Items where Year is 2007

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Number of items: 104.


Abdelnour-Nocera, Jose ORCID:, Dunckley, Lynne and Sharp, Helen (2007) An approach to the evaluation of usefulness as a social construct using technological frames. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 22 (1-2). pp. 153-172. ISSN 1044-7318

Adams, John, Khan, Hafiz T.A. ORCID:, Raeside, Robert and White, David (2007) Research methods for graduate business and social science students. SAGE, London. ISBN 9780761935896

Arden, Jeremy (2007) Star King of Day: for percussion. [Composition]


Bahadori-Jahromi, Ali ORCID:, Kermani, Abdy, Zhang, Binsheng and Reid, D. (2007) A parametric evaluation of multi-webbed composite joists based on EC5. Journal of the Institute of Wood Science, 17 (6). pp. 295-310. ISSN 0020-3203

Barn, Balbir and Dexter, Hilary (2007) An experiment with conversation theory as a candidate for a meta learning theory. In: The 10th IASTED International Conference on Computers and Advanced Technology in Education, 8-10 Oct 2007, Beijing, China.

Barn, Balbir, Dexter, Hilary, Oussena, Samia and Sparks, Dan (2007) SOA-MDK: towards a method development kit for service oriented system development. In: Advances in Information Systems Development: New Methods and Practice for the Networked Society. Springer, Boston, MA, pp. 191-201. ISBN 9780387707617

Behzadian, Kourosh ORCID:, Kapelan, Zoran, Savic, Dragan and Ardeshir, Abdollah (2007) Stochastic sampling design for water distribution model calibration. In: Water Management Challenges in Global Change, 4 September 2007, London, UK.

Bigham, Sally and Bourchier-Sutton, Alison (2007) The decontextualisation of form and function in the development of pretence. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 25 (3). pp. 335-351. ISSN 0261-510X

Bonner, Gwen and McLaughlin, Sue (2007) The psychological impact of aggression on nursing staff. British Journal of Nursing, 16 (13). pp. 810-814. ISSN 0966-0461

Bonner, Gwen (2007) The psychological impact of restraint in acute mental health settings: the experiences of staff and inpatients. Doctoral thesis, University of West London.

Borman, Davina ORCID: and Wilson, Frankie (2007) Usability testing: Bernard and Belinda's route to information. In: Umbrella 2007: Catalysts for Change - Making a Difference, 28-30 Jun 2007, Hatfield, UK. (Unpublished)

Boucher, Jill, Bigham, Sally, Mayes, Andrew Richard and Muskett, Tom (2007) Recognition and language in low functioning autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 38 (7). pp. 1259-1269. ISSN 0162-3257


Cachia, Moira ORCID:, Lauri, Mary Anne and Cachia, Pierre (2007) Why do people watch teleshopping? A uses and gratifications approach. In: 2007 Social Psychology Section Annual Conference, Sep 2007, University of Kent, UK. (Unpublished)

Castells-Delgado, Antonio ORCID: (2007) Unharmed. [Audio]

Chen, Liang and Crampton, Jason (2007) Applications of the oriented permission role-based access control model. In: 26th IEEE International Performance Computing and Communications Conference, 11-13 Apr 2007, New Orleans, USA.

Chen, Liang and Crampton, Jason (2007) Inter-domain role mapping and least privilege. In: 12th ACM Symposium on Access Control Models and Technologies, 20-22 Jun 2007, Sophia Antipolis, France.

Cole, Louise ORCID: (2007) A university library view. In: ISC Collections' Publisher Workshop – Meeting the challenges faced by the universities and maximising the take-up of your product, 29 Nov 2007, London, UK. (Unpublished)

Colson, Richard (2007) The fundamentals of digital art. AVA Publishing, Lausanne, Switzerland. ISBN 9782940439928


Davis, Paul (2007) Intentional computing. [Show/Exhibition]

Dowd, Garin ORCID: (2007) Abstract machines: Samuel Beckett and philosophy after Deleuze and Guattari. Faux titre. Editions Rodopi, Amsterdam and New York. ISBN 9789042022065


Elander, James, Towell, Tony and Fox, Pauline ORCID: (2007) Competence-based training and assessment by portfolio: the health psychology model. Psychology, Learning and Teaching, 6 (2). pp. 73-79. ISSN 1475-7257


Filippakou, O. and Tapper, T. (2007) Quality assurance in higher education: thinking beyond the English experience. Higher Education Policy, 20. pp. 339-360. ISSN 0952-8733

Fu, Changfeng ORCID:, Kaya, Sezgin, Kagioglou, Mike and Aouad, Ghassan (2007) The development of an IFC‐based lifecycle costing prototype tool for building construction and maintenance: Integrating lifecycle costing to nD modelling. Construction Innovation, 7 (1). pp. 85-98. ISSN 1471-4175

Fu, Changfeng ORCID:, Tah, Joseph, Aouad, Ghassan, Kagioglou, Mike and Zeisel, John (2007) Space-centred information management approach to improve CAD-based healthcare building design. ITcon, 12. pp. 61-71. ISSN 1874-4753


Gardiner, Jeremy (2007) Along the Dorset coast. [Show/Exhibition]

Gardiner, Jeremy (2007) Arvor - Cornish coast. [Show/Exhibition]

Gasston-Hales, Melanie (2007) Making the most of your community placement. Nursing Standard, 22 (4). p. 61. ISSN 0029-6570

Gasston-Hales, Melanie (2007) No students for me. Nursing Standard, 22 (9). p. 61. ISSN 0029-6570

Gasston-Hales, Melanie (2007) Time out for latecomers. Nursing Standard, 21 (43). p. 61. ISSN 0029-6570

Gasston-Hales, Melanie (2007) Supporting mentors to be creative in their approach to learning opportunities for students. In: RCN International Perspectives on Mental Health Nursing Conference, 1-3 Feb 2007, UK.


Henson, David (2007) Musical theatre: exploring the world through song. In: Musical Theatre: Exploring the World Through Song. LAMDA, London, pp. 54-95. ISBN 9780955768705

Hossain, Ahmed and Khan, Hafiz T.A. ORCID: (2007) Bayesian analysis of three-way ANOVA model and a diagnostic test for the convergence of the estimation. Journal of Statistics and Management Systems, 10 (1). pp. 153-160. ISSN 0972-0510

Hossain, Ahmed and Khan, Hafiz T.A. ORCID: (2007) Risk factors for sleep disturbance and its effect on quality of life: an analysis of retrospective cohort study of adults with neck injuries. Indian Journal of Sleep Medicine, 2 (3). pp. 95-100. ISSN 0973-340X

Hossain, Ahmed and Khan, Hafiz T.A. ORCID: (2007) Risk factors of coronary heart disease. Indian Heart Journal, 59 (4). pp. 147-151. ISSN 0019-4832


Jalilsani, F, Behzadian, Kourosh ORCID: and Ardeshir, A (2007) Sampling Design for Water Distribution Model Calibration under Uncertainty: A Case Study. Iranian Society of Civil Engineering Journal, 23. pp. 1-8.

Jie, Wei ORCID:, Cai, Wentong, Wang, Lizhe and Procter, Rob (2007) A secure information service for monitoring large-scale grids. Parallel Computing, 33 (7-8). pp. 572-591. ISSN 0167-8191

Jie, Wei ORCID:, Daw, Michael, Procter, Rob and Voss, Alex (2007) Towards Shibboleth-based security in the e-infrastructure for social sciences. In: 3rd International Conference on e-Social Science, 7-10 Oct 2007, Ann Arbor, USA.

Jie, Wei ORCID:, Huang, Zhenghong, Daw, Michael, Procter, Rob, Li, Xiaorong, Tang, Lianggui and Lu, Sheng (2007) Secure access to grid information service using Shibboleth and PERMIS. In: The 9th IEEE International Conference on E-Commerce Technology and The 4th IEEE International Conference on Enterprise Computing, E-Commerce and E-Services (CEC-EEE 2007). IEEE, Tokyo, Japan. ISBN 0769529135

Jie, Wei ORCID:, Huang, Zhenghong, Tang, Lianggui and Lu, Sheng (2007) Performance study of a DHT based grid information service with data caching. In: 2nd International Multi-Symposiums on Computer and Computational Sciences (IMSCCS 2007), 13-15 Aug 2007, Iowa City, USA.

Jie, Wei ORCID:, Zang, Tianyi, Hung, Terence, Turner, Stephen John and Cai, Wentong (2007) Metadata-based information management framework for grids. In: Modern Technologies in Web Services Research. IGI Global, London, UK, pp. 147-166. ISBN 9781599042800


Kalam, I.M. Shafiqul and Khan, Hafiz T.A. ORCID: (2007) Determinants of health status of elderly people in Bangladesh. Asian Profile, 35 (1). pp. 71-82. ISSN 0304-8675

Kani-Zabihi, Elahe and Ghinea, Gheorghita (2007) Involving users in OPAC interface design: perspective from a UK study. In: Human Interface 2007: Human Interface and the Management of Information. Interacting in Information Environments. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4558. Springer, Heidelberg, Germany, pp. 374-383. ISBN 9783540733539

Khan, Hafiz T.A. ORCID: and Begum, Afroza (2007) Patterns and differentials of antenatal care and delivery practices among married adolescent girls in Bangladesh. Journal of Family Welfare, 53 (2). pp. 81-89. ISSN 0022-1074

Komisarczuk, Peter and Welch, Ian (2007) Web based board game for teaching aspects of Internet engineering, ACTA/IASTED. International Journal of Advanced Technology for Learning on Games-based Learning, 4 (4).

Komisarczuk, Peter and Koudrin, Alex (2007) Effect of rerouting on NGN VoIP quality. In: 2007 Australasian Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference. IEEE, pp. 364-370. ISBN 9781424415571

Komisarczuk, Peter, Seifert, Christian, Pemberton, D. and Welch, Ian (2007) Grid enabled internet instruments. In: IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, 2007 (GLOBECOM '07). IEEE, pp. 1906-1911. ISBN 9781424410422


Leeson, George W. and Khan, Hafiz T.A. ORCID: (2007) Factors affecting intergenerational financial help and care transfers: evidence from a global ageing survey. In: Public and private old-age security arrangements in Asia and Europe, 5-7 September 2007, Den Haag, the Netherlands. (Unpublished)

Li, Xiaorong, Jie, Wei ORCID:, Xiuju, Fu, Chan, Hoong-Maeng, Ho, Quoc-Thuan, Hung, Terence, Ong, David, Turner, Stephen John and Veeravalli, Bharadwaj (2007) A multi-agent method for streaming quality monitoring and analysis over media grid. In: 4th IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC 2007), 11 -13 Jan 2007, Las Vegas, USA.

Lingard, Matt (2007) Why don’t all lecturers make use of VLEs?: what can the so-called “laggards” tell us? Masters thesis, Institute of Education, University of London.

Lingard, Matt and Richmond, Kezia (2007) Blog it, tag it, share it! Learn the language of the Google Generation. In: AGCAS Biennial Conference 2007, 4 - 6 September 2007, Birmingham, UK. (Unpublished)

Loveday, Heather ORCID:, Hoffman, P. N., Pratt, Robert and Wilson, Jennie ORCID: (2007) Public perception and the social and microbiological significance of uniforms in the prevention and control of healthcare-associate infections: an evidence review. The British Journal of Infection Control, 8 (4). pp. 10-21. ISSN 1469-0446

Loveday, Heather ORCID:, Hoffman, P. N., Pratt, Robert and Wilson, Jennie ORCID: (2007) Uniform: an evidence review of the microbiological significance of uniforms and uniform policy in the prevention and control of healthcare-associated infections. Report to the Department of Health (England). Journal of Hospital Infection, 66 (4). pp. 301-307. ISSN 0195-6701

Lutz, Wolfgang, Samir, K. C., Khan, Hafiz T.A. ORCID:, Scherbov, Sergei and Leeson, George W. (2007) Future ageing in South-East Asia: demographic trends, human capital and health status. Project Report. International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Laxenburg, Austria.


Macfarlane, Bruce (2007) The academic citizen: the virtue of service in university life. Routledge, Abingdon, UK. ISBN 9780415357593

McStay, Andrew (2007) Regulating the suicide bomber: a critical examination of viral advertising and simulations of self-broadcasting. Ethical Space: The International Journal of Communication Ethics, 4 (1/2). pp. 40-48. ISSN 1742-0105

McStay, Andrew (2007) Trust, data-mining and instantaneity: the creation of the online accountable consumer. In: Communication in the Age of Suspicion: Trust and the Media. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, UK, pp. 114-124. ISBN 9781349280759

Menezes, Antoinette, Esplen, Polly, Bartlett, Paul, Turner, Bridget, Keel, Mike, Etherington, Veronica, Conisbee, Elaine, Plant, Antonia, Haslam, Val and England, Julie (2007) A system of electronic records developed by a childrens hospice. International Journal of Palliative Nursing, 13 (5). pp. 237-242. ISSN 1357-6321

Milani, Raffaella Margherita ORCID:, Daumann, J., Gouzoulis-Mayfrank, E. and Parrott, Andy (2007) Cannabis and Ecstasy/MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine): an analysis of their neuropsychobiological interactions in recreational users. Journal of Neural Transmission, 114 (8). pp. 59-68. ISSN 1435-1463

Milner, M., Komisarczuk, Peter, Pemberton, D., Wood, R. and Bertram, N. (2007) InternetNZ External Peering Group Report. InternetNZ, October, 2007.

Mimirinis, Mike ORCID: and Bhattacharya, Madhumita (2007) Design of virtual learning environments for deep learning. Journal of Interactive Learning Research. ISSN 1093-023X

Morgan, Philip A., McCourt, Christine and Youll, Penny (2007) Social richness, socio-technical tension and the virtual commissioning of NHS research. Health Research Policy and Systems, 5. p. 8. ISSN 1478-4505

Murji, Karim ORCID: (2007) Hierarchies, markets and networks: ethnicity/race and drug distribution. Journal of Drug Issues, 37 (4). pp. 781-804. ISSN 0022-0426

Murji, Karim ORCID: (2007) Sociological engagements: institutional racism and beyond. Sociology, 41 (5). pp. 843-855. ISSN 1469-8684


Number, The (2007) The making of quiet things. [Audio]


Olden, Tony (2007) Somali opposition to government education: R.E. Ellison and the Berbera School Affair, 1938-1940. History of Education, 37 (1). pp. 71-90. ISSN 0046-760X

Oussena, Samia (2007) Supporting a continuous feedback process. In: 7th Higher Education Academy Annual Conference on the Teaching of Computing. (Unpublished)

Oussena, Samia and Barn, Balbir (2007) Applying component concepts to Service Oriented Design: a case study. In: Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Architectures, Concepts and Technologies for Service Oriented Computing - Volume 1: ACT4SOC, (ICSOFT 2007). SciTePress, pp. 31-41. ISBN 9789898111081

Oussena, Samia, Barn, Balbir and Sparks, Dan (2007) BPEL patterns for implementing variations in SOA applications. In: Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - (Volume 3). SciTePress, pp. 295-300. ISBN 9789728865900

Oussena, Samia and Dunckley, Lynne (2007) Adopting student-centred approach to advance database teaching. In: 24th British National Conference on Databases (BNCOD'07). IEEE Computer Society, pp. 10-14. ISBN 0769529127

Oussena, Samia and Laurie, Bruce (2007) Assessing academic achievement and acquisition of expertise in an agile development environment. In: IADIS CELDA 2007 (Cognition and Explanatory Learning in Digital Age), 07-09 Dec 2007, Algarve, Portugal.


Pappas, Nikolaos (2007) Tourism. Institute of Contemporary Adult Education, Athens.

Paterson, Justin ORCID: (2007) Phase experiments in multi-microphone recordings: a practical exploration. Journal of the Art of Record Production (1). ISSN 1754-9892

Paterson, Justin ORCID: (2007) "Set phasors to stun": an algorithm to improve phase coherence on transients in multi-microphone recordings. In: Proceedings of the International Congress on Acoustics 2007, 02-07 Sep 2007, Madrid, Spain.

Pauling, Joel W. and Komisarczuk, Peter (2007) Review of work experience in a bachelor of information technology. In: Proceedings of the Ninth Australasian Conference on Computing Education (ACE '07). Australian Computer Society, Darlinghurst, Australia, pp. 125-132. ISBN 1920682465

Paytress, Mark (2007) The Pink Floyd. EMAP Magazines.

Pemberton, D., Komisarczuk, Peter and Welch, Ian (2007) Internet background radiation arrival density and network telescope sampling strategies. In: Australasian Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference 2007 (ATNAC 2007). IEEE, pp. 246-252. ISBN 9781424415571

Pott, Francis ORCID: (2007) The cloud of unknowing. [Composition]

Poutos, Konstantinos, Alani, Amir, Walden, Phillip and Chander, Sangha (2007) Relative temperature changes within concrete made with recycled glass aggregate. Construction and Building Materials, 22 (4). pp. 557-565. ISSN 0950-0618


Ramshaw, P. (2007) Things that are not: an ontology of (de)composition. In: The Proceedings of the 7th International Music Theory Conference, Principles of Musical Composition - Musical Text, 9-11 May 2007, Vilnius, Lithuania.

Ressin, Malte ORCID: and Haffner, Christoph (2007) Human-centered design of interactive TV games with SMS backchannel. In: Interactive TV: a Shared Experience. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4471. Springer, Heidelberg, Germany, 37- 46. ISBN 9783540725589

Roberts, Stephen (2007) Knowledge Management as a catalyst for innovation and development in universities: challenges and opportunities. East African Journal of Information Sciences, 2 (1). pp. 1-13. ISSN 1995-1442

Roberts, Stephen (2007) Making a contribution to the civil society: knowledge management and the information professional. In: Librarianship as a Bridge to an Information and Knowledge Society in Africa. IFLA Publications (124). K. G. Saur, Munich, Germany, pp. 121-154. ISBN 9783598440250

Roberts, Stephen (2007) Professional associations and information professionals: new roles in Africa's knowledge society. In: Making Library and Information Associations Functional: Experiences from Eastern, Central and Southern Africa. Tanzanian Library and Information Association, Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania.

Robinson, Paul (2007) La passion de Jeanne d'Arc. [Composition]

Rowan, Cathy, Beake, Sarah, Bick, Debra and McCourt, Christine (2007) Problem based learning in midwifery - the teachers perspective. Nurse Education Today, 27 (2). pp. 131-138. ISSN 0260-6917


Seifert, Christian, Steenson, Ramon, Welch, Ian and Komisarczuk, Peter (2007) Capture - a behavioral analysis tool for applications and documents. In: The Digital Forensic Research Conference, 13-15 Aug 2007, Pittsburgh, USA.

Shaaban, Ibrahim ORCID: (2007) Effect of axial compression stress on the shear behavior of high-strength fiber reinforced concrete t-beams. In: Twelfth International Colloquium on Structural and Geotechnical Engineering, ICSGE, Ain Shams University, 12-12 Dec 2007, Cairo, Egypt.

Sholl, Robert (2007) Making the invisible visible: the theology, culture and practice of Olivier Messiaen's improvisation. Boston University Messiaen Project.

Sholl, Robert (2007) Review of Alan Fraser's The craft of piano playing: a new approach to piano technique. Music and Letters, 88 (1). pp. 190-192. ISSN 1477-4631

Sholl, Robert (2007) Olivier Messiaen, the avant-garde, and the Messe de la Pentecôte. In: Boston Messiaen Project Conference, Nov 2007, Boston, USA. (Unpublished)

Smith, Andy, Joshi, Anirudha, Guilliksen, Jan, Bannon, Liam and Li, Christina (2007) Institutionalizing HCI in Asia. In: 11th IFIP TC 13 International Conference (INTERACT 2007), 10-14 Sep 2007, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Stevenson, Lesley (2007) A view from below: a still life at the Salon des Refusés. Burlington Magazine, 149 (1250). pp. 320-322. ISSN 0007-6287

Stevenson, Lesley (2007) In search of the past: the case of still life. In: Inspiring Impressionism: The Impressionists and the Art of the Past. Yale University Press, Denver, USA, pp. 183-203. ISBN 9780300131321


Talebian, N., Nabizadeh, S. and Atashi, M. (2007) Ideas, history and projects. Book 1: residential complex [in Farsi]. Casra Publication, Mashhad, Iran.

Testa, Alberto ORCID: (2007) Revolution from the right? Neo-Fascism in the 21st century Italian football stadia and society. In: Proceedings of the 4th EASS Conference of the European Association for the Sociology of Sport, 31 May - 3 June 2007, Münster, Germany.


Weaver, Jane, Gamble, Jenny, McCourt, Christine, Statham, Helen, Beake, Sarah and Creedy, Debra (2007) Elective cesarean section and decision making: a critical review of the literature. Birth, 34 (1). pp. 65-97. ISSN 1523-536X

Weaver, Jane, Statham, Helen and Richards, M. (2007) Are there "unnecessary" cesarean sections? Perceptions of women and obstetricians about cesarean sections for nonclinical indications. Birth, 34 (1). pp. 32-41. ISSN 1523-536X

Whiteford, James R, Behrends, Volker ORCID:, Kirby, Hishani, Kusche-Gullberg, Marion, Muramatsu, Takshi and Couchman, John R (2007) Syndecans promote integrin-mediated adhesion of mesenchymal cells in two distinct pathways. Experimental cell research, 313 (18). pp. 3902-3913.

Williamson, Swapna Naskar (2007) Development of a self-rating scale of self-directed learning. Nurse Researcher, 14 (2). pp. 66-83. ISSN 1351-5578


Xiao, Hannan, Malcolm, James A., Christianson, Bruce and Zhang, Ying ORCID: (2007) Hierarchical trustworthy authentication for pervasive computing. In: The 4th Annual International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous System: Computing, Networking and Services, 6-10 August 2007, Philadelphia, USA.


Zagorski-Thomas, Simon ORCID: (2007) The study of groove. Ethnomusicology Forum, 16 (2). pp. 327-335. ISSN 1741-1920

Zhang, Ying ORCID:, Travis, Adrian R L and Collings, Neil (2007) Evaluation of multi-sensory feedback on the usability of a virtual assembly environment. Journal of Multimedia, 2 (1). pp. 38-47. ISSN 1796-2048

Zhang, Y and Komisarczuk, Peter (2007) Implementing a simplified 802.11 MAC using FPGA on WAG. In: ENZCon 2007, Victoria University, 2007, Wellington, New Zealand.

Zhang, Ying ORCID: and Komisarczuk, Peter (2007) Improving the stability of transmission in mobile ad hoc networks. In: 5th NZ Computer Science Research Student Conference (NZCSRSC'07), 10-13 April 2007, Hamilton, New Zealand.

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