremy ORCID:
BBC America's Fleming and the trouble with author biopics.
The Conversation.
Strong, Jeremy ORCID:
Fleming, adaptation, and the author biopic.
A Companion to the Biopic.
Wiley Blackwell, Oxford, pp. 233-246.
ISBN 9781119554813
Strong, Jeremy ORCID:
The Routledge Handbook of Landscape and Food.
Routledge, London, UK, pp. 73-80.
ISBN 9781138125155
Strong, Jeremy ORCID:
James Bond uncovered.
Palgrave Macmillan, London, UK.
Strong, Jeremy ORCID:
Mean business.
ISBN 9781782800798
Strong, Jeremy ORCID:
'Pride and Prejudice and Permutations'.
Adapting the Canon: Translation, Visualisation, Interpretation.
Legenda, Cambridge, UK.
ISBN 9781781887080
(In Press)
Strong, Jeremy ORCID:
Rabbits are not the only meat, so why the fury over Jeanette Winterson's fluffy meal?
The Conversation.
Strong, Jeremy ORCID:
Sweetening Jane: equivalence through genre, and the problem of class in Austen adaptations.
Global Jane Austen: Pleasure, Passion, and Possessiveness in the Jane Austen Community.
Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, UK, pp. 83-102.
ISBN 9781137034434
Strong, Jeremy ORCID:
Talking teams: dialogue and the team film formula.
Film Dialogue.
Columbia University Press, New York, USA, pp. 70-84.
ISBN 9780231165631
Strong, Jeremy ORCID:
The mimetic fallacy: why adaptations disappoint.
Trasvases Culturales: Literatura, Cine, Traduccion 2.
Universidad del Pais Vasco, Lejona, Spain, pp. 351-359.
ISBN 8460094138
Vladimirova, Maria (2011) The brand image of Malta as a tourism destination: a case study in public relations and corporate communication practice. VISTAS: Education, Economy and Community, 1 (2). pp. 44-61. ISSN 2047-7449
Wade, Eti (2012) Jocasta. Studies in the Maternal, 4 (1). p. 1. ISSN 1759-0434
Wade, Ester (2013) [Light box pieces]. [Artefact]
Wallin, Rosemary and Stephens, Florian (2014) Maintaining authenticity: transferring patina from the real world to the digital to retain narrative value. Making Futures, 3. ISSN 2042-1664
Yoon, H., Olsen, Dennis and Ylanne, V. (2024) Minority ethnic older adults’ perception and behaviour towards COVID-19 public health campaigns in the UK. Communication & Society.
Zubillaga, Luciano (2013) Cosas por venir. [Video]
Zubillaga, Luciano (2009) Music for a missing film. [Video]
Zubillaga, Luciano (2012) The arousing of thought. [Video]