Person centered care: advanced philosophical perspectives

Loughlin, Michael ORCID: (2020) Person centered care: advanced philosophical perspectives. European Journal for Person Centred Healthcare, 8 (1). pp. 20-33. ISSN 2052-5656

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Loughlin_2020_EJPCH_-_Editorial_introduction_-_Person_centered_care_-_advanced_philosophical_perspectives.pdf - Published Version

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The ideas and terminology of person-centred care have been part of health discourse for a very long time. Arguments that in healthcare one treats the whole person, not her/his component parts, date back at least to antiquity and the need to treat the patient as a person is articulated persuasively by clinical authors in the early twentieth century. Yet it is only in recent years that we have seen a growing consensus in health policy and practice literature that PCC, and associated ideas including patient expertise, co-production and shared decision-making, are not simply “fine ideals” or “ethical add-ons” to sound scientific clinical practice, but rather they represent indispensable components of any genuinely integrated, realistic and conceptually sound account of healthcare practice.
The underlying conviction of this volume - one belief that, despite their differences, unites all of its contributors - is that PCC should not become the latest “revolutionary” concept to be “operationalised” before being “conceptualised”. It is imperative that we develop an open and inclusive dialogue about what we do and do not mean by “person-centred” to inform our attempts to implement PCC.

Item Type: Article
Identifier: 10.5750/ejpch.v8i1.1817
Additional Information: This is the final published version of an article which appears in the European Journal of Person Centered Healthcare, published by Aesculapius Medical Press and The European Society for Person Centered Healthcare. This version of the article is made available with permission of the Secretary General of the European Society for Person Centered Healthcare and is available to view at the following link: (DOI link:
Keywords: Clinical reasoning, evidence-based medicine, health discourse, health policy, history of ideas, knowledge, person-centered care, philosophy, theory-practice gap
Subjects: Medicine and health > Person centered care
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Depositing User: Michael Loughlin
Date Deposited: 18 Aug 2020 17:58
Last Modified: 06 Feb 2024 16:04


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