Items where Author is "Murji, Karim"

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Number of items: 76.


Murji, Karim ORCID:, Keith, M, PIle, S and Solomos, J (2024) Representing London: making and claiming the city. City: Analysis of Urban Change, Theory, Action.

Murji, Karim ORCID: (2024) The BBC, public intellectuals, and the making of Five Views of Multi-Racial Britain. Identities.

Keith, Michael, Murji, Karim ORCID:, Pile, Steve and Solomos, John (2024) Entanglements of race and migration in the (open) city: Analytical and normative tensions of the sociological imagination. Sociological Review. pp. 1-21. ISSN 0038-0261

Murji, Karim ORCID: (2024) Racialising the intersections. Society and Space.

Pile, Steve, Keith, Michael, Murji, Karim ORCID: and Solomos, John (2023) Politicization, postpolitics and the open city: Openness, closedness and the spatialisation of the political. Society and Space, 41 (6). pp. 1075-1093. ISSN 0263-7758

Pile, Steve and Murji, Karim ORCID: (2023) A progressive sense of place and the open city: Micro-spatialities and micro-conflicts on a north London council estate. Geoforum, 144. ISSN 0016-7185

Murji, Karim ORCID: (2023) Institutional failure: policing in permacrisis. Soundings: a journal of politics and culture (83). pp. 21-33. ISSN 1741-0797

Yazici, Edanur, Murji, Karim ORCID:, Keith, Michael, Pile, Steve, Solomos, John and Wang, Ying (2023) ‘London is avocado on toast’: the urban imaginaries of the #LondonIsOpen campaign. Urban Studies. ISSN 0042-0980

Widanaralalage Don, Kennath, Hine, Ben ORCID:, Murphy, Anthony ORCID: and Murji, Karim ORCID: (2023) A qualitative investigation of service providers’ experiences supporting raped and sexually abused men. Violence and Victims, 38 (1). pp. 53-76. ISSN 0886-6708

Murji, Karim ORCID: (2022) An interventionist sociologist: Stuart Hall, public engagement and racism. The Sociological Review, 70 (5). 003802612211085. ISSN 0038-0261

Widanaralalage, Kennath B, Hine, Ben ORCID:, Murphy, Anthony and Murji, Karim ORCID: (2022) “I didn’t feel i was a victim”: a phenomenological analysis of the experiences of male-on-male survivors of rape and sexual abuse. Victims and Offenders. ISSN 1556-4886

Murji, Karim ORCID: (2022) Taking stock of diversity. New Vistas, 8 (1). pp. 36-40. ISSN 2056-967X

Murji, Karim ORCID: and Picker, Giovanni (2021) Racist morbidities: A conjunctural analysis of the COVID-19 pandemic. European Societies, 23 (sup1). S307-S320. ISSN 1461-6696

Murji, Karim ORCID: (2020) The uses and non-use of ethnicity data — how can we do better? Monitor, 2020 (6).

Murji, Karim ORCID: (2020) Stuart Hall as a criminological theorist-activist. Theoretical Criminology, 24 (3). pp. 447-460. ISSN 1362-4806

Murji, Karim ORCID: and Picker, Giovanni (2019) Race and place. International Journal of Sociology & Social Policy, 39 (11/12). pp. 913-922. ISSN 0144-333X

Afridi, Asif and Murji, Karim ORCID: (2019) "Explain or change": the quality and uses of ethnicity data in universities and healthcare organisation in England. Social Policy and Administration, 53 (7). pp. 989-1002. ISSN 0144-5596

Murji, Karim ORCID: and Neal, Sarah (2018) How do sociologists keep up with a social world? Monitoring Obŝestvennogo Mneniâ: Ekonomičeskie i Social?nye Peremeny, 147 (5). pp. 35-43. ISSN 2219-5467

Murji, Karim ORCID: (2018) Urban rage: the revolt of the excluded. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 41 (13). pp. 2382-2384. ISSN 1466-4356

Picker, Giovanni, Murji, Karim ORCID: and Boatca, Manuela (2018) Racial urbanities: towards a global cartography. Social Identities, 25 (1). pp. 1-10. ISSN 1350-4630

Murji, Karim ORCID: (2017) Rioting and the politics of crisis. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 41 (10). pp. 1820-1836. ISSN 0141-9870

Erel, Umut, Murji, Karim ORCID: and Nahaboo, Zaki (2016) Understanding the contemporary race–migration nexus. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 39 (8). pp. 1339-1360. ISSN 0141-9870

Murji, Karim ORCID: and Solomos, John (2016) Rejoinder: race scholarship and the future. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 39 (3). pp. 405-413. ISSN 0141-9870

Neal, Sarah and Murji, Karim ORCID: (2015) Sociologies of everyday life: editors' introduction to the special issue. Sociology, 49 (5). pp. 811-819. ISSN 0038-0385

Murji, Karim ORCID: (2014) A representative workforce: the BME police recruitment target and the politics of enumeration and categorization. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 34 (9/10). pp. 578-592. ISSN 0144-333X

Bhattacharyya, Gargi and Murji, Karim ORCID: (2013) Introduction: race critical public scholarship. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 36 (9). pp. 1359-1373. ISSN 0141-9870

Murji, Karim ORCID: and Neal, Sarah (2011) Riot: race and politics in the 2011 disorders. Sociological Research Online, 16 (4).

Murji, Karim ORCID: (2011) Race policy and politics: two case studies from Britain. Policy Studies, 32 (6). pp. 585-598. ISSN 0144-2872

Murji, Karim ORCID: (2011) Working together: governing and advising the police. The Police Journal: Theory, Practice and Principles, 84 (3). pp. 256-271. ISSN 0032-258X

Murji, Karim ORCID: (2010) Applied social science? Academic contributions to the Stephen Lawrence Inquiry and their consequences. Journal of Social Policy, 39 (3). pp. 343-357. ISSN 0047-2794

Murji, Karim ORCID: (2010) Knowledge, politics and the police. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice, 4 (2). pp. 163-168. ISSN 1752-4512

Murji, Karim ORCID: (2009) Enacting the sacred: nation and difference in the comparative sociology of the police. Journal of Transatlantic Studies, 7 (1). pp. 23-37. ISSN 1479-4012

Murji, Karim ORCID: (2008) Mis-taken identity: being and not being Asian, African and British. Migrations & Identities, 1 (2). pp. 17-32. ISSN 1753-903X

Murji, Karim ORCID: (2007) Hierarchies, markets and networks: ethnicity/race and drug distribution. Journal of Drug Issues, 37 (4). pp. 781-804. ISSN 0022-0426

Murji, Karim ORCID: (2007) Sociological engagements: institutional racism and beyond. Sociology, 41 (5). pp. 843-855. ISSN 1469-8684

Murji, Karim ORCID: (2006) Using racial stereotypes in anti-racist campaigns. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 29 (2). pp. 260-280. ISSN 0141-9870

Murji, Karim ORCID: (2003) Sociology and the teaching of ethnic and racial studies. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 26 (3). pp. 503-510. ISSN 0141-9870

McLaughlin, Eugene and Murji, Karim ORCID: (1999) After the Stephen Lawrence Report. Critical Social Policy, 19 (3). pp. 371-385. ISSN 0261-0183

McLaughlin, Eugene and Murji, Karim ORCID: (1999) The postmodern condition of the police. Liverpool Law Review, 21 (2-3). pp. 217-240. ISSN 0144-932X

McLaughlin, Eugene and Murji, Karim ORCID: (1998) Resistance through representation: 'storylines', advertising and police federation campaigns. Policing and Society, 8 (4). pp. 367-399. ISSN 1477-2728

Book Section

Murji, Karim ORCID: and Zoubir, Zacharias (2020) Beyond Marxism vs cultural studies: critical theories of racism and political action from migrant workers to Black lives matter. In: Routledge International Handbook of Contemporary Racisms. Routledge International Handbooks. Routledge, Taylor and Francis, London. ISBN 9781138485990

Murji, Karim ORCID: (2019) Demonization. In: The Sage Dictionary of Criminology (fourth edition). Sage, London. ISBN 9781526436719

Murji, Karim ORCID: (2019) Moral panic. In: The Sage Dictionary of Criminology (fourth edition). Sage, London.

Murji, Karim ORCID: (2019) Racialization. In: The Sage Dictionary of Criminology (fourth edition). Sage, London. ISBN 9781526436719

Murji, Karim ORCID: (2019) Scapegoating. In: The Sage Dictionary of Criminology (fourth edition). Sage, London. ISBN 9781526436719

Murji, Karim ORCID: (2018) Racism, structural and institutional. In: The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology. Wiley. ISBN 9781405165518

Murji, Karim ORCID: and Solomos, John (2015) Conclusion: back to the future. In: Theories of Race and Ethnicity: Contemporary Debates and Perspectives. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, pp. 263-281. ISBN 9780521763738

Murji, Karim ORCID: and Solomos, John (2015) Introduction: situating the present. In: Theories of Race and Ethnicity: Contemporary Debates and Perspectives. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, pp. 1-22. ISBN 9780521154260

Murji, Karim ORCID: and Silva, Elizabeth (2015) Exploring home: sociology, social divisions and social change. In: Investigating the Social World 1. The Open University. ISBN 9781780079554

Holdawayy, Simon and Murji, Karim ORCID: (2012) Understandings of police race relations. In: Criminal Justice v. Racial Justice: minority ethnic overrepresentation in the criminal justice system. Runnymede Perspectives. Runnymede, London, UK, pp. 21-23. ISBN 9781906732783

Murji, Karim ORCID: (2008) A place in the world: geographies of belonging. In: Geographies of Globalisation: A Demanding World. SAGE, London, UK, pp. 151-188. ISBN 9781847874719

Murji, Karim ORCID: (2005) Ethnicity. In: New Keywords: A Revised Vocabulary of Culture and Society. Blackwell, Oxford, UK, pp. 112-114. ISBN 9780631225690

Murji, Karim ORCID: (2005) Race. In: New Keywords: A Revised Vocabulary of Culture and Society. Blackwell, Oxford, UK, pp. 290-296. ISBN 9780631225690

Murji, Karim ORCID: and Solomos, John (2004) Introduction: racialization in theory and practice. In: Racialization: studies in theory and practice. Blackwell, Oxford, UK, pp. 1-27. ISBN 9780199257027

Murji, Karim ORCID: (2004) Gangsta glamour: youth, violence and racialised masculinities. In: Learning from violence: the youth dimension. Responses to violence in everyday life in a democratic society. Council of Europe, Strasbourg, France, pp. 53-62. ISBN 9789287153586

Murji, Karim ORCID: (2002) Sociology unbound. In: The Uses of Sociology. Blackwell, Oxford, UK, pp. 221-264. ISBN 9780631233145

Murji, Karim ORCID: (2002) Race, power and knowledge. In: Social Divisions and Differences. Blackwell, Oxford, UK, pp. 159-204. ISBN 9780631233107

McLaughlin, Eugene and Murji, Karim ORCID: (2001) Ways of seeing: the news media and racist violence. In: Understanding Social Problems: Issues in Social Policy. Blackwell, UK. ISBN 9780631220299

McLaughlin, Eugene and Murji, Karim ORCID: (2001) Drugs and European governance. In: Governing European Diversity. Governing Europe. SAGE, London, UK, pp. 229-258. ISBN 9780761954651

McLaughlin, Eugene and Murji, Karim ORCID: (2000) Lost connections and new directions: neo-liberalism, new public managerialism and the 'modernization' of the British police. In: Crime, Risk and Justice: The politics of crime control in liberal democracies. Willan, Cullompton, UK, pp. 104-121. ISBN 9781903240380

Murji, Karim ORCID: (1999) White lines: culture, 'race' and drugs. In: Drugs: Culture, Controls and Everyday Life. SAGE, London, UK, pp. 49-65. ISBN 9780761952350

Murji, Karim ORCID: (1999) Wild life: representations and constructions of Yardies. In: Making Trouble: Cultural Representations of Crime, Deviance and Control. Aldine de Gruyter, New York, USA, pp. 179-201. ISBN 9780202306186

Murji, Karim ORCID: (1998) The agony and the ecstasy: drugs, media and morality. In: The Control of Drugs and Drug Users: Reason or Reaction? Harwood Academic Publishers, Amsterdam, Netherlands, pp. 69-85. ISBN 9789057021886

Conference or Workshop Item

Murji, Karim ORCID: (2012) Advancing multiculturalism: learning lessons from scholarly advocacy. In: Debating Multiculturalism 2, 03-05 May 2012, Istanbul, Turkey.


Murji, Karim ORCID:, Neal, Sarah and Solomos, John (2022) An introduction to sociology. Sage, London. ISBN 9781526492791

Murji, Karim ORCID: (2018) The Transnational Imaginaries of M. G. Vassanji. Interdisciplinary Studies in Diasporas. Peter Lang, New York. ISBN 9781433147548

Murji, Karim ORCID: (2017) Racism, policy and politics. Policy Press, Bristol. ISBN 9781447319580

Murji, Karim ORCID: and Solomos, John (2015) Theories of race and ethnicity: contemporary debates and perspectives. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. ISBN 9780521154260

Murji, Karim ORCID: (2015) Investigating the social world 1. The Open University. ISBN 9781780079554

Murji, Karim ORCID: and Bhattacharyya, Gargi (2013) Race critical public scholarship. This book was originally published as a special issue of Ethnic and Racial Studies. Routledge, Abingdon. ISBN 9780415745840

Murji, Karim ORCID: and Solomos, John (2004) Racialization: studies in theory and practice. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK. ISBN 9780199257027

Murji, Karim ORCID: (1998) Policing Drugs. Ashgate, Aldershot, UK. ISBN 9781840143836

Dorn, Nicholas, Murji, Karim ORCID: and South, Nigel (1991) Traffickers: drug markets and law enforcement. Routledge, London, UK. ISBN 9780415035378


Murji, Karim ORCID: and Afridi, Asif (2021) One step beyond: examining diversity frameworks for equalities policy and practice. Discussion Paper. brap, Birmingham, UK.

Andrews, Molly, Arnot, Madeleine, Anthias, Floya, Ashe, Stephen, Brah, Avtar, Dona, Giorgia, Erel, Umut, Gidley, Ben, Humphris, Rachel, Kofman, Elenore, Mondon, Aurelien, Murji, Karim ORCID:, Phoenix, Ann, Sigona, Nando, Squire, Corinne, Targarona, Nuria, Wemyss, Georgie, Winter, Aaron and Yuval-Davis, Nira (2020) Migration, racism and the hostile environment: making the case for the social sciences. Discussion Paper. UNSPECIFIED.


Murji, Karim ORCID: and Afridi, Asif (2019) Using data to drive improvements in race equality in the public sector. UNSPECIFIED.

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