Adil, Syed Adnan (2018) Technology trends in the UK academic libraries: tools, techniques and best practices. In: IFLA, SLA and PLC International Conference: A journey from UN MDGs to SDGs: proactive role of the librarians, 2-4 August 2018, University of Karachi, Pakistan. (Unpublished)
Adil, Syed Adnan (2016) What library and information sciences can learn from improvement science?: emerging paradigms, future directions and practitioners' empowerment. In: International Conference on Information Management and Libraries (ICIML 2015), 10-13 Nov 2015, Lahore, Pakistan.
Barron, Simon and Preater, Andrew ORCID:
Critical systems librarianship.
The Politics of Theory and the Practice of Critical Librarianship.
Library Juice Press, Sacramento, CA, pp. 87-113.
ISBN 9781634000307
Barron, Simon, Regnault, Camille and Sanders, Kevin (2017) Library privacy. Carnegie UK.
Borman, Davina ORCID: and Wilson, Frankie
Usability testing: Bernard and Belinda's route to information.
In: Umbrella 2007: Catalysts for Change - Making a Difference, 28-30 Jun 2007, Hatfield, UK.
Bowie, Simon and Sanders, Kevin (2019) Open or ajar?: 'openness' within the neoliberal academy. In: Open Repositories 2019, 10-13 Jun 2019, Hamburg. (Unpublished)
Bowie, Simon, Sanders, Kevin and Smith, Lauren (2019) Lowering the drawbridge: academic libraries, information literacy, and open access. In: LILAC 2020, 06-08 Apr 2020, Manchester Metropolitan University. (Unpublished)
Brown, Mary (2024) Seeing the Whole Picture. The Sustainability Project: Our Journey Our Harrow. In: Archives and Records Association 2024 Conference, 30 Aug 2024, Birmingham, UK. (Unpublished)
Cole, Louise ORCID:
Back to basics: what is the e-journal?
The Serials Librarian, 47 (1/2).
pp. 77-87.
ISSN 0361-526X
Cole, Louise ORCID:
The E-deal: keeping up to date and allowing access to the end user.
The Serials Librarian, 57 (4).
pp. 399-409.
ISSN 0361-526X
Cole, Louise ORCID:
Film Review of: Dance, girl, dance (1940) directed by Dorothy Arzner.
Senses of Cinema (33).
ISSN 1443-4059
Cole, Louise ORCID:
Making the invisible visible: bringing e-resources to a wide audience.
Serials: the journal for the international serials community, 19 (1).
pp. 37-41.
ISSN 0953-0460
Cole, Louise ORCID:
The SCONUL Award 1998: Providing services to distance learners: a look at practice in UK Higher Education libraries and consideration of the needs of undergraduate distance learners.
SCONUL Newsletter, 17.
pp. 39-43.
Cole, Louise ORCID:
Usage data: the academic library perspective.
Serials, 13 (2).
pp. 97-102.
ISSN 0953-0460
Cole, Louise ORCID:
A journey into e-resource administration hell.
The Serials Librarian, 2005 (1-2).
pp. 141-154.
ISSN 0361-526X
Cole, Louise ORCID:
A library odyssey: electronic journals management in an academic institution.
VINE, 31 (4).
pp. 43-48.
ISSN 0305-5728
Cole, Louise ORCID:
Copyright in the digital age: a UK perspective.
The E-Resources Management Handbook.
ISBN 9780955244803
Cole, Louise ORCID:
Information needs of the new breed of students and researchers.
In: Thomas Telford Board Away Day, 8 July 2008, London, UK.
Cole, Louise ORCID:
Jewelled tree.
Spout Publications, Leeds.
ISBN 978-1899114610
Cole, Louise ORCID:
Lost cinemas.
Cole, Louise ORCID:
Managing content in an electronic world.
In: Introduction to Serials and E-resources Today, 7 June 2011, London, UK.
Cole, Louise ORCID:
Managing e-content in an academic library.
Cole, Louise ORCID:
Primo @ KU: how we utilise Primo as a resource discovery tool.
In: London E-resources Group, 29 June 2012, London, UK.
Cole, Louise ORCID:
[Various poems].
Cole, Louise ORCID:
What's in a licence? Model licences and managing the 'terms and conditions'.
In: Licensing and Subscription Management: Challenges to Publishers, Intermediaries and Libraries, 12 September 2003, London, UK.
Cole, Louise ORCID:
Working with Verde.
In: EPUG-UKI Conference 2012, 15 - 16 Oct 2012, London, UK.
Cole, Louise ORCID:
The e-resource licence.
[Teaching Resource]
Cole, Louise ORCID:
The serials librarian.
In: UKSG Student Roadshow, November 2009, London, UK.
Cole, Louise ORCID:
A university library view.
In: ISC Collections' Publisher Workshop – Meeting the challenges faced by the universities and maximising the take-up of your product, 29 Nov 2007, London, UK.
Cole, Louise ORCID: and Highton, Melissa
Copyright: preparing teaching materials.
[Teaching Resource]
Cole, Louise ORCID: and Jurica, Janet
Permission granted? Learning and teaching copyright issues.
In: Learning and Development Unit Lunchtime Event, 16 February 2005, London, UK.
Fernandes, Janice (2024) AI tools tips and tricks. In: AI Tips and Tricks, 04 Sep 2024, UWL Library Services staff development event.
Fernandes, Janice (2024) Artificial Intelligence Tools: Keeping pace or staying ahead. In: Online Refresher Course in Library & Information Science, 1-13 Jul 2024, Mumbai, India.
Fernandes, Janice (2023) Assessing the impact of personalised information literacy instruction: A case study of LCM. In: UWL Festival of Learning and Teaching, 6 Jul 2023, University of West London, Ealing, London.
Fernandes, Janice (2024) The Doctoral Research Journey - challenges and opportunities. In: One day online international conference. Anandibai Raorane Arts, Commerce and Science College, 29 Dec 2024, Sindhudurg, India.
Fernandes, Janice (2021) Enjoying your job: soft skills in the workplace. In: One Week Online Certification Program for Library Support Staff, Malti Jayant Dalal Library & IQAC, 07-13 Jun 2021, Mumbai, India.
Fernandes, Janice (2024) Impact of National Education Policy 2020 on Global Research in Higher Education : Challenges and Opportunities for Ph.D. students. In: One day international conference organised by A.E. Kalsekar College, 31 Aug 2024, Mumbra, Thane, India.
Fernandes, Janice (2024) Librarians, Artificial Intelligence and ChatGPT. In: Librarians, Artifical Intelligence and ChatGBT, 06 Feb 2024, UWL.
Fernandes, Janice (2024) Navigating the AI literacy landscape: A study of select academic libraries in the UK. In: UWL Festival of Learning and Teaching, 18 Jul 2024, University of West London, Ealing, London.
Fernandes, Janice (2017) Public library services in the U.K. – A vision for the future. Zarzadzanie Biblioteka, 1 (9). pp. 89-93.
Fernandes, Janice (2024) Reading and Story telling for academics and leisure. In: GNIMS Mumbai, 5 Oct 2024, Mubai, India. (Unpublished)
Fernandes, Janice and Blomley, Mary (2024) Beyond Books : Library Professionals as champions in the AI revolution. In: UKSG Forum 2024 – Our profession in 2030: publishing, sharing and curating content now and in the future, 5 Dec 2024, Birmingham, UK. (Unpublished)
Fernandes, Janice and Grabowska-Maciejewska, Hanna (2020) Recruitment practices of academic librarians in the U.K. Zarzadzanie Biblioteka, 1 (12). pp. 127-138.
Fernandes, Janice and Lazarczyk, Anna (2022) The academic library’s contribution to creating employable graduates. In: UWL Teaching and Learning Conference 2022, 11 Jul 2022, Ealing, London.
Forster, Marc ORCID:
Data analysis issues in a phenomenographic investigation into information literacy in nursing practice.
Nurse Researcher, 21 (2).
pp. 30-34.
ISSN 1351-5578
Forster, Marc ORCID:
Developing an 'experience framework' for an evidence-based information literacy educational intervention.
Journal of Documentation, 72 (2).
pp. 306-320.
ISSN 0022-0418
Forster, Marc ORCID:
“Ethnographic” thematic phenomenography: a methodological adaptation for the study of information literacy in an ontologically complex workplace.
Journal of Documentation, 75 (2).
pp. 349-365.
ISSN 0022-0418
Forster, Marc ORCID:
Information literacy as a facilitator of ethical practice in the professions.
Journal of Information Literacy, 7 (1).
pp. 18-29.
ISSN 1750-5968
Forster, Marc ORCID:
Phenomenography: a methodology for information literacy research.
Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 48 (4).
pp. 353-362.
ISSN 0961-0006
Forster, Marc ORCID:
Refining the definition of information literacy: the experience of contextual knowledge creation.
Journal of Information Literacy, 9 (1).
pp. 62-73.
ISSN 1750-5968
Forster, Marc ORCID:
"SEARCH for Health": developing a credited module in health information skills.
New Review of Academic Librarianship, 15 (2).
pp. 160-171.
ISSN 1361-4533
Forster, Marc ORCID:
The experience of information literacy in nursing practice.
VISTAS: Education, Economy and Community, 2 (1).
pp. 18-28.
ISSN 2047-7449
Forster, Marc ORCID:
A phenomenographic investigation into information literacy in nursing practice - preliminary findings and methodological issues.
Nurse Education Today, 33 (10).
pp. 1237-1241.
ISSN 0260-6917
Forster, Marc ORCID: and Omar, Davina
Information literacy: concepts and contexts.
New Vistas, 5 (2).
pp. 34-38.
ISSN 2056-9688
Forster, Marc ORCID:
Academic information literacies: finding and using information in research, teaching and academic professional development at the University of West London.
Project Report.
University of West London, London, UK.
Forster, Marc ORCID:
How is Information Literacy experienced in the workplace?
Information Literacy in the Workplace.
Facet Publishing, London, UK, pp. 11-28.
ISBN 9781783301324
Forster, Marc ORCID:
Information Literacy and the personal dimension: team players, empowered clients and career development.
Information Literacy in the Workplace.
Facet Publishing, London, UK, pp. 29-40.
ISBN 9781783301324
Forster, Marc ORCID:
Information Literacy and the workplace: new concepts, new perspectives?
Information Literacy in the Workplace.
Facet Publishing, London, UK, pp. 1-9.
ISBN 9781783301324
Forster, Marc ORCID:
Information Literacy development: making students partners in learning in the classroom and workplace.
In: UWL Teaching and Learning Conference 2016, 27 June 2016, London, UK.
Forster, Marc ORCID:
Information Literacy in the workplace: the experience of nurses.
In: On The Move: transitioning information skills into the workplace, 02 Feb 2018, UCL, London.
Forster, Marc ORCID:
Information Literacy's role in workplace competence, 'best practice' and the ethics of professional obligation.
Information Literacy in the Workplace.
Facet Publishing, London, UK, pp. 85-96.
ISBN 9781783301324
Forster, Marc ORCID:
Information literacy in the workplace: a different phenomenon.
Forster, Marc ORCID:
The 'Workplace Experience Framework' and evidence-based Information Literacy education.
Information Literacy in the Workplace.
Facet Publishing, London, UK, pp. 149-164.
ISBN 9781783301324
Forster, Marc ORCID: and Goldstein, Stephane
Information Literacy in the Workplace.
In: LILAC (Librarians' Annual Information Literacy Conference), 4-6 April 2018, Liverpool.
Forster, Marc ORCID: and Omar, Davina
Information literacy and making the most of feedback.
In: Festival of Learning and Teaching, 3 July 2019, Ealing, London.
Horrocks, Angela and Omar, Davina ORCID:
Maltesers mean answers: a sweeter service for students based on user feedback.
In: Umbrella 2009: Making Connections: The Power of People, Partnerships and Services, 14-15 Jul 2009, Hatfield, UK.
Horrocks, Angela and Omar, Davina ORCID:
Surveying students at Kingston University.
In: Internet Librarian International, 15-16 Oct 2009, London, UK.
Krol, Edyta (2024) Breaking down barriers: Making the curriculum more inclusive. Our commitment to inclusivity - A case study of reading lists for computing and engineering at UWL Library. In: Breaking down barriers: Making the curriculum more inclusive, 14 Feb 2024, London.
Krol, Edyta (2019) Can online reading lists achieve meaningful engagement with the academics and students within a digital landscape? A case study from the University of West London. In: 5th International Scientific Conference Information Science in The Age of Change: Digital Revolution - Today and Tomorrow - Infrastructures, Services, Users, 13-14 May 2019, Warsaw, Poland. (Unpublished)
Lawson, Stuart, Sanders, Kevin and Smith, Lauren (2015) Commodification of the information profession: a critique of higher education under neoliberalism. Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication, 3 (1). ISSN 2162-3309
Library, University of West London (2016) Repository video. [Video] (Unpublished)
Lightfoot, Carly and Sanders, Kevin (2017) Libraries and research support in small and teaching-led universities: contextual problems around nascent services in dynamic times. SCONUL Focus. ISSN 1745-5790
Malone, Elizabeth, Elves, Robert, Leitch, Sandy and Omar, Davina ORCID:
You said, we did... So what?
In: 10th Northumbria International Conference on Performance Measurement in Libraries and Information Services, 22-25 July 2013, York, UK.
Massheder-Rigby, Kerry and Walker, Dominic ORCID:
Introduction: emerging approaches to public archaeology.
AP: Online Journal in Public Archaeology, S1.
pp. 1-5.
ISSN 2171-6315
McGlamery, Susan (2018) Making the case: partnering with academics to embed information literacy competencies in a law module. In: LILAC Conference 2018, 4-6 April 2018, Liverpool.
Omar, Davina ORCID:
Book Review of Prom, C.J. and Hinchliffe, L.J. (eds.) 2016. Teaching with Primary Sources. Chicago: Society of American Archivists.
Journal of Information Literacy, 11 (1).
pp. 242-243.
ISSN 1750-5968
Omar, Davina ORCID:
How we learned more about the views of science and engineering students by using our survey.
In: USTLG Spring 2016 Meeting – Student Engagement with the Library and its Resources, 18 May 2016, Chester, UK.
Omar, Davina ORCID:
Seizing the gift horse: working across the university on information literacy.
In: LILAC: The Information Literacy Conference, 24-26 April 2019, Nottingham, U.K..
Omar, Davina ORCID:
Social media: an information literacy approach.
In: Marketing Excellence Awards 2014: Sharing Your Value, Making An Impact, 14 Nov 2014, Birmingham, UK.
Omar, Davina ORCID:
What can an e-book offer you and your students?
In: UWL Festival of Learning and Teaching, 27 June 2018, London, U.K..
Omar, Davina ORCID: and Collins, Simon
Case study 4.4: Listening to the student voice at Library and Learning Services at Kingston University.
Putting Library Assessment Data To Work.
Facet Publishing, London, UK, pp. 74-80.
ISBN 9781783302208
Omar, Davina ORCID:, McNamara, Katie
ORCID:, McGlamery, Susan and Forster, Marc
Empowering students to become independent learners.
In: UWL Teaching and Learning Conference 2017, 29 June 2017, London, UK.
Omar, Davina ORCID:, Preater, Andrew
ORCID:, Clark, Ian and Liebert, Rachel Jane
Inclusive reading lists: how libraries can support student and academic leadership.
In: UWL Festival of Learning and Teaching, 27 Jul 2018, London, U.K..
Penn, Louise ORCID:
Across the pond: alternative ways of obtaining scholarly articles and the impact on traditional publishing models, from a UK/European perspective.
Serials Review.
ISSN 0098-7913
Penn, Louise ORCID:
E-resource licences: some hops, skips and jumps to successful contract management.
In: Get it sorted…positive approaches to non-standard access – the challenges of licence agreements, mobile devices and eResources - a joint JIBS/Eduserv event, 13 July 2015, London, UK.
Penn, Louise ORCID:
Formula sleuthing from four just men.
Playboys, Spies and Private Eyes.
Quoit Media Limited.
ISBN 9781911537038
Pentz, Ed and Cole, Louise ORCID:
The UKSG TRANSFER Project: collaboration to improve access to content.
Serials: the journal for the international serials community, 22 (2).
pp. 161-165.
ISSN 0953-0460
Preater, Andrew ORCID:
Academic libraries and working class experiences of higher education.
In: Working Class Academics Conference, 14-15 July 2020, Blackburn, United Kingdom.
Preater, Andrew ORCID:
Widening participation praxis and library leadership.
Critical librarianship.
Advances in library administration and organization, 41.
Emerald Publishing Limited, Somerville, MA, pp. 21-40.
ISBN 9781839094859
Preater, Andrew ORCID: and Folami, Olatundun
Free and open source software as free culture.
In: 2022 koha-US Annual Conference - KohaCon22, 20-23 Sep 2022, Lawrence, Kansas.
Preater, Andrew ORCID:, Forster, Jo, Smith, Shona, Sidebottom, Kay, Suleman, Hina and Taylor, Lisa
Working Class Academics in the Library.
In: Critical Approaches to Libraries Conference 2021, 5-6 May 2021, Coventry, United Kingdom.
Preater, Andrew ORCID:, Omar, Davina
ORCID:, Forster, Marc
ORCID:, Tatsi, Eirini, Fernandes, Janice, Garcia, Giselle
ORCID: and Sloan, Cathy
Inclusive reading lists: UWL approach and experience.
In: Inclusive reading lists: UWL approach and experience, 9 Dec 2022, London, UK..
Preater, Andrew J ORCID: and Hare, Rosie
'Getting smart' in a time of change : finding our critical voice in our work.
In: Academic & Research Libraries Group (ARLG) Conference 2019, 4 Jun 2019, Darlington, UK.
Purcell, Anne-Marie (2022) Summary of Interview 4 conducted as part of the South Asian Heritage Project with Parbhat Smith. [Audio]
Purcell, Anne-Marie and Rae Ross, Jane (2022) Summary of Interview 2 conducted as part of the South Asian Heritage Project with Rajinder Singh. [Audio]
Purcell, Anne-Marie and Rae Ross, Jane (2022) Summary of Interview 3 conducted as part of the South Asian Heritage Project with Pritpal Kaur and Minreet Kaur. [Audio]
Purcell, Anne-Marie and Rae Ross, Jane (2022) Summary of Interview 5 conducted as part of the South Asian Heritage Project with Pooja Makol. [Audio]
Purcell, Anne-Marie and Rae Ross, Jane (2022) Summary of Interview 6 conducted as part of the South Asian Heritage Project with Asad Parkar. [Audio]
Purcell, Anne-Marie and Rae Ross, Jane (2022) Summary of Interview 7 conducted as part of the South Asian Heritage Project with Swaranjit Johal. [Audio]
Purcell, Anne-Marie and Ross, Jane Rae (2022) Summary of Interview 1 conducted as part of the South Asian Heritage Project with Mehwish Kayani. [Audio]
Regnault, Camille (2018) Skills for (private) life: a review and multi-site case study of digital privacy initiatives in UK public libraries. Journal of New Librarianship, 3 (2). pp. 297-368. ISSN 2471-3880
Regnault, Camille ORCID:
A snapshot of UWL research and U.N sustainable development goals.
Regnault, Camille and Sanders, Kevin (2019) Privacy: the lost companion of open scholarship. UWL blog, University of West London.
Roland, Julian (2023) The Customer Service Excellence Journey. In: CPD25: The Customer Service Excellence standard: sharing hints and tips, 15 Nov 2023, Woburn House Conference Centre.
Sanders, Kevin (2015) Review of 'Informed agitation: library and information skills in social justice movements and beyond'. Journal of Radical Librarianship, 1. ISSN 2399-956X
Sanders, Kevin (2018) Bag of onions: growing bulbs of intellectual freedom from academic libraries. UNSPECIFIED.
Sanders, Kevin (2018) Layers of security for repositories: onion services, privacy, and intellectual freedom in the scholarly commons. In: Repository Fringe 2018, 01-02 Jul 2018, University of Edinburgh. (Submitted)
Sanders, Kevin ORCID:
Open scholarly publishing and libraries.
Sanders, Kevin (2016) Radical librarianship: the politics and mechanics of DIY culture, and how librarianship might be able to learn from grassroots organisation. In: Academic and Special Libraries 2016: Smashing stereotypes: Librarians get loud!, 11-12 Feb 2016, Dublin, Republic of Ireland. (Unpublished)
Sanders, Kevin (2018) Technology has changed the face of privacy: here’s what you need to do next. Rights Info.
Shipton, Lenka ORCID:
Simpson, Sarah (2023) Bright lights and terror –speaker diary from the CILIP conference 2023. CILIP Information Professional (July). pp. 28-29. ISSN 2515-8015
Smith, Naomi, Gibson, Amelia, Oyedele, Damilare, Chiewphasa, Ben and Ball, Caroline (2023) Librarians for critical digital justice: a space to explore digital inequities in academic institutions. In: UNSPECIFIED, 23 Mar 2023.
Smith, Naomi L. A. (2024) Decolonising Academia: Balancing Personal Narratives and emotional labour within Systematic change. In: Breaking New Ground, Carving a Decolonised Collection Path, 26 Jun 2024, Online / South Africa.
Smith, Naomi L. A. (2024) Dont Touch My Hair: Hair Microagressions in the library. In: CILIP NE, Beyond the Horizon, 20 May 2024, Online.
Smith, Naomi L. A. (2024) Tap in to Black Librarian magic. In: Black Caucus of the American Library Association, 25 Jul 2024, Online.
Wales, Tim ORCID:
Cloudbusting UWL's Library Management System.
SCONUL Focus, 63.
pp. 15-17.
ISSN 1745-5790
Wales, Tim ORCID:
Paul Hamlyn Library: an integral part of UWL campus.
Walker, Dominic ORCID:
Decentering the discipline? Archaeology, museums and social media.
AP: Online Journal in Public Archaeology, S1.
pp. 77-102.
ISSN 2171-6315
Walker, Dominic ORCID:
Towards a beneficial World Heritage: community involvement in the Blaenavon Industrial Landscape.
Museum International, 63 (1-2).
pp. 25-33.
ISSN 1350-0775
Walker, Dominic ORCID:
Local World Heritage: relocating expertise in World Heritage management.
Who Needs Experts? Counter-mapping Cultural Heritage.
Ashgate, Farnham, UK, pp. 181-201.
ISBN 9781409439349
Walker, Dominic ORCID: and Phillips, David
UWL Repository and open access for researchers.
In: UWL Research Conference 2017, 30 June 2017, London, UK.
Walker, Dominic ORCID: and Phillips, David
UWL Repository and open access for teaching and learning.
In: UWL Teaching and Learning Conference 2017, 29 June 2017, London, UK.