Dicheva, N.K., Ur Rehman, I., Anwar, Aamir, Nasralla, M.M., Husamaldin, L. and Aleshaiker, Sama (2023) Digital Transformation in Nursing Education: A Systematic Review on Computer-Aided Nursing Education Pedagogies, Recent Advancements and Outlook on the Post-COVID-19 Era. IEEE Access, 11. pp. 135659-135695.
Anwar, Aamir, Rehman, Ikram ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0115-9024, Dicheva, N.K. and Ul Haq, I
Analysing user experience of dynamic group formation (DGF) in intelligent tutor collaborative learning (ITSCL) using aspect-based sentiment analysis.
In: Interacción '23: XXIII International Conference on Human Computer Interaction, 04 Sep 2023, online.