Impact of the uses of various technologies on the thermal performance and energy efficiency of UK hotel buildings: application to Hilton hotels in the UK

Rotimi, Abdulazeez (2018) Impact of the uses of various technologies on the thermal performance and energy efficiency of UK hotel buildings: application to Hilton hotels in the UK. Doctoral thesis, University of West London.

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Abdulazeez_Rotimi_Final_Thesis_(Oct_2018).pdf - Accepted Version

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A substantial reduction in the amount of carbon dioxide emissions resulting from human activities is required to curb global warming and this has led to the development of numerous measures to ensure that cleaner and more efficient energy sources are utilised in all facets of people’s daily lives. Globally, buildings account for almost half of the energy use in both developed and developing nations. Commercial buildings account for a sizeable proportion of this building energy consumption and this trend will probably continue to increase. Therefore, concerted efforts are currently being directed at the development and application of effective building strategies and measures to improve energy efficiency in buildings. This study evaluates the impact of various energy efficiency measures and technologies on the thermal and energy performance of UK hotel buildings using a whole building dynamic simulation software (application to Hilton hotels) with a focus on the knock-on effects that these technologies will have on the overall energy performance and efficiency of UK hotels, either installed individually or in various combinations. The study employs a quantitative research approach underpinned by the thermal analysis simulation of various case study hotel buildings to address the supposition that dynamic climatic conditions, building energy consumption estimates, building energy efficiency improvement strategies and building thermal behaviour can be appropriately simulated to enhance the energy efficiency of commercial buildings and abate the unfavourable effects of global climate change. The outcome of the research presents a practical approach of estimating the energy consumption of operational hotel buildings with relative accuracy aimed at testing the suitability of various ii energy improvement measures. The research also demonstrates that holistic consideration, design and retrofitting of different types of building façade energy improvement measures such as enhanced glazing and window properties and appropriate ventilation of double-skin-façades can improve the thermal and energy performance of existing hotel buildings. Additionally, the research results established that retrofit Combined Heat and Power (CHP) in relatively large hotels, either sized maximally or with reduced capacity of more than half of the maximum size, can provide sizeable environmental and economic benefits. However, results of the evaluation of the current decarbonisation of the UK power grid indicate that the environmental benefits of fossil fuel powered CHP become less pronounced for the future grid projections. Moreover, optimum CHP size design can be obtained via evaluation of the relationship between the core building performance parameters and their variation with CHP sizes.

Item Type: Thesis (Doctoral)
Subjects: Construction and engineering
Depositing User: Users 4141 not found.
Date Deposited: 16 Jul 2019 15:58
Last Modified: 28 Aug 2021 07:27


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