Crewe, Jonathon ORCID:
The construction of (white) working-class identity in narrative literary texts and its contribution to socio-cultural and politico-financial inequality.
Journal for Cultural Research, 25 (3).
pp. 237-251.
ISSN 1479-7585
Henning, Michelle ORCID:
Image flow: photography on tap.
Photographies, 11 (2-3).
ISSN 1754-0763
Henning, Michelle ORCID:
Living life in pictures: isotype as modernist cultural practice.
New Formations (70).
ISSN 0950-2378
Henning, Michelle ORCID:
The floating face: Garbo, photography and death masks.
Photographies, 10 (2).
pp. 157-178.
ISSN 1754-0763
Henning, Michelle ORCID:
The worlding of light and air: Dufaycolor and Selochrome in the 1930s.
Visual Culture in Britain, 21 (2).
pp. 177-198.
ISSN 1471-4787
Henning, Michelle and Mikuriya, Theresa ORCID:
Light sensitive material: an introduction.
Photographies, 14 (3).
pp. 381-394.
ISSN 1754-0763
Hester, Helen ORCID:
Care under capitalism: the crisis of “women's work”.
IPPR Progressive Review, 24 (4).
ISSN 2573-2331
Hester, Helen ORCID: and Srnicek, Nick
Love’s labours lost: post-work and social reproduction.
Electra (10).
Huddie, Paul (2015) British military recruitment in Ireland during the Crimean war, 1854-56. British Journal for Military History, 2 (1). pp. 34-55. ISSN 2057-0422
Mikuriya, Theresa ORCID:
Becoming Plant: a supplement to Roger Caillois' compendium of 'le fantastique naturel'.
Antennae: The Journal of Nature in Visual Culture (53).
pp. 100-111.
ISSN 1756-9575
Minhas, Rashid ORCID: and Frumkin, Lara
A Review of Cultural and Ethnic Bias in Investigative Decision-making: Selected Cases.
Journal of Ethnicity in Criminal Justice, 21 (3).
Nardelli, Matilde ORCID:
Desert/Oasis: interruption and continuation.
Prospect VI, VI.
Nardelli, Matilde ORCID:
Like a mass image: Federico Fellini’s Le Tentazioni del Dottor Antonio, advertising and mimicry.
Italian Studies.
ISSN 0075-1634
Nardelli, Matilde ORCID:
Moving Pictures: Cinema and Its Obsolescence in Contemporary Art.
Journal of Visual Culture, 8.
Nardelli, Matilde ORCID:
Timothy Barker (2018) against transmission: media philosophy and the engineering of time.
Film-Philosophy, 24 (1).
pp. 75-77.
ISSN 1466-4615
Robson, Deirdre ORCID:
Gender and the market for modern art in the United States.
New Vistas, 8 (1).
pp. 41-46.
ISSN 2056-967X
Robson, Deirdre ORCID:
Industry: art angel? Pepsi-Cola's "Portrait of America" art annual as an early instance of corporate art sponsorship.
Journal Of American Culture, 38 (4).
pp. 329-342.
ISSN 1542-734X
Charles, Monique ORCID:
Are you grime or part-time?! Reviewing race and ‘realness’ in Britain’s grime scene.
Relating Worlds of Racism: Dehumanisation, Belonging, and the Normativity of European Whiteness.
Palgrave Macmillan, Springer, Basingstoke, Hampshire, pp. 299-327.
ISBN 9783319789897
Fales, Ludovica (2018) Tahrir Square: a space extended to the people watching it. In: Body Images in the Post-Cinematic Scenario: The Digitization of the Body. Post-Cinema & Digital Cultures. Mimesis International, Sesto San Giovanni (MI), Italy. ISBN 9788869771095
Henning, Michelle ORCID:
Of tennis courts and fireplaces: Neurath's internment on the Isle of Man and his politics of design.
Neurath Reconsidered: New Sources and Perspectives.
Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science, 336.
Springer, pp. 413-434.
ISBN 9783030021283
Hester, Helen ORCID:
Material hegemony now: domestic realism and financial capitalism.
A New Society.
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montreal.
(In Press)
Nardelli, Matilde ORCID:
Cinema as (in)visible object: looking, making and re-making.
Theorizing Cinema Through Contemporary Art: Expanding Cinema.
Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam.
ISBN 9789462989467
Nardelli, Matilde (2017) The small, the large and the moving: Bruno Munari and cinema. In: Bruno Munari: The Lightness of Art. Italian Modernities Series. Peter Lang, Oxford, UK, pp. 253-291. ISBN 9783034319379
Strong, Jeremy ORCID:
Adapting Pagnol and Provence.
French Literature on Screen.
Manchester University Press, Manchester, UK.
ISBN 9781784995171
Strong, Jeremy ORCID:
The Routledge Handbook of Landscape and Food.
Routledge, London, UK, pp. 73-80.
ISBN 9781138125155
Charles, Monique ORCID:
Grime's gigabytes: the digital space connected to place.
In: Crossing Borders: Marginality and opportunity in contemporary British urban youth culture, 17 Aug 2017, Cambridge, UK.
Charles, Monique ORCID:
Reggae remix = grime time: recontextualising cultural aurality through new soundscapes.
In: Reggae Research Network, hosted by Liverpool University, 18-19 May 2017, Liverpool, UK.
Charles, Monique ORCID:
Retheorising genre: musicological discourse analysis (MDA) through the lens of grime, Afrobeats, UK funky/tribal house and grimy garage.
In: Second international symposium on African musics - African music in the Twenty-first century: challenges and directions: University of Ghana, Legon, 09-12 Aug 2018, Ghana.
Charles, Monique ORCID:
The politics of grime.
In: Black History Month: The Politics of Grime, 17 Oct 2016, Leeds University Student Union.
Charles, Monique ORCID:, Long, Paulette, Cross, Sandra and Mohamad, Munira
Women on record.
In: The Reggae Research Network conference: Reggae Futures Day 2: Bass Culture, 2-3 Nov 2017, London, UK.
Dowd, Garin ORCID:
Cinephilia falls to Earth: thinking the image after Daney.
In: Changer, échanger: Serge Daney. Workshop 1 of Serge Daney and Queer Cinephilia (AHRC network), 27-28 Sept 2018, Paris (INHA).
Garcia, Manuel and Cordeiro, Joao ORCID:
A survey on graphic communication and publishing practices in the Portuguese independent music scene.
In: KISMIF Conference 2014, 8-11 Julho 2014, Oporto, Portugal.
Meynell, Anthony ORCID:
From West London to the world, the British Mod phenomenon.
In: 15th IASPM UK and Ireland Biennial Conference: London Calling, 19-31 Jun 2020, London.
Mikuriya, Junko Theresa ORCID:
From photophania to photagogia: a journey in the history of light.
In: International Day of Light Symposium, 16 May 2018, Chelsea College of Art, University of the Arts London.
Mikuriya, Junko Theresa ORCID:
Three entries in the history of light.
In: Cities of Light: Paris, 4 May 2018, University of Paris Sorbonne, Paris, France.
Henning, Michelle ORCID:
Museums, media and cultural theory.
Open University Press, Maidenhead, UK.
ISBN 9780335214198
Henning, Michelle ORCID:
Photography: the unfettered image.
Routledge, London, UK.
ISBN 9781138782556
Mikuriya, Junko Theresa ORCID:
A history of light: the idea of photography.
Bloomsbury Academic, London, UK.
ISBN 9781474254175
Nardelli, Matilde ORCID:
Antonioni and the aesthetics of impurity: remaking the image in the 1960s.
Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, UK.
ISBN 9781474444040
Nardelli, Matilde, Antonello, Pierpaolo and Zanoletti, Margherita (2017) Bruno Munari: the lightness of art. Italian Modernitie Series. Peter Lang, Oxford, UK. ISBN 9781787079915
Ke, Lijia (2009) Relating tradition to innovation within the Chinese arts: the application of digital technique to visual art. Doctoral thesis, Thames Valley University.
Charles, Monique ORCID:
Young Thug - devil in a blue dress?
GRM Daily, United Kingdom.
Henry, William Anthony (2018) Then and Now Exhibition by Made In Lewisham. [Show/Exhibition]