Northcott, Andy ORCID:, Boddington, Paula and Featherstone, Katie
The arrhythmia of bodily urgency: Using rhythmanalysis to understand the organisation of care people living with dementia experience within acute hospital wards.
SSM - Qualitative Research in Health, 7.
p. 100535.
ISSN 2667-3215
(In Press)
Mwale, Shadreck ORCID:, Northcott, Andy
ORCID: and Featherstone, Katie
Privileges, and Permissions: theorising intersectionality and cultures of control in the care of people living with dementia in acute hospital settings.
Sociology of Health and Illness, 47 (1).
Mwale, Shadreck ORCID:, Northcott, Andy
ORCID:, Lambert, Imogen and Featherstone, Katie
“Becoming restrained”: Conceptualising restrictive practices in the care of people living with dementia in acute hospital settings.
Journal of Sociology of Health and Illness.
Boddington, Paula, Northcott, Andy ORCID: and Featherstone, Katie
Personhood as projection: The value of multiple conceptions of personhood for understanding the dehumanisation of people living with dementia.
Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy, 27.
pp. 93-106.
ISSN 1386-7423
Northcott, Andy ORCID:, Boddington, Paula and Featherstone, Katie
Pad cultures: an ethnography of continence care and its consequences for people living with dementia during a hospital admission.
ISSN 1471-3012
Featherstone, Katie, Northcott, Andy ORCID:, Boddington, Paula, Edwards, Deborah, Vougioukalou, Sofia, Bale, Sue, Harrison Dening, Karen, Logan, Karen, Tope, Rosie, Kelly, Daniel, Jones, Aled, Askey, Jackie and Harden, Jane
Understanding approaches to continence care for people living with dementia in acute hospital settings: an ethnographic study.
Health and Social Care Delivery Research, 10 (14).
ISSN 2755-0060
Boddington, Paula, Featherstone, Katie and Northcott, Andy (2021) Presentation of the clothed self on the hospital ward: an ethnographic account of perceptual attention and implications for the personhood of people living with dementia. Medical Humanities, 47 (2). e3-e3. ISSN 1468-215X
Featherstone, Katie, Boddington, Paula and Northcott, Andy (2020) Using signs and symbols to label hospital patients with a dementia diagnosis: help or hindrance to care? Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics, 10 (1). pp. 49-61. ISSN 2157-1732
Featherstone, Katie and Northcott, Andy ORCID:
Wandering the wards: an ethnography of hospital care and its consequences for people living with dementia.
Routledge Studies in Health and Medical Anthropology.
Taylor and Francis, Routledge, UK.
ISBN 9781003087335